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Post Futamilla
Kill yourself.
Where the fuck are my Twincest alts?
Cum inside Cumilla!
>there's a possibility Camilla could best Lyn
What fucking timeline are we in?
Would you leave your NEET cave to go to the beach with this group?
The best one.
Fuck off.
Lucina lost so an average one
Lancina sounds better.
Still number 1 in IS's and my book
She's doing worse than Lucina, you fucking idiot. How do your etards still not understand how these gauntlets work?
>she's doing worse than Lucina
>implying that's a bad thing with the shitty multiplier
if they get a high multiplier near the last hours we're fucking done
>no summer Camilla
Why do they hate money?
Still too early to accurately predict that but if it does happen the fallout will be hilarious so fingers crossed.
>your etards
Wow rude
There were many things wrong with Fates, the royals weren't one of them. Stay mad they got in some shitty musou over your waifu.
Camillacuck is mentally ill like his waifu. Just ignore and pity them.
*Right in your face*
luna, draconic aura or keep glacies on a +atk klein? i'm thinking luna might be the best choice if i run into the odd boey or henry, as well as letting me get a guaranteed kill on all armors without DC
You fail to understand the magnitude of flags Lyn's army is holding onto.
>A waifu round upset
That would be hilarious. And the drawfag porn would be exquisite.
Where's the "Pegging Minerva" picture, Camillafag? I need it for my biology project.
They have good taste.
Luna is best
Ok that's it. That's fucking it. I've lost like 4 consecutive gauntlet matches on team Ike because I'm always up against at least one blue and not a single green ally in sight.
Seriously stop being retarded and set a green as your leader. Also helps with the green quest.
Has the director behind Warriors even played Fire Emblem? Even someone who's only exposure to Fire Emblem is a month of playing Heroes would know that the sword lord argument is braindead retarded
Drink bleach closet fag.
How do I recruit Fury on chapter 3.
She doesn't want to talk with Sigurd.
It's in the album here
and posted here
6 gokus
I ain't closet, cutie.
Get better friends.
Can we at least have Zamasu and/or Goku Rosé
Does double SP affect the SP you get upon level up, or only on kills?
>Ephraim and Hector are the most loved lords in their game
black, bardock, and turles
>red Ike outclassed by Ryouma
>green Ike outclassed by Hector
Who will blue Ike outclassed by?
Only on kills.
try talking to her with that stud that came with the dancer
>forcing Nephenee to walk around in such a fashion
Why are you so mean
Who else here has a BEST FRIEND to buff them?
Why is this cow in the lead?
I bet Hector's animation would have looked good
I can see where they are coming from with the sword argument, let's be real 90% of FE MC's use swords. If they would have worded it a bit better i think it would have blew over better.
and giving one of the OC's use a different weapon would have helped
orally pleasure nephenee!
Cows live on the plains. It's only natural for them to be its superior.
How would Nephenee be in bed?
Since I asked at the end of the last thread I'll try again. Can a -Atk +Res Boey I pulled that cucked my pity rate be salvaged with a -raven tome/TA/QR2 or should I grind him up into SI paste to a green mage for gronnowl+.
Ask Heather.
What sword argument?
Give his Renewal to a Bartre
Felicia is the cutest! She means everything to me! She makes my life worth living! I couldn't go on without her! I want to hold her in my arms and never let go! My feelings for her will never fade! My love for her is eternal! I love Felicia!
tempest trials reward please i will sell my brave lyn
Do you red nuke, /feg/?
Awful bane and absolute worst boon. Give his Gronnowl+ to someone.
>took literally two bonus rounds in a row for Camilla to get ahead
not that I'm complaining, based flag mommy of high army rank
Fuck, she suicided.
Is me or Sylvia is kinda slutty. She talked with Alec and she sounds like a cheap whore.
Guys... I'm scared. I'm shaking. Just the thought of our sweet Lyn losing to some harlot is making my stomach turn. I... I don't know what I'm gonna do, bros... I might end up doing something crazy...!
The animation looks good. Fred being stuck to the axe is we weird.
I do find it amusing tho
How to build spd/def Raven?
Luciniggers on SUICIDE WATCH
this person knows what they're doing
+SPD -RES Nowi?
>Red Nuke
Just wait until I give her Death Blow and a Bladetome
Gonna change that for axebreaker 3, can't handle armads
Leo's stats: 39/29/33/25/30
Reinhardt's stats without Dime: 38/32/23/27/25
Even Reinhardt without his prf does better than Leo at his "niches"
Whoops I meant to write Leo's speed as 22
>blade with death blow
not strong enough
I have 2 Faes that are sitting as renewal bait. So the only skills I think are best fed are his -owl tome and Ignis/Earth boost.
Figured as much, would Soren benefit more from an -owl+ tome than the -blade+ tome he currently has? If not I guess I'll have to wait until I up a Merric to 5*/get MERRIC'd (who'd appreciate raven more) or I pull another green mage that comes out in the future who'd like it more.
nice "buffs", boy
>reddit still thinks CYL units are good
>1 entire more attack
Oh man
Can any of your sets oneshot Hector? I think not.
Sanaki'd still be stronger.
>Wake up
>Check the Score Tracker
>Camilla set to beat /ourgirl/ Lyn
>been playing since launch
>still don't have a single Lilina
get in my army already you dumb bandit-fucking slut
Defiant atk counts as a buff, so it's +14 to her 54 once she gets below half health.
>54 attack
Which team did all the Lucinafags switch to?
they are
>the actual on time thread gets deleted
what the fuck mods
+def or + res hag tiki? both are -spd, I'm leaning towards +def so she can be a super physical wall.
>Cymbeline AND Hone Atk
Why did they have to give her such a redundant base kit?