Fate/Grand Order General - /fgog/

Previous >news.fate-go.jp/2017/0821apup/
Early-mid September update

>New monthly items exchange

>Class rate-up

>Free Quest 1/2 AP

>Illya rate-up gacha
>NP upgrade for Illya and Skill upgrade for Kuro

>English FGO has its own general for now, search /fgoalter/ in the catalog


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: June 29)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>NP Comparison

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Other urls found in this thread:



>The Servants who experienced the bitterness of being discarded in the transition from the proto-version of “Apocrypha” featured in “Complete material IV” to the official light novels.
>The one who disappeared first was Sakata Kintoki. As an enemy to the protagonist side, he’s a far too nice guy to fight, and as an ally, he’s very reliable. Furthermore, one aspect of the plot that was decided near the beginning was that “Frankenstein will use her Noble Phantasm and revive”, so Frankenstein had to take up the slot for the ally Berserker, causing Kintoki to be discarded.

>we could have had Kintoki instead of Fran if it wasn't for the pointless revival

Mods do it for free

>Black team
>not the protagonists

>Frankenstein will use her Noble Phantasm and revive
So she was actually supposed to come back, what a shame.

Columbus bond lines

>Lv1 「あんまり人の下に付くのは慣れてねェんだがよォ……。まぁ、よろしく頼むぜ」
>Lv2 「この航海の体制にも馴染んできたか?ま、馴染んできた頃合いが一番危険なんだがよ。不幸な事故、とかな」
>Lv3 「なに?卵の底の殻を割って……?立ててねェ、立ててねェ。俺だったら三日三晩かけても普通に立てるっての。諦めなきゃあいつか立つってことを示したほうがよっぽど有益だろう」
>Lv4 「分かってきたみてえだな、俺たちは同じ船に乗って同じ新天地を目指してる相棒みてえなもんよ。さあ、全速前進だぜマスター!」
>Lv5 「俺達はバッチリの信頼関係を築けてるみてぇだな。な、しんどい時には、俺をお前さんの名代にして、指揮を任せてくれてもいいんだぜ? お前さんの負担を減らしてやりてぇんだよ」

1) I'm not used to working under someone... Well, let's get along.
2) Have I gotten used to the order of this voyage yet? Hm, well you see it's most dangerous when you 'get used' to something. Like say, a disastrous accident may happen.
3) What? Cracking the bottom of the egg's shell...? It stands, it stands indeed. Even if I took three days and three nights it would've stood. It's way more profitable if you show how it'll stand eventually if you don't give up.
4) I get it now. We're like partners that are aboard the same ship with our sights set on the new world together. Come now, let's go full speed ahead Master!
5) Seems like we've built up a relationship of trust. Hey, in a difficult time it's fine if you can leave me to command as your proxy you know. I want to lessen your burden.

Why did /bns/ steal our redman?

So about this EoR3 "leak" from previous thread, is this just bullshit wishposting or are there proofs ?


>Got spooked by jannu
>then this
Why is this allowed.

Everyone loves smug redman

Columbus bond lines
Post name reveal

>Lv2 「召喚されたからにゃぁ、ある程度はお前さんのスタンスに従うがよォ。同じように、ある程度は俺のスタンスも理解してほしいなァ」
>Lv5 「ハッハー!マスター、お前は俺の最高の相棒だぜェ!これからもたっぷりおいしい思いをさせてくれよな!」

2) Since I've been summoned by you, I'll abide by your position to an extent. Likewise, I want you to understand my position to an extent.
5) Haha! Master, you're my best partner! Keep letting me have plenty of these delicious experiences!

NP lines

>「ハッハァッ、辿り着いたぜェ! 信念と夢の果て、お宝だらけの新天地によォ! 野郎どもォ! 錨を降ろせェ! ファッハッハァ! 『新天地探索路』!
Ha ha ha, I've arrived! At the end of faith and dreams, a new land full of treasures! Men! Lower the anchor! Fuhahaha! 「The way to the new land」(Santa Maria Drop Anchor)!

>「今度は何が掴めるのかねェ? くふ、ふははははは、ふはっはっはっは! 考えるだけでワクワクが止まんねェ! 『新天地探索路』!
What shall I snatch this time? Kufu, Fuhahahahaha, Fuhahahaha! Just thinking about it makes me so excited! 「The way to the new land」(Santa Maria Drop Anchor)!

This is your warden(wife) for ever

Post cute banana onis

Ascension lines

>1 「見た目の威厳てェのは意外と大事だぜ、部下に舐められちまうからよォ」
>2 「らしくなってきたじゃねぇか。長い航海、これからもよろしく頼むぜィ」
>3 「おいおい、こんなに贅沢しちまっていいのかよォ!ったく、嫌いじゃあねぇがな」
>4 「完璧な姿だなァ。ったく、こんなになっちまったら、我慢がきかねぇかもしれねぇぞ?」

1) Having dignity in your appearance is unexpectedly important. Your subordinates will look down on you otherwise.
2) That's more like it. Cheers on this long voyage.
3) Oi oi, is this kind of luxury okay? Really, not that I dislike it though.
4) This is my complete form. Geez, now that it's like this my self control might not work anymore.

Post name reveal
>3 「いいねェ、金に糸目をつけないこの感じ。大好きだぜ」
>4 「ファッハー! これがコロンブス終身提督様の真の姿だァ! さぁて、気分よくお宝ゲットと行こうかァ!」

3) Excellent, this feeling of the best money can buy. I love it.
4) Aha! This is the true form of the life of the Commodore Columbus! Now, shall we merrily collect some treasure?

My room lines

>2「マスター、なぁ? お前さんが船長で、俺が副船長みてぇなもんってことだろ?ハハッ、了解了解」

1) Get moving onto the next voyage.
2) Master huh? You’re the captain and I’m the vice-captain right? Haha, roger that.



>Chuya designed playable characters in some random Kancolle ripoff before anything for FGO

here, I'll do you one better

>until some user pointed it out I didn't realized that he was voiced by Yazan

Ushi a cute.

>Rolled to try for Jack
>get this instead

Not complaining, Doggo is cool and all but where can I slot him in besides killing Rulers?


3) Sailors must obey their captain, that’s all. Otherwise the ship will never advance.

/Post name reveal/


4) You may be the master but at the same time I think you as my partner. Don’t let me down.
5) Oh? It seems there’s quite a noteworthy sailor here. But whether we join arms in an attack or kill each other can be known only when we board the same ship. (With ???)
6) So that’s the ‘almighty person’? I know at least their name from hearsay but were they really like that…? (With Da Vinci)

>Likes「好きなもの? 決まってんだろう。金と地位と名声!んで、それを生み出してくれるお宝だよ」

What I like? That’s obvious. Money, status and fame! And of course treasure that brings those things.

>Dislikes 「船長の言う事を聞かねえ船員ってのはまあ困ったもんだよな。航海の途中で人手を減らすわけにもいかねえしよ。ま、いよいよとなれば処分するしかねえんだが」

Sailors that don’t listen to their captain are troubling. It won’t do to diminish manpower in the middle of voyage. Well if it comes down to it, you’ve just got to dispose of them.

So, we have
>a woman who pretended to be a man
>a woman who was recorded as a man by others
>a woman who everyone treated like a man despite 2 obvious differences
>many women who are known as men except not here
>a woman who originally pretended to be a man, but then got big
>a man who looks like the woman he fucked with for a whole week but is actually just a genderless clay man
>a woman who actually was a man in life even here
>that french mess
>a woman who has many male personalities/a man who has at least one female personality (which one was it again?)
>a man who looks like a girl
What next?

How? The guy does the exact same voice for every single character.

Thanks man

Friendly reminder this is the shit the chinks pulled.



I just didn't noticed but you can really tell by his NP


The holy grail… What that treasure is worth, I can’t even begin to imagine.


Oi oi, don’t dawdle around. Now is our chance to bring in treasure by the barrelful.


Hm so it’s your birthday. If there’s something you want I can get it for you.


I’m Columbus. Christopher Columbus. Now then, what treasures could be awaiting me on this voyage?


A woman who pretended to be her dead brother for a competition, being summoned as her brother who actually is her sister.

>5) Oh? It seems there’s quite a noteworthy sailor here. But whether we join arms in an attack or kill each other can be known only when we board the same ship. (With ???)

Friendly reminder NAcucks unironically want Jack censored

How is Raikou not censored also

What happened in Boudica's story appearance?

The chink ""leak"" that 10M DL will be on Wednesday
Rewards are
>Quartz,QPs,tickets etc.
>Half AP dailies
>Amakusa/Jeanne Rate up
>Animation update for Atalanta,Siegfried and Frankenstein
>Costume quest for Jeanne Alter,Saber Alter,D'eon and Astolfo

In exchange for 100 quartz, yes. Her first sprite is the best anyway.

To Columbus translator user:

From the few Columbusfags in this thread

>Still no Karna animation update

>It's shit
I'll believe it

Please clarify a little bit, this stuff is kind of hard to track

>>Amakusa/Jeanne Rate up
Why, Jeanne is on rate now and tehy are far from the most liked character. 10M deserve better.

>Costume quests
Please be true.

>half AP

>I have all those servants
If astolfo has a good costume I'll level him.

Why doesn't Siegfried's Brunhilde have fucked up hair and a seifuku?

>Apocrypha shilling

Not surprised at all.

Wouldn't want her art to be haram now, would we.

Mo-san almost saved us from Sieg she's a true hero and real human bean

Did a single 10 roll hopping for Jannu, the desire sensor has failed to upset me today.

I did want bigoltiddies but I'll live.

Apoc event if this """leak""" is true. It leaves the other Apocs to be updated then.

Probably maid from agartha if it's true.

Look like they can't do Apo full gacha because Chiron still dont use his NP in anime.

Apocrypha event soon?

Semiramis when?

I half-believed you in the the four custome part. They barely do 1 per event.

She wasn't a valkyrie, if I recall, just a queen.

I am the Columbusfag who asked for translation last thread. Thank you, translators. Your efforts won't disappear with this thread: I pastebinned it all here.

Again, thanks

If only she cut off his head.

>/a/ has Sieg apologists

What went wrong?

Oh shit I forgot.
>Megalos Herc never

Maybe I'll level my NP 5 Sumanai if his animations are good

there was a reddit thread with people arguing jack's design is inappropriate and they should change it for NA


>Roll for Amakusa
>Get Jeanne
>Burn her
Not falling for this bait gacha

It is so shit I believe it

>no Free 4*

You're welcome. I don't like Columbus but your love moved me.

Post sauce

a woman who actually was a man and isn't pleased with this kind of fuck up

Who /ready/ to burn all copies of welfare Sieg whenever he comes?

>compared to OURS
>this includes Bazett who BTFO Gilgameme and Memekles Install

Apo event

Casuals who think they're smarter than they are and have to be contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.

>can't bring myself to burn anything I don't have NP5
>forced to have both versions of Ishtar in my lineup

Honestly, i support the idea of changing her design, but not because it's inappropriate. It's just random and not exactly fitting. Even if she wasn't a loli, i'd still hate it.
Not that i believe it's ever going to change.

>beating the Herc install

I knew Melvin was a secondary

Redman belongs to 4ch meme, not fgog´s

Frankenmoe is shit, such a weak servant

There's no way the gacha will be that shit

>retard can't read
Memekles Install is part of OURS too so he gets overwhelmed by INVINCIBLE.

>Half AP
I'll take it and be happy about it

what if they gave Jeanne another Strengthening that put debuff immunity on one of her skills

>yfw discount Sumanai is going to be better than Sumanai

This is my husband. Say something about him.

The master was shit

I want her to get an animation update that increases her hit count.

>Sigurd comes out
>He is superior to Siegfried in every way

Can't wait

>muh Sieg a shit
Shut up, he is a qt and I want to hold hands with him in front of Astolfo and Jeanne.

>they put debuff immunity on True Name Discernment
>the enemy loses NP strength but is now immune to debuffs
Thanks DW

Why is your husband a (she)? Are you some kind of sissy bottom faggot?

>Costume quest for Jeanne Alter,Saber Alter,D'eon and Astolfo
muh dick

They can just replace useless NP-down skill with her Charisma.

Sieg ends up being stronger than Sumanai though

Gays were a mistake

Cape or no cape