>Heroes FAQ and links
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>Links and Resources
>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
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Feathers for me
Camilla is shit
Cum inside Cumilla!
I hope she's free, I won't handle not rolling her, specially since I'm out of f2p orbs.
+atk -def Hana worth build or wait for a +spd?
Play the fucking browser game.
Show me your Ikey-poos /feg/
Has anyone made a bot that can do the Quick Hero Battles on desktop?
Dori is a-dori-ble!
Pure LaD fodder my son
Who is better
Hector, or Amelia?
>just hit 4% on the 5 star rate, 10 orbs left
>still hav Sept Quest orbs, two sets of Lunatic CC, and the rest of the dailies to go
What are the odds of rolling a Brave Lucina with the stuff I can scrape together?
>he fell for the feathers metagame meme
wait for -res instead
+spd and +atk are both good but you want -res the most
Just getting back into feh. When should I use my flags?
Play the fucking browser game /feg/. i need them orbs
Varg is a mentally retarded idiot that should stay in the woods.
Kektor had too many multipliers
when there's a bonus
Favorite unit in the game so far.
Is there a way to play it in english?
Amelia, assuming proper SI.
But you run both anyways.
hoard them until the last round or until you have a bonus hour
So which team is the best team to join if all you give a shit about are feathers?
Which awakening kids do you use in awakening
Is a +res/-def Klein worth 5* Lv40 or should I just upgrade then slap the bow on someone else
I want her to ride my cock
and save fliers
Anyone got a non-potato quality version of this image.
I want to know for sure they seriously have a weapon called "Steel Tome" in Warriors.
Hector or Camilla.
Too many units want DB3. Use Gordin for BB+ instead.
whoever is going to lose
Just spent 40k feathers 5*+1ing Ursula because I will never get the Thundertwins, how do I build her?
No need to be rude.
Somone had better post that file that heather stole from the last thread.
To the user last thread that was talking about Mathilda, you are building her wrong.
What gives more score in the arena: 200 higher SP total or 1 merge?
Whichever are kids of the parents you used.
Except Inigo because Olivia's base stats that she passes are shit and his paralogue is hard as heck
Lucina, Severa, Inigo, Owain and of course, Morgan.
I'm building my first cav meme.
I have Brave Lyn, Brave Roy and Cecilia for now, but I only have Hone Cav and Fortify Cav.
Who should I inherit them to?
Lyn is neut, Roy is +atk -hp and Cecilia is +SPD -Can't remember.
What planet are you from
Fury, LnD or Darting blow are all good A's, up to preference, I like Darting blow because of inflated bullshit speed stats. And desperation. Of course you want Blarblade+.
>Tales crossover banner
>Lyn as Velvet
>Camilla as Judith or Tear
>Tana as Arche
>Marth as Lloyd
>Ike and Soren as Sorey and Mikleo
Morgan, Lucina. all other 2nd gens are too much effort.
the planet of softboys
>steel tome
Laurent and Kjelle since they have easy paralogues and are also pretty underrated
>steel tome
is that why bruno is so ripped?
he has a tome made of steel?
So is brave Ike shit or not? Getting conflicting messages.
Morgan and...actually it was just Morgan. She may have brain damage but my little idiot always ends up hitting like a freight train
Top kek
Who greenlit this fucking game
Don't diss, there's some really heavy stuff in that tome
>Lyn as Velvet
What a massive downgrade from real Velvet.
It's just falseflagging from the Reddit boy army, Ike is great.
So how broken is CYLyn now that people have finally used her?
Does that upgrade from a fucking brick?
It occur to you that maybe its a placeholder name for a tome with MT equal to a steel weapon?
>We will probably have a silver Tome too
Sack a hawkeye to give a unit DB2 and then feed the klein to them
>ike is shit
Severa, Rukina, and Morgan
Those three are probably impossible to ruin
click on the pull down and select English, holy shit we're not even at the 2 orbs prize yet. 10 orbs looks unlikely
I have a bunch of alternative specials on him too. They're all fun to use.
What's the best build for +spd Lyn on a cav team, brave bow, fireseep/CA, or Mulagir?
Link the browser game so I can play it.
Or maybe you can actually physically use the fucking book itself to knock people out
He's bretty good. I chose bonfire so he can bait a hit and counter with bonfire active everytime. I have a spare DC, but I think its better used elsewhere.
Any idea who I should spend my DC on? I could Zephiel for full armor emblem, but I'm also considering Titania.
Legion should run Luna, right?
I already got my Rukina wallpaper so im good. Have fun with that garbage
I upped my +Spd Eirika to 5* and I'm trying to merge her to my other -Atk one but when I do it warns me that I can't inherit some skills and that duplicate heroes can take all despite the two heroes being the same and then allows me to move 3 skills over despite them being the same unit? What's happening here? Do I need the Eirika I just upped to 5* at level 40 before the merge will work properly?
Has the game seriously not gone gold yet?
Me but it attacks robin as if he was colorless
Gonna feed him a Lon'qu tomorrow and see which special I like more
I wouldn't hold my breath.
without cav memes not at all. with cav memes she'll probably necessitate a raven tome to bait her but i haven't used or seen her with cav memes yet so idk.
>considering Zephiel when BK is coming soon
At least wait and see if Alondite will have DC or not.
How do you guys grind sp on double weekends? I need a ton and have no idea how to go about it.
chain challenge 1-2 normal 10 map surrender on the 10th map for 200+ sp per run
Draconic Aura will do more damage in most situations. If something has that much defense that Luna would give more damage, just hit it with magic instead of Legion.
custom list became shitty since CYL update though
The game is a month away from launch - it has to have basically gone gold outside of last minute bug testing so they can begin production.
The two we have right now are fucking ugly, sorry. Definitely a downgrade.
Sounds like you're in the inhereit skill tab. Try the merge heros tab.
>Steel Tome
They really have never played a Fire Emblem game have they?
>posts warrior hateboner
>ez (you)
I usually do Chain Challenges.
3&4 Normal is the most consistent one for me since I can splash any unit in there and they always complete it.
It doesnt change what I said, user.
Every fully invested unit can be good if you try hard enough.
I was talking about her base stats, and how they're underwhelming for how good of a unit she was in Echoes (you didnt even use her to fight mages at all on Echoes, so all that Res on heroes is retarded), and how they made Dyute crazy good for "lol cute loli".
>people actually using LnD on BROY
Doesn't that tank his defenses so much that he can't even get his second hit in because he'll probably die on the counterattack? How is he going to get unto desperation range?