/gtag/ - Grand Theft Auto General

Tripfags go die edition

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>Crews for GTA:O
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socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/meat_for_the_grinder (Xbone ft. 100% crew black)
socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/flibinjibervans (Alternative meme color crew)
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first for fuck this game

Guy with controller from last thread here
closing and opening gta 5 worked
on another note
what is it that keeps disabling my anti air
i was perfectly and expertly baiting a jet over my yacht
and the yacht services were disabled, even though i'd turned them on again after getting in the plane



>friend tricks me into buying game
>just started hour two of character creation

don't bother

people will just ask if you're a recoloured anne

who the fuck is anne? did they post sliders or something?

>BasedViva joins your lobby

I'm trying to make Steve Buscemi and failing.

How true are the GTAV recommended specs given on Steam? Those are pretty much exactly my specs, will I be able to get 60FPS without low settings?

GTA V has good optimization

What is the best hanger in Fort Zancudo?

This is now a YLYL thread

Can I get a pc invite


ok, you start


Hangar, whatever you fucking faggot ass cracker

I chose the one that's close to the water because it has it's own personal runway.

>decide to smuggle chemicals
>figure its shit like formaldehyde, arsenic, sulfuric acid, etc
>examine crates in warehouse
>realize i have like 25 cases of anthrax samples

So who the fuck am I smuggling this shit for?

>Anthrax samples
>still only 10K/pop
And in the CEO Crates shit it's fake Viagra and other pharmaceuticals AND it's worth more. Fucking lulz.

>blow up guy in plane with my rogue
>crash into his falling, burning, still barely alive plane to finish him off
>snipe him a couple of times on the ground
>he gets angry
>be a little mean to him in chat
>he gets so mad that he uses his mod tool to explode everyone in the session, and then pin it on me
>then boots me to singleplayer
lmao how fucking mad can one kid be?

requesting invite to gtag_pc

So /gtag/, why are his pedestrians smoking?


Why do amerilards fail at such basic english? Isn't confusing "you're" with "your" bad enough already?

Or constantly fucking up "break" and "brake". Fucking hell.

I'm so board

Heists are FUN!

Shut the fuck up you faggot bitch, I already corrected myself. Kill yourself you stupid bitch, and get the fuck off the Amerilard game then.

Kill yourself faggot it was one letter in a word that I've never had to use. Stupid foreigner get the fuck off the game that Americans created.

>the Amerilard game
>Americans created
Fucking lawl

>chest full of diamonds, gold watches and gemstones
>worth $10,000
that's even worse

Sam Houser
Born 1971 (age 45–46)
London, England, United Kingdom

Dan Houser
Born London, England, U.K.

Don't care Rockstar HQ is in NY.

Ah yes, Americans taking credit again with made up reasons for something they didn't do.

Stop sucking our dicks then, every major GTA game has been based on US cities.

Accept MeggaBuster to pc GTAG plz

Can I call aircraft straight from my hangar so it spawns in front of me like my regular personal vehicles? I don't want to have to get to an airstrip every time I want to dick around on my ultralight

>t. brazilian monkey

Because you're all dumb, violent, retards. You're the lowest hanging fruit imaginable. You're literally proving their point by not getting the satire that's smeared in thick layers on top of it. Fucking Americans lawl

You can only do that with the Havok since it counts as a CEO vehicle. The new planes are not too bad though since you can spawn them from the vehicle menu (M on keyboard or holding Back on 360 controller) and the ultralight usually spawns on the beach which isn't too far away.

You literally shit yourself over one letter and take every opportunity to try and make yourself feel better about your shitty country. I see the fat/dumb npcs, main character storylines, and hear the stereotypes and shit on the radio. You are still obsessed and you're literally proving my point you fucking faggot.

someone give me a discord invite please.

amerifat is this assmad about being wrong



VIVA help me i messaged you and you didnt respond

You probably did, that's what retards do.

oh give him a brake you red dildo

Yeah, that explains why so many Americans shit themselves in Walmart

Didn't have the time (wasn't home) to say I'm not a comms last thread. Hi anyways!
I once shitted my pants after not pooping for a few days, it was weird, luckily I had a copy of gta to wipe my ass with.


>Scared to say what country you're from
Thanks for proving my point. BYE:D

The best thing about the tula is using the jato to skim the waves and do 180's with it. Thing looks beautiful too no matter how you paint it, it looks like a capable airship

Thanks man. Sorry I ran you over but that was funny


still waiting on that invite

Puerto rican puto kill on sight


They patched the police station, was trying to get inside just for fun and when finally made it that shit kicked me to the front door

inv request PC gtag


eyy its my pretty girl

>tfw you used stealthmoney before the update and laugh at all this legitfags who are poor and need to buy goycards.

anyone looking to play motor wars?

>spend 100 dollars on shark card
>purchase favourite vehicle
>fuck around with it for 30 minutes
>get bored
Why even play GTA online?

>tfw you can't put light green paint like this on your cars

And why are there only like 10 matte paint color options? It's pretty stupid desu

nice b8

is that you



Accept request from MeggaBuster please on GTAG PC

just turn down MSAA and grass a little if you're lagging, I find the game's pretty easy to run

I was just thinking yesterday how shit the selection of greens are in the game

Convert the colour to a hex value, set that as your crew colour and then just use the crew paint option every time

Anyone else just start a new character and need the unlocks from doing certain jobs?

jesus someone accept before he hurts himself

remember to disable in-game v-sync and use fullscreen only. also if you're having issues running smoothly try turning down shadows & grass and also look into proper GPU control panel settings

>remember to disable in-game v-sync

Don't forget the overall postprocess setting. Easily +20FPS between each stepping.

hurts fps and causes unnecessary stuttering. google

>start a hangar sale
>8 different havoks that all have to deliver two packages each
>if a single package fails we lose the 350k bonus
>this instantly happens

And in the end it still worked with the last couple of packages being delivered by a smoking havok that had gotten damaged by the rescue attempts


>Self Radio plays my music at a decibel for ants


Always bump up the volume really high before you put it in the files. All of GTA's sound files are very loud and much quieter in game than the actual sound files

gta is telling you your taste in music sucks ass

yes but it also gets rid of screen-tearing, which is horrible for me in gta

So i decided to make one today to see how it turns out and it turns out good. Lol Anne looks better than the trannies in this general and is jealous of it

>spend all race in 1st
>kike comes in behind me and slams into me at full speed
>I sail into the horizon

I'm just going to ram people in races from now on. They deserve to die.

that is how you become the shitter

>scriptkiddie uses menu to double his speed
>gains 10 seconds on his lap in one corner
>rides 1st place's ass all game until he can either ram them or they crash
>these people will never be banned, just people who circumvent Rockstar's jewbux scheme

Tula is radical as hell, I just wish it had more frontal firepower, but I guess with bombs and a turret and VTOL ability it's plenty equipped with features.

Fucking agile too for a goddamned quad-prop bomber. I fly my free Cuban 800 and it feels like I'm flying a Titan in comparison.

Should I join the GTAG discord?

Only if you have a mic.
It's pointless otherwise.

So use the video driver to force it genius. The ingame setting is awful.

Fucking hell and only 20 minutes to do it, too.
I've not failed a sale yet, but every single sale has come down to the goddamned wire and I kinda love it.
>cargobob sale
>3 cargobobs spawn for friend and I
>6 crates to deliver across the city
>each cargobob can only carry two before magically not being able to carry anything anymore
Literally returned to my LS Hanger with 10 seconds to spare, holy shit.

have a link?


Accept request from MeggaBuster to join GTAG PC please


>not having a ps4 just for racing and gamemodes



which one is the official?