Lulu is the STRONGEST edition!
Lulu is the STRONGEST edition!
Other urls found in this thread:
stop playing lucian mid
stop playing asol top
not strong enough to stop me from breeding her!
does this game even have implications for worlds?
*three shots both your carries from 900 range*
I want to smell Kled's armpits!
Imagine being a region who hasnt won worlds and thinking you're relevant
xth for Syndra
Would /lolg/ be interested in watching the general play in AI vs. AI soccer/football against other Veeky Forums generals? The team placed well in the previous competition, taking 4th (which is what the webm is from), and friendlies are beginning soon. This can give you an insight as to what the fuck this stuff is alongside any suggestions you might have to make the team better. More information can be found at implyingrigged(dot)info
Also, don't forget to vote for the /lolg/ roster. You guys decide the team, I just make them look pretty and play well. If you don't see a suggestion here, offer one up and if enough people agree with it then it might make the team.
If you are interested in watching the team play, respond to this post.
хth for silver plays
Please tell we are gonna get that leaked Believer Taliyah skin where she rides a cloud as her passive.
No. fuck off with that shit.
Uh, why did I just get a lucian mid 3 games in a row?
Did some shitty meme-sports "athlete" recently mid him?
oh boy
you really don't follow any sort of high level play, do you?
He is good against orianna and 2 other mids i think
So I guess onion hair is not canon then
>keane flashes behind the guy he's trying to kill
so this..
is the power..
of imports..
Lucian mid is the new meme
Depending on what skins are in the next pbe patch will determine if it's true or not
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on EUW 4 slots left
password is vidya
black man mid is meta throughout every region
get with the times
>play /vg vs /vg on eu
>adcuck solo pushes our nexus
>tfw its just like our pro scene
>all that over a blue buff
all of my what
>elise flash
>shen ult
>all for a blue
>Have to wait through all of worlds before rune changes come in
Stop teasing me with this shit
So this is the power of NAlcs
No thanks
You are a slowpoke
but user they're going on pbe at the end of this month for extended testing before preseason
They're going to on pbe like next week
You got this user. I believe in you.
>really excited for rune changes
>really depressed about how shitty rewards are for all the IP I spent
Mixed feelings
where are they
>no sightstone on either team
you're lucky you got the smurf trist
>homogenized b-tier samey characters
>pro league pauses every other game
>unique s-tier unique characters
>no pauses ever
i actually love both games but i like writing babs greentext more
Im just gonna play pbe the moment runes are added, assuming my account hasnt been terminated for inactivity.
last hitting minions gives additional gold
thankfully not casting
Assassin buffs when, I wanna be able to play shaco again
shut up this was one of those bronze games where everyone is hitting each other all the time.
>love both games
I can accept liking one heap of trash but two? come on
what? i had really good cs that game. i usually hav half that
but assassins are pretty good right now, if you start buffing them, they'll be retarded as soon as everyone stops playing janna
Last time I watched dota there were 2 minutes pauses at the beginning of every game, what changed?
The preseason is coming soon don't ask for any changes like this.
I love Camille
What if enemy champions could also grab Thresh lantern? Would that make him balanced?
What would Sona wear around the house?
I enjoyed watching the team last tournament, so sure.
they should remove the nerfs to duskblade :^)
what even is the point of such a random change
my pbe account was inactive for like a year and it was still active, i think youre safe m8
Cute pijamas with Owls on them!
a sports bra and yoga pants with no underwear
>thresh tristana
>can never kill the enemy botlane or often anywhere else no matter what unless they run into you
that was the original plan
Post em, template up in a sec.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on EUW 1 slot left
password is vidya
Ahri is a cute!
>have to wait for preseason for the POTENTIAL end of the shitty tank jungle,adc killing everything but the broken ass tanks in 2 hits with 2 items, and healslut support that makes the said adc fucking unkillable
Dying's the easy part.
how high are you my dude
In addion to the fuckton of cc Thresh already has, it allows him to save retarded teammates from a full screen away. It would be a fair change imo
can't die if you have no life
If CLG can actually manage to beat dig here then that would bode well for their chances to make worlds.
>complaining about adc 2 shotting everything while also complaining that people are choosing the things to not get 2 shot
im out babs
>yorick is based
>fizz and garen are cancer
A majority of characters in a competitive video game should be "joke" characters that toy with how the game is played. If there is a standard, should it be reinforced as a part of how the game is assumed to be played, or left up to player strategy? If the former, then there should be a character that bends or circumvents that standard. Straightforwardness or generalist aptitude should be the exception.
source from this pic`?
>buys mejais
>dies 8 times
>Assassins are good goy no need to buff the
>t. (((Adc/support player)))
Assassins have been shit since their "rework".
The only viable ones are Talon, zed, and fizz while every other assassin got beaten by the nerf stick til they became utter garbo.
Shaco literally has 1 semi reliable damaging ability(his e) while the rest of his kit is boxes which you can only use for vision or early jungle clear or stealth which deals 0 damage, his clone is a fucking joke made even weaker than he already was.
or just fix duskblade and adjust the stats on assassins instead of them having to build bruiser items or abuse busted items like duskblade just to stay relevant.
the whole "delayed damage" shit they slapped assassins with because adc couldn't stop whining about getting 1 shot ruined assassins.
an assassins job is to assassinate, not deal half an adc's damage(because delayed damage XDDD) then have the adc burst him in 2 autos and heal back to full health.
i'm too lazy to use ms paint so
>comfort: urgot/kled, kayn, talon/kayn, jhin, brand
>based: renekton, shyvana, veigiar, jjhin, alistar
>cancer: trynd, n/a, syndra, n/a, lulu
>wish i could play: gp, nurengar [used to main old rengar for 3 years, fuck nurengar], taliyah, vayn, braum
>play melee bruiser
>die in 2 seconds while doing literally no damage to the adc
this is fine
you seem to be lost
go vomit nonsense here
I wanna cuddle Jinx
Just champs that I don't like playing against friends.
are we not gonna discuss huhi fucking whiffing his ult vs elise?
>black guy with bright yellow hair
Aphromoo? Did someone crap on your hair?
>support player
>asking for janna nerfs
Assassins are not bad, they're literally 300% better than they were before the start of this entire dance
They actually just buffed lethality AGAIN but then we went into tank meta. Their itemization is good and they don't need to be buffed. Besides assassins and lethality dominated the meta for a while earlier this season.
You mean the ult that almost killed her so she had to E?
>Garen cancer pick
? ? ?
he literally shot it 90 degrees to the left of her
i'm talking about the one in the jungle
>Assassins are bad goyim they need buffs
t. (((assassin player)))
seeing huhi on lucian is so weird.
>omar is full hp by the time he gets to base
What the fuck is that regen, did they buff warmogs?
Your opinions are fucking trash my dude.
It's just warmogs
Oh thought you were talking about the one by their bot inhib. My bad friend.
What the fuck happened to DIG
>one-shotting is my champion's identity
assassins are literally badmages right now
orianna and syndra just bloweveryone and up and the counter to that is "just dodge the mouse bro"
thats more synda and ori being fucking cancer, but still
>Altec tanking Morg Q with jump and flash still up