Final Fantasy General DCXXI - /ffg/

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PS4 release date scheduled for Jan 30 2018
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Uwah! Lightning-sama's eating for two!

Reminder that Faris is canonically an ugly weirdo albino with blonde hair.


FFT is shit

We're halfway through the 2-great-banner set, and the fest is less than a month away.
>How much mythril do you have left?
>How fucked are you for the fest?

Yeah, but so is almost every other Amano designed character. I sometimes wonder if the series would havetaken off if they had been able to make it more like his stuff.

I know I have more blonde faris somewhere, but could only find this JoJo version.

I don't really care about the Fest all that much. I can clear all the Magicite dungeons already. I just want to pull for characters I like.

They'll give us enough mythril that I should be able to roll once or twice, but I'm out for now. Totally worth it, though. Missing out on IV stuff again is depressing, though.




>how much mythril
>how fucked are you
I'm pretty confident going in, I'm more worried about what they do to the banners. I really want at least one very waifu-heavy banner for a change.

>Zyrus with Noctis TMR finally is useful
wew, only needs SPR debuff and he's good to 1shot Hein.

>how much mythril
>how fucked are you
I only plan to draw on DU, BSB+ and 6* Luckies and possibly one on B2 for Bartz and B5 for Noct.

Pulled Ace, how do I solo hein?

First for Mobius

Enhance him and gear him up

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

>Get almost a dozen beach fina
>STILL have 20 moogles waiting for first zyrus

Second for gorilla.

Basically just BSB / 6* lucky draws and whatever catches my eye, although since it seems like 30thFest means we're skipping a lot of the shit from the Chain superfest that came with Magicite I'm likely to just skip that as well and pull for whatever I was looking for on the other fest on their realm banners. That and Prompto / Ara event.

May have to shell out a bit, but I don't expect to run into major complications that reallsince I've cleared all the Magicites.

I more meant what abilities

Tri Beam and his LB

Which means enhance him

>have 2 completed Zyrus TMR
>have 5 others that are either merged or sitting in inventory
BE trading when?

Step it up.

Uwah! Lightning is eating for herself.

Hey I pulled Ace a couple days ago too but I done anything with him yet. Just jam him with cactuars and spam the 30 stamina Gil Snapper Caves to get his enhance crys?

Yes, you're at a perfect chance to get what you need to enhance him. Grab crysts from the story event, get cactaurs from King Mog and get gil snapper families.

thanks senpai


they are called awakening crysts newfag

Also I've got an Ace if you want to try chaining Tri Beam for big dick damage if you want. Not the highest, but pretty decent. Also anyone else that needs an Ace, I've still got 7 or so slots open.

181 658 638

>play FFX
>the whole theme is "muh teedus and yuna"
>think rikku and teedus genuinely have a better history and story together
>think rikku and teedus genuinely have better chemistry and interactions with each other
>think rikku and teedus genuinely look and feel better as a pairing than teedus and yuna
anyone else?

Even Kimahri has better chemistry with teedoos than the fucking doormat that is Yuna

Not really. Once she joins the party permanently, she just kind of becomes, well, a retarded person.

Tidus and Yuna were both 17 while Rikku was 15. Tidus isn't a pedophile.

i sent you a request last thread w/ my 700+ atk tidus

Yeah but Kimahri has a tiny package so who cares

Should have already accepted it, also I'm shilling because I feel useful

I liked Rikku, but Yuna was such a nothing character that it says more about her than Rikku. At least they tried to give her a personality in X-2, even if it didn't work that well.


so my Ace has 750 MAG, it's completely enchanced and I still get fucked by round 2 or so in ELT.
what's the secret?

Use Lakshmi's confusion resist

SPR break and equip Spirit Slayer from Odin

Undead materia and odin
SPR break

breaking the SPR, diseasing him and using your LB

thanks man.

I disagree. Yuna has a defined personality. Just because you don;'t like her personality doesn't mean she lacks one.

Describe it then

>joins to save the summoner's life in a way that doesn't sully the image of her people in the eyes of yevon
Rikku was a deeper character than any other. Her ambitions were virtuous.

>don't break SPR
>no disease
>no killer materia equipped, still on Ramuh
>still 2 shot ELT with normal Tri Beam
>1 shot when Tri Beam gets yellow/red colour
Step it up shitters

She didn't care about that, just saving Yuna's life.

She does what she's told to do without questioning a thing until literally the last 10% of the game

First the daily do three story quests quest was bugged a few days ago, preventing it from completing, and now today the do two explorations daily quest won't finish. BE is so goddamn buggy. At least I'm missing out on 10 extra energy and not lapis (that'll be the next thing to fuck up).

So I was bored and just did a 5k pull since I have no use for lapis

Is this new guy any good?

I'm not going to use it but I'm curious

Hmmm... that roll... looks really familiar...

>emanon injecting spree part 2

Just do them again, it works

Emanon is rank 50 something, nice try.

How many times? When the do three story quests one was bugged for a day (for me only), I tmr grinded all day. Still stuck at 2/3. I've done Electric Tower 3 times today, still 1/2.

Completely awakened*
fixed that for you, fucking newfags

>Onion Knight is the best chainer
>Luneth is the best finisher

Defend this

A2 is the best chainer and FV with fixed dice is the best finisher. Try again.

Fire veritas is. Also A2 and enhanced aileen/tidus are better than OK

*after 5 turns

Tidus is 1000 years the predecessor to the Al Bhed race. Tidus and Rikku together is keeping the bloodline pure.

Tangentially, Tidus is something like 10000 years the predecessor to President Shinra, Rufus, Cloud, Tifa etc. But not Aeris. Yuna is Aeris' ancestor andWakka.

Tidus is a fucking dream he's not a person who ever existed, shoejean was the real dead

Episode Gladio was fun. I think Gladio is a better proganist than noct. At least Gladio has aspirations, leadership qualities and expressed doubts and concerns.

Noct is just ugh ugh do i have to ugh i dont wanna ugh.

>Shinra meme
X-2 was a mistake

>when the Assdroids exist
>When FV exists

Maybe. Maybe not. Likely, but possibly not. Either way, Zanarkand v Bevelle and humans v CetraWEAPON isn't machina, it's Sin

And yet, you're still an Ace owner. So who's the real cuck?

When you think about it, Sin is the ultimate emblem of butthurt, it only exists because the Zanarcucks all started screeching "FUCK YOU YOU DIDN'T WIN" in their dreams after Bevelle thoroughly raped their asses with their machina dildos

Pretty simple: Inherent Dual Wield + extremely strong built-in ATK buffs + high-ratio damage abilities + TMRs = bigest numbers


>8 tickets
>just to end up with ONE Sara

Fuck this game my luck ran out

At this point I will only use my lapis if we get some cute GL exclusive tank so I can get rid of WoL and get my female dream team

Also I'm rank 53

Oh, maybe we mean different bugs. Sometimes it'll tell me I've completed the story mission quest when I've only done 2/3, doing another fixes it for me.

Why did he manifest though? Who's dream guy was he?

I'm sorry /llsifg/
but remember, real winners make their own luck, with their wallets, kupo!

Shujin, play X-2.Everyone in the DZ is based on a real person who once existed.

>no imperil
I don't even know what character you're talking about but I'm sure he's trash

>All these spoilers
What the hell, I just bought FFX and FFX-2

I got Desch and Aria on my 8 tickets, though.

>muh imperil

Every boss of note has heavy resistances - nonelemental is usually the way to go.

>play X-2
no fuckin thanks bro

don't worry user you don't need to know that snape kills dumbledore in page 602 to enjoy the games

>tfw so poor from enhancements that I'm more inclined to run Gil Snappers than the event

Jesus christ Soliel and Grace why you gotta keep draining my resources. I never thought I'd be this low on money ever.

Enjoy the 1-out-of-8 bosses that actually don't resist the only element you can use, TG Faggot.

>need for enhances

you don't have your 5 2B team?

I didn't need to. I just wanted to, plus I had an excess of Power and Tech from farming the story event last week.

I've missed the last 10 ffg threads.
What's new?

>>tfw so poor from awakenings
FTFY dumb newfag

Everyone has converted to mobius

Just people bitching and whores being whores

Does anyone here have a Taharka in RK? I've done Sealion 9 times and I've gotten 3 Sealions and 7 Wendigos. It's just a one in three chance for each, right? Right?

So for Mobius I'm probably going to save and all in for Lightning's job. Are Snow's and Hope's jobs good enough to warrant some pulls?

If I could marry a soul break I think I'd marry Bartz USB

This shit is maximum fun, probably going to invest and hone SSS and the other 5* spellblades (except Earth, waiting on Machina's event) to R3 at minimum

When Genesis inevitably gets in RK, what do you think his skillset's gonna be?
I'm betting on 5* combat, darkness, spellblade, and 4* BM/summoning


mandella effect again? i'm pretty sure it was femdom, now everyone is calling it findom all of a sudden. adding this to my list