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>Current Event
>Patch 4.06a Notes
>Patch Note Log
>Job Guide
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I'm ready
Post pumplanders in pumping position for pumping purposes
post catboys that want nothing more than to frot with other catboys
stop being a memer
full 70s looks cleaner than 3 anyway
What is the best MNK toolbar and rotation?
female au ra house the most toxic part of the playerbase and unlike lalafell, they can't actually play the game. any static you see one in I can bet my bottom dollar that they will be the weakest link in said static.
Post you with your best friend!
Stop pushing your pedo agenda here
post your scythes
What's the deal with midlanders?
>buddy playing femra
>he's 90th percentile on sam
Yup, they really are.
How to get?
female au ra look like underage preteens tho
Generic, lame ass barbie dolls who got sick of being cats and lizards.
Yea why won't this one eb me
Item on the mog station.
They are the best!
I played this for like 2 weeks on release but got fed up with the server problems, im looking to sink my teeth into an MMO and was wondering if this is still worth getting into?
I dont want to jump into an MMO and find out 90% of the servers are dead and everyone stops doing any real content 6 months down the road.
>Can't change GC while using the duty finder
This is almost as stupid as not being able to repair armor while at the inn.
ferffuckssake i'm playing babysitter for a couple of teenage girls when does this story get less FUCKING WHINY
not rly
my au ra is flat and min height n she doesnt look THAT young
it's probably one of the best out there honestly, and gets progressively better and more active the higher you get in terms of level
just find the right server and people will be doing stuff, and with the addition of cross-server parties there is now more access to parties actually doing stuff
so yeah, go for it
this squid is going to ink me!
but user you wouldnt want to make noise and wake up the npcs xdd
Yes its worth. Its easier than ever to get into, now. Right now some servers are preferred and give you double exp for any job up to level 60 (70 is the cap), and 15 days free sub time.
A dead server means nothing because open world content is only used for leveling. Everything with any worth in this game is instanced, and all instanced content pulls from your ENTIRE data centre, not just your server. Server only matters for what Free Company (guild) you can join and who you can chat with. (Which wont matter soon either, next patch is bringing cross-world tells and cross-world chat soon after).
Face 3/4 are the only faces that have a chance at being mature-ish
No, they aren't
They're super cool protectors.
post horn socks
face 2 aint so bad
Can't wait to blow my head off reading them Patchnotes in October
Alright sounds good to me, hopefully Red Mages are decent and they dont have a bad community or something. I always thought XIV was lacking a Battlemage class, just wish it wasnt the newest to be added.
If you mean hotbar instead of toolbar, whatevers comfortable
Monk at 70 is really just keeping up your timers (Demolish, Dragon Kick, Twin Snakes) while using your damaging moves (Bootshine, True Strike, Snap Punch) if you dont need to apply them. It works out to being Dragon/Twin every other combo, Demolish every 3rd combo. Weave in oGCDs on cooldown since monk CDs all line up.
Opener is Form Shift x3 prepull, Demolish + Perfect Balance > Snap Punch > Snap Punch > Dragon Kick > Twin Snakes > True Strike (PB Falls off here) Bootshine > True Strike > Snap Punch > etc etc etc
RDM is pretty solid and easy to get into.
RDM is extremely easy to play and also very effective at its role, apparently
do with that information what you will
They are fun
They don't have a bad community.
At the moment RDM is one of the easiest jobs and at the same time offers some extremely high dps capabilities.
You will need to level a DIFFERENT job to 50 first, if you start from scratch. Or you can pay money to jump potion your main scenario progress and jump potion a job to 60.
If you start from scratch, expect between 1-2 weeks to reach red mage. But as soon as you hit 50 you can unlock it, very easy to do. And they give you free gear.
Just because it's (you), user
Why do French players keep asking me if I'm French? My name isn't French and I only have English selected on my languages.
This picture is a lie
That shark is a FILTHY POTATO
Those eyes make my dick hard
Yeah, hotbar. I haven't found a setup that's been comfortable or intuitive yet, likely my own failing.
god bless you my brothers and sisters in arms
someone in drakn told me to kill myself what do i do
One ilm isnt really important, make liberal use of ctrl, alt and shift if you havent. Dunno what else really, you use most everything on monk pretty frequently outside of one ilm and meditiation.
yeah cause all my friends left me when i went potate
pls no use my midlander without permission thx xoxo
Is that you L.D.
I'm gonna need a name on that Elezen back there, and her preference of flowers and color.
what are your opinions on red skinned xaela?
what hair color goes best with red skin?
That's basically brown.
they're daddies 'w'
something to do with spaghetti bro idk its a 3 year old screenshot
Unfortunately Raen get the better shade of red
>cross-server tells will be added in 4.1
>all the comfy maeteus people will never talk to me agains because they'll all be sending tells back and forth with the balmung friends
What the fug user, you shouldn't sexualize my eyes
going to kiss u, put hornsocks back on
no lol
Either neutral colors like brown that are darker than your skin (seems hard considering you're basically brown instead of red)
or some color theory shit like complimentary or double complimentary colors.
Try a redder skin and some gross fucking cyan or blue with yellow highlights. Trust me, it... MIGHT be cool.
>Right now some servers are preferred and give you double exp for any job up to level 60 (70 is the cap), and 15 days free sub time.
Is it free to transfer from a regular world (Exodus) to a preferred world? (Midgardsormr, Adamantoise, Siren). I was worried about going to a "dead" world because I play on PS4 and having to wait eternity for dungeons.
you wish that was your midlander
>different brown hair color
>different nose
>different brows
>different eye color
Not sure if your eye color is different. Also, what face are you using?
marry me
Also, you have no scars
can't stop won't stop
hi, someone do expert roulette with me pls
someone please... pst
What about blue skin?
Sorry user, that's imposible unless we have been EB'd for at least 2 months
wtf user, that would be raep
>85% of the people on this game only want to play with you, talk to you, and hang out with you if you play a cute girl character
>99% in this thread
lol you dont need to prove anything to me bro. i retired him back in heavensward
>wtf user, that would be raep
tfw no blueberry dragon husband
can these ugly male midlanders stop posting, thanks
Hi, what do I do if I have a crush on someone but they don't like me
Please help
>create a cute catboy
>get people petting me all day long
wtf I don't remember posting this...
There's less than 90 people who post here on a regular basis if we're going by IPs alone, and we'll subtract 10 or so for phoneposters and ban evaders who reset their IPs. Reevaluate your social circles and decide whether or not you want to spend time and energy on those kinds of people.
post handsome male highlanders instead then, thanks
you move on with your life
what about ugly female midlanders?
I only want to play with cute male characters tbqhwy
I can't wait for 4.1 where I can sit around people I know playing Answer off key and getting paid to stop.
lol, but you look gayer.
>bad colored eyes
>only one scar
>prolly mouth 4
Shit, you could have made your character look good, but instead it should have been aborted at birth. No wonder you "retired" him.
I still don't understand why they're introducing the bard thing. I haven't heard any demand for it. Even the idea of it is completely new to me
lol ok
Fuck off catfag
fuck off ugly
?? whos lil boy is this
sum1 come collect him lol
Find someone else, do other things. If you are an autist probably refrain from speaking to them since you will get attached and emotional again
gross dude
you're one to talk, babyface
shyv is cute af tho