Abs-olver Edition
Weaklings: Rudimentary Map
>Hairstyles in game
>Where the fuck is XYZ?
Abs-olver Edition
Weaklings: Rudimentary Map
>Hairstyles in game
>Where the fuck is XYZ?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Connect to servers once
>Game crashes
>cannot connect after I restart
>decide to just finish off the last two bosses and take on the final boss offline
>done with that, and now I still cannot connect to the servers.
Help, I just want to absolve.
first for HAYMAKER
>that feel when you feint a guard breaker into a charged haymaker, tanking a hit, learning a move, and kill a player
More like Hypermaker.
What is your favorite set? I like just about anything in forest.
Specifically Forest Dweller pants and boots, also frog mantle is classy as fuck when you upgrade to red mantle with yellow spots.
when does the servers fix come out?
this shit is getting annoying as fuck already.
I guess haymakers are a bit too slow, eh?
Also, forest has best masks.
Eh, it just armored the first post and hit anyway.
Great I didn't want to fucking play tonight anyway.
This shit is going to kill the game very fucking quickly if they don't shape up.
How does one get that sick hood
>get on around noon
>"huh servers are down, guess I'll do something else"
>clean house for about 5 hours
>servers still down
>make dinner
>servers still down
I'm about to uninstall this for a game that I can actually fucking play.
say it with me
>V V V
is wrong
In reality what you need to do is send Devolver a couple thousand dollars to buy some servers that fucking work
The ultimate refund-circumvention strategy is to frontload your games with several hours of tepid, halfbaked PVE so players won't realize the servers are complete garbage until it's too late.
>beat game on alt
>keep the sword from final boss without having to summon it with shards
>level up
>it's gone
Well that was neat for a moment. That said are servers still down. Because fuck this is annoying
>Playing a fighting game on PC.
If like you enjoy playing in the cheat-engine honeypot version of the game.
A pvp focused game having literally constant network issues and not a single fucking bit of news about it both reeks of incompetence and spells very poorly for the future of the game.
I'm really fucking mad.
pee pee tee hee
have you beat your bosses according to your trial level?
only thing i can do when shit is offline
or farm those essence miners for sweet kicks
>That said are servers still down.
If I launch the game to check and they're down then Devolver wins, so I'm just gonna never launch the game. Checkmate faggots.
Have they said anything about these fucking servers. 85% of the game is PVP and I can't fucking play.
>tfw you notice your opponent is trying to block 2 moves and then dodge->counterattack your 3rd
>start feinting every third
>kick his ass
Real talk, khaltbros:
How do I get a 4th charged attack for my alts?
they posted this about it on wednesday
>We are aware that some players are facing big lag issues, preventing them from enjoying the online experience in Absolver.
We apologize for the rocky start, the team is working night and day to improve this. We have a couple of major fixes in the works, which should be deployed next week and should improve these issues. Thank you for your patience!
i hope they realize that by "next week" it might be too late. if i hadn't spent time beating the single player part in offline mode and gone past 2 hours, i would have absolutely refunded. so i guess they scammed me out of my money whether they end up fixing it or not. either way, i'm very upset at the whole situation.
>next week
Far too late. Godfucking dammit, this game was really great for the four fucking hours I actually got to play it.
>tfw you have a basic functioning brain
Well done.
I normally wouldn't mind waiting but I just don't have the free time I did when I was a kid. It's just frustrating when so much of the game is locked behind PVP. And don't get me wrong, I fucking love PVP and want to PVP, but christ.
How do you fuck up this badly. With actual MMOs I'm generally a bit more forgiving because I never, ever expect a launch to go off without a rocky start. But this is a fighting game without local multiplayer, so I can't even fight friends.
you can play it even more and it'll still be great next week
The reserves are E M P T Y
I feel like this is a bit heavy-handed. It's not surprising to have this situation given the circumstances, but absolver is just that unique of a gaming experience that I feel like it's worth dealing with whatever technical difficulties are going on to play it.
There aren't really any other games I'd want to play atm, if I have to wait a week then so be it. I was willing to burn my $26 from the start for the chance at a legit game to move on to from dark souls 3, but I've already put over 30 hours into the game so I honestly sincerely cannot complain. It can only get better from here.
They aren't ubisoft. Give them a chance, man.
MagnumDong really seems like a Veeky Forums name. If you're here, thanks for the assistance.
The problem is these issues can murder a multiplayer game before it even has a chance to take off. I'm only harsh on them about this because I don't want it to end up like so many good multiplayer games do and die from idiotic technical issues.
>can't even wait a week
>just played a few rounds, got off, tried to connect again and successfully connected (US, east coast)
Jesus this fucking ADHD generation I swear... it's not even that bad.
In b4 australia
>pay for a game
>it doesn't work
>"i can't complain!"
i don't know why you're sticking up for them. this is unacceptable.
Remember to thumbs up even when you're lagging and not in control of the fights.
Don't get me wrong, I'll definitely return to the game. Hell I'll still play it even offline to fuck around with different styles (comfy with Forsaken, learning Windfall, about to try Khalt 45). I really like this game and I'm not about to give up on it.
But people really are pretty fickle. And people CAN and WILL give up on this shit. That's my big concern. Not just the fact that I can't fucking play the game the way I want to (as it was intended, I mean), but the fact that the playerbase and word of mouth might take a negative hit as a result.
I get that it's a smaller studio, and that's one of the reasons why I'm giving it some leeway, but it's still unacceptable. What's worse is it's a holiday weekend and this would've been the perfect time to maximize sales and spread the word
Because all other games right now are garbage so I'm gonna hitch my wagon to devolver's star and pray they fix shit because the core game is beautiful and they're specifically focused on PvP (compare that to dark souls which I've invested thousands of hours in, and PvP was "an afterthought" in that game)
>finally get a PvP match
>"unreal 4 has crashed"
I'm fucking done.
I mean like, I understand your point but there really isn't an alternative game to absolver at the moment. I'm not happy about the connection issues either but there's anything better, so I'm just gonna hope they fix shit. They aren't ubisoft and have specifically said they're gonna release a big patch soon, I can wait a week, hell I could wait a month as long as it meant, at some point, I'd be able to play the shit out of this game.
fuck that bug tilted me so hard because for the first few second i kick ass and then suddenly my moves arent working and i can just spam emotes
feels fucking bad
>PVP was an afterthought in Dark Souls
jesus dude, just stop posting
To be honest a game should be ready to play on release day. Were they not expecting people to want to play the day it came out? Products have release dates and should be operable 100% that day.
With that said, it all depends how long it takes Slo to finalize its intentions.
Yeah, there's a bug with load zones were sometimes they don't trigger, so you just wander into the lowpoly preload version of the area. Happened to me on my first playthrough going from Bird Callers to the Twin's bossfight.
Did you know that the stairs that lead up from Bird Callers don't spawn in until the area is loaded? I had to climb up the hill to the side, which was left unblocked by foliage because also none of that loaded.
I think the issue people have with waiting a week is that the playerbase will take a drastic hit over that week and that when companies give these sort of timelines they always go over. Oceania was supposed to have servers by Friday. Shit is still fucked.
>game freezes
>40 minutes later still hasn't closed
He's correct though? Pvp was secondary for the developers of dark souls and the game wasn't balanced around the idea of players fighting other players.
>there isn't an alternative game to Absolver at the moment.
And therein lies my dilemma. I want to play Absolver while I have my very limited free time (working 55 hour work weeks).
I cannot play Absolver when I have said free time. So as a result, I'm kind of buttsmashed over this. Again, they're a smaller studio so I'm willing to give them some slack, but it's still frustrating as hell.
I have other fighting games I'm still very much interested in playing, but GG Rev2, Tekken 7, and SFV are not games I wanna play atm. Absolver's got me hooked despite those three.
secondary =/= afterthought
also it wasn't secondary, wrong on multiple levels
Hold out for the new Marvel vs Capcom
Take your own advice, kiddo.
Is there any way to find out what server you're connected to? I heard the Oceania server was added late, but I'm still getting rubberbanding like crazy whenever other players show up. 1v1 works fine, though.
Ran out of things to add. Wanted to make it less about shitting on one particular style and made it more general.
Hell no. Even if the system looks fun, I just cannot get into a game with a roster I can't stand
>a roster I can't stand
There's just no helping bad taste.
I mean fuck, dude, just do something else while you wait, it's really not a big deal. You're already working a fuckton, maybe just straight-up sleep more. It's not like the servers are down 24/7 there's just some connection issues every so often. Just have other shit to do, get some other hobbies man ffs 55 hour work weeks sound awful.
B-but muh X-Men!
just check the moves available my dude. you can't use the ones you haven't unlocked yet, but you can still see every move available. not even sure if you can go 4x charged attack though in all honesty, idk man
You're fucking braindead if you seriously think PVP was an afterthought in the Souls series, especially post-Demon's
>Marvel's side sucks
>Capcom's side is mostly recycled bullshit
I mean if you guys are okay with that cool but let's not pretend this wasn't lazy
oh good
Does anyone have any mean kick decks? I'm looking to change up my old deck, and I want some fast and flashy feet.
Since when has Capcom ever put effort into their games?
>Complain Capcom is recycled bullshit
>Complain Marvel's side sucks because it lacks recycled bullshit.
It took over a year to nerf the giant seed in dark souls 3, let alone the summoner class issues that still plague the game. Need I say more?
Like, go to /dsg/ and try presenting your case that dark souls is PvP-focused in its development. If you can't pull that off, then fuck off thanks.
>characters no one wanted versus the same shit we had last game that nobody wanted last game
Just wait until the next phase of movies is out and everyone will be jerking off over the Marvel side of the roster.
From being shitty and slow at balancing is somehow a case against the fact that multiplayer, and especially invasion-based PVP, has been a defining, central trait of the series since its inception, one that the entire series has been shaped by a designed around, and in no way an afterthought as previously described?
Yeah, you're a moron.
>dueling on library map
>duel is 1-1
>my opponent almost pushes me off the ledge with attacks while i'm blocking, breaks my guard
>come within a literal half an inch from falling
>my opponent tries to finish me with that drunken forward stumble move
>manage to just dodge out of the way
>the guy drunkenly stumbles off the ledge by himself
>kills himself immediately again after respawning in shame
that almost redeemed today's annoying duels
Making a spreadsheet with various things:
92 out of 96 moves. I think the only ones left are the Stagger ones. Also have a bit of equipment and build stats there, latter pic related.
Also a discord: discord.gg
Has anyone made fists only work yet or is that just a dream
Fresh prospect here, any tips or tricks? Been donking abut learning moves by dodging shit and trying to get some neat kick shit going. Where can I get a cool cape.
Also is this server thing gonna be a while, have the devs commented? I wanted to try my deck in pvp.
I need more punches so I can get rid of these pansy punches.
i feel like my enjoyment of duels has gone down by quite a lot
my first thought used to be
>can't wait to see if this guy is as good as me or even better
now it's
>oh great i wonder what this guy's gimmick is
>oh it's that fucking double fist sweep into a billion other ducking attacks
usually i just end up mashing the one good, fast mid attack i have and the whole fight feels like a waste of time
maybe it's time to retire the jab considering about 80% of the game's population has built a counter deck specifically for dealing with it
Secondary literally means an afterthought.
Primarily, they thought about PvE. After, so, second, they thought about PvP. So it was an after thought.
just try reconnecting few times, the servers are up methinks
By putting it in the right thread you sperg.
there's a cape you can pick up in the docks. it's on a slightly hidden ledge you have to drop down to. there's also one in the essence reserves but that's not until after you've killed all the marked ones so if you're really early you can't get it yet.
the capes all look pretty ratty and bad though. the one you get from beating the game is the only decent one imo.
try to learn as much as you can from enemies just to make sure you have an extensive move library
dont focus on one style of combat too hard until you have all the moves necessary. i.e: a boxing deck might be fun, but without the right moves or absorbs, a low kick will fuck you up all day
make sure you understand your own deck. even if you need to super simplify it, having a deck you know how to use is more important than having a deck that has a ton of shit that you dont know how to whip out at a moment's notice
if you want to connect, just keep hitting retry no matter what.
>Secondary literally means an afterthought.
You literally don't know what "afterthought" means, or you are literally equivocating to avoid admitting being incorrect on the internet.
There's a hidden item down in this little alcove, that sits on the box. An essence miner cape, you just have to run at the opening and you'll land in the area
so I did this.
I'm 'literally' not doing anything besides telling you how to correctly use the semantics you were just arguing about. You can google their definitions if you insist on arguing.
i refunded this game yesterday, i didn't like grinding very much and the whole school system was kind of dumb, anyway enjoy faglords.
How do I avoid that mid-helicoper stagger move?
Well done, would if I could.
I cant believe i spent 2 hours killing myself trying to get the Calbot NPC to spawn....and i still didnt got him
mad cause bad lel
dodge or parry or block or absorb or do the other kind of dodge or the other kind of dodge or use the other other kind of dodge or use an attack that has a parry property
is there any specific zone it spawns in? i've seen and heard outside the tower and in the essence reserves. is it just a completely random world spawn?
Struggling with Windfall for over 10 hours has trained me for the piss easiness of Forsaken.
Windfall -
>Have to predict four directions, not unlike Mount and Blade
>Doesn't always guarantee a punish or stamina because wonky execution
>Regular dodge is better
>Spamming opens you up for attack and drains stamina
>Animation is long as fuck
Forsaken -
>durr two directions, totally fooled you
>hur, if I attack during a feint I get punished, it's balanced I swear
>Garuntteed punish go- I mean guys, git gud
I'm in.
Thanks lads, have a picture of when I started skidding around at the first "not bonfire" I got to.
I heard the same, so i made my checkpoint the altar at Tower of Adal and i kept running to the location i heard it was saw (right outside the black gate) if i didnt saw him i only went up the stairs and killed myself to get other spawns.
Gravity vs Earthquake?
i played for three hours but it was alright at best, the map was kind of shitty so i had trouble finding the marks and i just wasn't having that much fun, the servers were also going down so i could barely play and just ended up refunding it.
Gravity for pin point accuracy, for pinging healing cowards.
Earthquake for proximity and combining, and it has a shorter animation.
>No Man's Sky
>nothing like it!
>no multiplayer
>game dies
>For Honor
>nothing like it!
>shitty multiplayer
>game dies
>no game like it!
>shitty servers
They should allow warping from "not bonfires" after the first game is beaten.