/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2072

>Recent News
SSR Grea
SSR Zaoshen (Fire Bonito)
Gambanteinn 4* (Grand Io's Weapon)
SR Elmott

>Future Updates

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for September:
8/31 - 9/3 - Legfest Part 2 - New Character Spark
8/31 - 9/8 - Lonesome Dragoness
9/9 - 9/14 - Touken Ranbu Collab Part 1
9/14 - 9/21 - Touken Ranbu Collab Part 2
9/22 - 9/29 - Guild War (Wind Favored)
9/30 - ??? - New Scenario Event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Calculator - Learn to use it so you won't be dependent on other people's opinion.

>Crew Pastebin

Previous Thread:

Lets have a nice and comfy thread!

My cute wife and the gifts she sends me every date!

Mig's smelly smell!


That never works.
So let's have an argumentative and shitpost filled thread instead.

stfu mig32 dumb fag

Rude Djeetas...


>play wind
>press all my buttons
>meticulously gauge the conditions of the fight and prepare my team
>anticipate the damage spike for that one turn
>end up losing mvp since i only did damage for one turn
>shitpost on Veeky Forums about how wind is smart and needs to be buffed

>play earth
>use my enmity activators
>press auto
>leave house
>go to windfag's house while he's too busy watching his buff timers
>fuck windfag's waifu while reading the finest and most thought provoking literature
>unleash my double capped ougi and come back
>get mvp

How do we stop water?


Buff wind to be even stronger

But neither can you


Give it a rest, redux.

Keep crying Yuki.

Is he going to switch element again?



Her breasts are very perky.

Well he's a bandwagoning fag, so probably.

mc skill??

dumb Shorte

I want to be friends with this lesbian

Never. I want to smell your intoxicating stench. Even just a whiff of it will make me pop a boner.

Is beating the shit out of someone consider dating?

for some reason i expected a siete edit, im dissapointed now

who cares don't give him attention

Only if she's wearing a hijab.

It's fine! She comes back for more every day so I know she loves it!

If you're a psychopath

Do you get off on falseflagging everyone?

How strong must my grid be to complete the story

If you're from the south.


Do you get off on shitposting behind yuki's back? Fuck off already, redux.

2/300 on rolls right now, if I buy every ticket between now and then but no outfits, what's a good estimate on when I can spark? Will I make it in time for, say, the new zodiac, or would I have to wait until next summer?

>lets use an astral invention to erase astrals which means they can never create the thing used to erase all astrals

What else do I put on this fox?

PWR 23+


Why is that expression so hot?

It's the good ol marriage

Back off

heal and DA

Semen. Lots of it

Not even him but you sure seem obsessed with the both of them. Sad!

Did /fgog/ leak into here?
Theres more autism than usual

Any shitty grid works until about the late 40s, then you start hitting the regular walls. Most aren't as hard now that you can pot.


Never ever, dumb plane. I'm going to break you and make you mine.

just neck yourself faggots like you are the reason e celebs get memed into existence

Underrated post.

vry nice bobs

How many pots does it take to get 8harps (2MLB) during GW?

help this thing just won't drop, which quest should I farm these?

Any other characters with serious drug problems?

The GW quest.

That shit is measured in luck units

I got 22 just from clearing GW boxes.

>the boxes have a finite number of items

The EX weapon from the new event (scepter) is irredeemable trash and prime fodder, right?

>can skip half of the boxes if you luckshit

Post ID, cutie.

Sorry user, im not gay

Melleau and Nemone. Yggdrasil had such a weed overdose that she now thinks she is a tree. Exploding old man and laughing potato too seriously need help

>I have never cleared past box 4 in one GW in my life

Its fine if you dont have a second unknown or need a mystic MH

It's alright smelly boy, I'll mind break you into becoming a cock sleeve. It'll slowly happen, just you wait.

Don't worry, that will change soon.

Who is the strongest half dragon?

your avatarposting and general gayness speaks otherwise

Why is this general so fucking gay?

yggdrasil wont drop blades, only a shitton of bows, daggers, and staffs. what do?

I want to breed with this old geezer

because of virgins from /a/ who couldnt get a gf and went gay

Did you try fapping to her?

I want daddy lucifer to wrap his wings around me and whisper sweet nothings in my ear as he coddles me all night


So which magna water grid is better
daggers or auberons?

Post certified sluts

your mom

Ancient Auberons you idiot, this was never a question.

Auberons supposing you're always on element
>playing water off element


>people say thalatha is easy mvp in magna raids
>ground zero every raid
>not a single mvp
>like 10% ofthem give vice

please respond

Who? WHO? Who the fuck is that? I don't know that person. I think you're using the wrong name.

high energy shitposting right here

Will suck dick for UBHL carries for grains.

dumb eops

Threo you freakin EOPs

It's ثلاثة, user

Excuse me this is an ENGLISH imageboard and here we use the ENGLISH names. Get with the program.

HL Nezha
CR with Gravity/Blind/Unpredictable inside.

Salsa is honestly the best version of her name

Roughly how long would I need to slimeblast to get from 72 to 101?

Long enough.