Can we finally just get rid of Tesla? This company is an absolute fucking joke and is literally surviving on investors money.
Can we finally just get rid of Tesla? This company is an absolute fucking joke and is literally surviving on investors money.
Other urls found in this thread:
>this is the company of the guy that trashed toyota for not being able to produce enough cars
>not knowing that every single OEM sends out rejected/scrap parts for rework
The issue seems to be the high rate of defective parts and the hampering this has on their ability to produce the model 3 at such a critical point when they're already way past due.
>One current Tesla engineer estimated that 40 percent of the parts made or received at its Fremont factory require rework. The need for reviews of parts coming off the line, and rework, has contributed to Model 3 delays, the engineer said.
>Another current employee from Tesla's Fremont factory said the company's defect rate is so high that it's hard to hit production targets. Inability to hit the numbers is in turn hurting employee morale.
I really can't fathom why a good chunk of Veeky Forums bashes Tesla for no god damn reason. Is it a trend to hate on something you don't know jack squat about because it's cool? Is this why this Anti-Tesla hivemind exists on this retarded board? They actually make really reliable cars. My sister in law owns a Tesla Model X and it's been a reliable rig ever since. She's just nearing 10,000 miles, very little maintenance. Everything works like it should. But I know you're not gonna take my word for it cus lawl, the only opinion you can form is "HURR TESLA SUCKS BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE SAID IT SUCKS!!!"
Is this a youtube comment that you swapped "Veeky Forums" in?
Is it weird that I actually want him to succeed? Say what you will about Elon, but he's ambitious. That ambition is forcing technology to evolve and whether it's batteries or rockets I think it'll benefit everyone. I don't really give a shit about his cars but I wanna see what changes in tech he brings with these batshit crazy ideas
>Is it weird that I actually want him to succeed?
As far as I can tell that's the normie position, so no. I'm not calling you a normie btw.
cry more
I'm sure musk is crying right now, yes.
There should be no maintenance at 10,000 miles . They've just failed the bare minimum of having a reliable car.
Eh, no. I would actually like an answer on why you hate Tesla.
Because Tesla is what happens when you try and apply a modern silicon-valley agile development business model to automotive manufacturing without realizing that you can't iterate on a physical product already shipped to a customer, and bugfixing is much harder with a complex technological system like a car. Tesla is a company sustained by marketing hype and government loans, producing a shoddily made product design to sell at face value. The only good thing Tesla will achieve us getting other companies to make similar products, Tesla itself is useless vaporware based on normalfags hype
never seen a Tesla in real life, sounds like a scam to me
The idea that Tesla (and SpaceX/SolarCity) are maintained by government loans is a massive meme mostly perpetrated by the political right.
Tesla paid back their $460m loan early. Ford still has yet to pay back their $5.9 billion loan issued under the same DoE ATVM program. Chrysler and GM requested a combined $23 billion but went bankrupt before they got anything. Nissan USA got $1.5 billion to finance Leaf production.
There's definitely companies that DO (or did) exist completely off the back of the government lending programs such as Fisker and Solyndra, but Tesla and SpaceX really can't be included in that group.
Oh look, another propaganda thread trash talking a still-young car company by claiming things from "sources." You guys do know how CNBC gets their funding, right?
Does anyone realize they have the highest satisfaction rating of any manufacturer?
Actually, after reading OP's slander article, I think Tesla's model is quite good and logical since the auto manufactures have proven they can't be trusted, with or without government regulation. If Tesla takes on all the responsibility, we know exactly who to blame if shit goes south. And so far, they've owned up to each problem brought to their attention. I would love it if Ford and Honda started ponying up the responsibility for fucking up my car when it was last serviced, or taking responsibility for those flaws in their production vehicles that take years to get an NHTSA recall. You know, after hundreds of people already died? Shit, even my Mazda came back with broken suspension, burned up rear tires, and 100 extra miles on the odometer for a "test drive." They apparently didn't realize that I had installed these tires 2 weeks before their service. You know what sucks? I didn't get reimbursed for that damage, I had to pay another mechanic to fix it, and I know the guy who fucked up my car... He didn't get fired.
The fact Tesla tries so hard not only makes me feel like they are more likely to do good, but are proud of their product. You can't really say that about most companies out there, today. Maybe Bugatti, I guess. But even Ferrari has been churning out less than attractive cars as of late, forcing you to sign ridiculous non-ownership contracts.
I agree with Tesla completely and hope they over come their remaining hurtles. Because it will be great for other companies to realize the abuse they've been giving their customers and to start owning up to it.
But all car companies use hype to embellish value and product. At least Tesla delivers. They paid back some of the money they owed, even though they reported losses last year, they are also reporting a substantial amount of fixes to their production line, and guess what, they are producing cars at a sustainable rate, now. It is only a matter of time for things to fall into the black and start really growing the way Elon and the other CEO members want.
>Tesla itself is useless vaporware based on normalfags hype
Honestly? I think you are a victim of mainstream media bashing and bandwagoning opinions while confusing them for facts.
I unironically want tesla to success. I have a lot of stock invested.
So how much do you guys get paid for this? Your responses are far too long and articulate for Veeky Forums. I would fire you for being such an obvious shill.
I get a case of soylent sent to my door a week
Do you have a source for this? Because I happen to know this is false, unless something new has developed in the last 48 hours. I wouldn't take anything FOX, CNBC, and CNN too seriously.
Gasoline cars were badly made and unreliable pieces of deep until Japanese cars in the 1980s.
Yes, tesla has problems. Tough they're new and all new car makes tend to be shit for a decade or two. Kia and Hyundai just stopped being shit. To merely ok,
It wasn’t jap cars; it was electronic fuel control.
It is propoganda. A vast amount of Veeky Forums money is in sponsored media feeds and false reports. That's why /b/ is plagued with doll threads, trap threads, snapchat, etc. Because people eat it up. News is no different. And the big car companies out there are very threatened by Tesla's presence, not just because of the electric movement, but because Tesla wishes to put the responsibility of success back on the shoulders of the owners. Not the government. When a manufacturer loses the ability to displace blame, they become targets for billions of dollars of law suits.
No, we just are well educated and are trying to help disperse false information and fake news. I do this for anything I know is incorrect. It is simply me trying to help people understand the situation more, and give less power to people who are simply stupid... Or sheep.
Elon Musk’s Insane $55 Billion Pay Deal!
Musk could make as much as $55 billion if he finds a way to raise Tesla’s $59 billion market value to $650 billion. Tesla has missed production targets again and again and again, and a $650 billion valuation would put Tesla among the five biggest companies in the U.S., despite the fact that it continues to lose money.
>Do you have a source for this?
It's literally in the OP m8.
Yeah lets take all our news from obscure Blogspot accounts.
You didn't read the full post, did you? Don't believe anything coming from Fox, CNBC, and CNN. They are paid to post specific news reports. Unless you get your news from an unsponsored, neutral source, you can bet somebody crafted the story for leverage, not truth.
ITT - retired media whore
I'd have to know what you're talking about first to determine if you are being sarcastic or correct. I don't personally browse blogspot accounts. I generally go right to the source for my information and investing needs.
>at least Tesla delivers
Tell that to people who're waiting for their model 3.
No I did, I was simply answering your question. It's true that any NBC branch is a joke, as are unnamed (((sources))), but that's the source nonetheless even if it's almost assuredly all horseshit.
My point is you're a faggot who will dismiss any news source that doesn't agree with your beliefs.
Tesla has overcome substantial amounts of problems and hurdles set forth by lobbying manufacturers. All companies lose money initially. Hell, if it wasn't for the government, Ford, GM, and many others wouldn't still be around today. It isn't about the debt. Any investor with a little experience can tell you that.
Also, his production woes have been slowly getting sorted out. It isn't unreasonable considering other companies are averaging 1800-3000 a month for EV's or hybrids. You also need to remember, this is a fairly new facility making these cars. And to be real, Nevada has some of the dumbest mother fuckers in the US, which is why he had such
a high initial turn over rate. As more educated people get the jobs, a more reliable work force is established. Regardless of those numbers, you have to admit his vehicles are indeed doing what Elon says they would. This alone is one of the biggest reasons he has support. He doesn't go around making claims and delivering sub par "legal versions." You get the car Elon told you about.
>mfw Tesla is literally a ponzi scheme at this point
Can’t wait until it collapses and Elon’s episode of American Green comes out
Why should I? Tesla has explained the situation just fine.
>I was simply answering your question.
My experience in the media has made me weary of mainstream media "news." OP's link is CNBC "information." And reading into the article, I know it is false news. NBC and all those morning shows are plagues to progress. OP is simply spreading bad rumors or blatant lies.
>My point is you're a faggot who will dismiss any news source that doesn't agree with your beliefs.
Woo lad, calm down. Take another bong hit, my man. Your rebuttal is both too insightful and enlightening for me to respond with any certainty that you will be able to comprehend the reality of facts. But if you think going to the source is bad, in any sense of the metaphor, then you sir are either paid to slander or are just another sheep in the flock.
All companies have debt, kid. That's how business grows. Clearly you have no idea how economic leverage works.
Christ I want this useless company to just go away already if only so I don’t have to listen to the Elon Musk dickriding every goddamn day.
Was that an auto response or are you a part of the propaganda machine?
Carburetor Japanese cars managed to be more reliable than their American and European peers.
You caught me, I’m a shapeshifting interdimensional lizard man hired by Bob Lutz in a global conspiracy to shitpost about Tesla on Veeky Forums
Elon and his companies have had absolutely nothing to do with advancements in battery technology
>there has been none
Or advancements in rocket technology
>there has been none
All we're seeing is the same chemistry just used on larger scales and with better cooling than before.
Musk is a marketer first, and investor second, and a faggot third.
He knows how to make kids eyes glow with the word future. Even though we've been living in the future for 50 years.
Wow, you are full blown void of mental capacity, aren't you.
Great argument. Real intelligent.
Nice projection.
I'm not trying to take sides here but that is not projection user, that's way too impersonal.
They’re making false promises. Taking investor and potential buyer deposits in but failing to meet the production numbers promised. It’s only a matter of time before people start wanting their product and/or money back; that’s when we’ll see the house of cards collapse
>new car
>doesn't use it
>just 10k miles
>muh maintentance free
>brags it never breaks
>brags it never breaks
I never said they don't break, brainlet.
>They’re making false promises.
That's not at all what they are doing. They are making goals and having expectations from their facilities. This is literally the same exact thing every manufacturer does. Just because you don't like Tesla, doesn't make them an exception to the rest of the world for special hate.
Also, that isn't how investing works. And Tesla has been delivering. Not as much as promised, true, but they are still delivering. Again, I would refer back to their satisfaction ratings as proof that people aren't asking for money back on anything just yet.
I don't know if they will turn a profit this year. But I know they have overcome a lot in the last few months so I am curious to see if their losses have reversed or minimized for this first quarter. Almost there to find out.
It is projection if you're being accused of paid posting so you just deflect by saying "n-nuh uh actually its the evil ICE boogeyman who pays to shill against EV"
It is also important to note that if Tesla doesn't make money, it is ok, because they are just a small part of the full business model. The remaining model is still generating revenue. I agree on those Q1 reports. Also looking forward to that. Stocks will likely hella revers at that point.
Tesla is doing exeptional great. Autistic virgin asspain is greater than ever.
The government forces legitimate industries to pay Musk pollution credits. The government also pays Musk $8000 for every car sold.
I really like my tesla
Holy shit how new are you
so your a fool with a messiah complex that cannot see that there are always going to be differing opinions about things regardless of info. You would believe that it all comes down to people "not understanding the technology" when in reality its you that lacks understanding.
If you took a moment to look at tesla objectively, you too would come to hate them as well. The arrogance of their CEO, the zealotry of their following, the willful ignorance of the impact of battery manufacturing (both social and environmental), The audacity of selling their shit workmanship for the prices they have and their unwillingness to accept fault in the crashes caused by their self driving software.
fukn saved
>posts in favor of tesla are just shills
>posts against tesla are just shills
is it really so unbelievable that people may care to have an opinion without being paid?
>Let's get rid of the one area where the American auto industry has a lead in.
You just want to the government to perpetually bail out the big companies until the whole industry tanks like the Australians.
Does anyone actually believe these retards writing entire essays about why Tesla is great aren’t shills? Come on man, even when I really love a car I don’t sit around writing pages and pages about it like a fucking autist
yeah. Veeky Forums is about the most pointless shilling strategy you can buy in general. first the audience on Veeky Forums is low compared to every other social media platform and news site. if you're paying someone hourly and want to get the least value out of your dollar, get your boys to post on Veeky Forums.
second theres no way to measure impact. other platforms offer ways to show depth and views of content you post, Veeky Forums offers none except on ads.
third telsa fanboys are real. look at reddit. they buy into the 'futurology' hype that is musk and tesla's brand image. a lot of people have an emotional stake in science and technology as an index of social progress because they dont have an identity otherwise.
Well, you make a very cogent, well-constructed point. Especially your last sentence, really explains a lot about the mentality of these people.
Boycott Tesla my brothers.
And don't forget to buy my gas Yankee friends, I got 8 wives to feed.
May the blessing of Allah be upon you all.
Thanks Hakim, blessings upon you and your wives too. We’ll be sure to keep buying that gas so long as the entire world still has to convert to USD to buy it as well.
America is the world's largest natural gas producer
>natural gas
Who cares?
Holy shit, no wonder his dick warmers where everywhere on /pol/.
Holy fuck
Literally every pos German car can last to 10k before breaking. It's bad enough VW celebrates when their cars hit 100k reliably when 200k should be the benchmark.
>Luxury automaker Tesla is manufacturing a surprisingly high ratio of flawed parts and vehicles,
>Luxury Automaker
Who the fuck wrote this shit?
>When Reddit uses personal experiences to prove a point.
>O-others do it!
>Look at Ford!
No one cares about this comparison. People care about not adding more corporate welfare queens and not at this level cronyism that comes out about Musk and his companies. How shocking that a new company under the eyes if everyone is going to receive a lot if twisted facts.
>Some shitty website with an e car bias.
How about killing yourself, shill.
>Your responses are far too long and articulate for Veeky Forums.
Not any of those guys, but YOU and your attitude is part of the problem. It takes but one-liners and generic template 3 sentence complaints to attack anyone or anything. Many variations of those attacks have been on /b/ and Veeky Forums so just copy them down and change names.
It takes a lot longer post to explain. Posts that also provide background in order to prevent expected one-liner assault responses also use up space.
>I would fire you for being such an obvious shill.
I remember when people like you attacked posts with wikipedia URLs as being shills promoting wikipedia. It's not being a shill to explain why an attack is incorrect.
Now, if there were valid attacks upon Tesla, it would be for how much taxpayer money they have spent in developing electric car technology that the Chinese will just copy. Thus, Tesla serves as the unwitting research arm for Chinese industry while using its popular name to siphon out taxpayer dollars into the Chinese market. The second type of attack might be on how investor money is being spent on building factory space in China. The Chinese should be the ones subsidizing it instead.
Not as new as you, apparently.
I don't see how you came to the conclusion of messiah and complex. Do you not support people when they need help? Or correct people when they are wrong? It is one thing to mind your own business, but it is another to be in the middle of a conversation and be interrupted by an individual screaming obscenities for no reason. Or worse, reasons to slenderize.
>If you took a moment to look at tesla objectively
I have, which is how I made $23,000 off of their stocks before they dropped and I sold their stock. Now I'm waiting for that quarterly decide if I should reinvest. Because anyone who has considered all the arguments will be able to understand why this company is poised to do big things. Or bigger, at this point. Can they still fall? Yea. Is it likely? Nope.
I don't understand why people call Musk arrogant. Competitive? Yea. Ambitious? Fuck yea. Arrogant? Not really. At least no more than any other CEO I've either met personally or read about. But because there is no Musk stock, I don't care too much about this topic. I will say, though, he has openly admitted to mistakes and disappointments and has remained fairly transparent from day one, which you simply can't say about any manufacturer to date. I think you are just searching for things to fuel your own hate towards the guy. Bug again, I'm talking about Tesla.
As for the workmanship, you'll have to give a precise example that isn't paid media. Something from a customer, something from a crash report, etc. I know there are reports out there (ex. fires), but many of the reports are exaggerated when you look at NHTSA reports and public records. Tesla is rarely at fault. And most certainly no worse at fault than any other manufacturer. Airbags anyone?
Otherwise, if it is the story I think you are talking about with the poorly modeled body panels, it was disproved. The vehicle in question was an early prototype that was thrown together for a demonstration.
>is it really so unbelievable that people may care to have an opinion without being paid?
*cough* Not like you, right? *cough*
Excellent rebuttal, good sir. Your argument is hard to dispute.
>O-others do it
>putting words into other peoples' quotes and claiming it as original
Ok, responding directly to your "welfare queens," are you aware of their medical and benefits program? Are you aware of their transportation system? Are you aware of the discounts and incentives? Because I have a hard time believing you know anything about this, as the minimum paid person there makes too much to qualify for welfare, AND they save a butt load of cash on free shit like daycare, transportation, and more.
But you seem determined to keep slenderizing with claims instead of facts. Do you have evidence of what you say?
>some shitty website with an e car bias
>telling someone to kill themselves as a foundation for an argument
I now see you are actually very new to this world. You've demonstrated a great lack of information and competence.
>The Tesladrone thinks it is going to ever get fair treatment.
>Ignores everything wrong because muh futurism
Also kys
>I now see you are actually very new to this world. You've demonstrated a great lack of information and competence.
Tesla's highest ownership is in California, that should tell you all you need to know
Shilling on Veeky Forums works, just not on Veeky Forums. Maybe like 5% of the posters here could afford a Tesla. Veeky Forums is poorfag central.
>progress for the planet is a bad thing
Well, at least you have Mars. Oh wait...
I stopped reading after you admitted to having stocks. That automatically invalidates your opinion when you claim to be objective. also see:
actual customers with actual failures.
you are so beyond shill it actually hurts to read your post.
only two car companies have never gone bankrupt. Ford and Tesla.
as elon said, the two worst industries you can get into to make money are cars and rockets.
Wait, Tesla actually went bankrupt at some point?
easy to not go bankrupt when you take a bailout
>I stopped reading after you admitted to having stocks.
So you intentionally gave up in an argument you are losing because you finally see you have opinions and not facts. You are a bigger man than most on this board.
>proof from 2016
Bruv, you just admitted you have no case. Why are you starting all over again?
>stupid employees in a manufacturing gig fuck everything up
Not even news, honestly. I work in a plant where there's two steps to every product. My part, and another guy. I produce flawless solid fucking gold and the guy after me is so awful at his job and fucks it up so bad that they look like a child built them afterwards. I have no idea why he's still employed. I think they just can't take the week downtime of firing him and training someone else. I guess shipping a bunch of product that TECHNICALLY passed QC, but looks like trash nobody should pay for, is an acceptable alternative.
Tesla actually hires good people. I think someone just made an honest mistake.
Lmao can’t tell if there is one dude literally paid by Tesla to promote Tesla in the ‘car community’ or just some Reddit faggot who actually believes what he’s saying.
Nobody here worships car companies especially companies making cars they can’t afford.
because its a meme car company for soyboys who produce TERRIBLE quality cars.
EV is a good idea on paper, no emissions targets, simpler to manufacter and yet in reality every single one of their cars is a unreliable shitbox driven by absolute morons
Sure the straight line speed is impressive but the damn things cant even go round a corner
At least they give a subset of enthusiasts exactly what they want
Meanwhile a minority wants the car version of a sportbike (called a "drivers car" - lightweight, analog where it counts, superb handling, few compromises for daily comforts where it crowds out performance) but has to try and find that buried in a giant expensive luxury grand tourer (more like the car equivalent of something like a BMW K1200)
>wow this 3000lb barge has okay handling
>the wheels actually turn if you move the steering wheel at all
>the engine has enough power to move this boat anchor to 60mph in 5 seconds. how, uh, quick!
>i love it. ;_;
>look at it this way: five star crash rating!
Traditional automakers swap out body panels and increase MPG by 1 every year and they call it "THE ALL NEW 2020 CHEVY SILVERADO." when it's 2018. And then they blow millions and millions of dollars on parties every year where they suck each other's dicks as they hit the bare minimum EV production milestones and as they gradually chip away leather and metal and replace it with plastic panels. And then they give these pile-of-shit plastic behemoths to dealers that charge you $160/hour for labour, and get their unmotivated, stoned junior technician to replace your ball joints, which takes him a phenomenal 4 hours over the expected 1 or 1.5 hours, resulting in the customer getting royally fucked.
And the Earth's atmosphere and oceans are swallowing the carbon from the exhaust at an unsustainable rate, and it's getting harder and harder to even get oil out of the ground so we basically are fucked in two ways, and eventually the atmosphere will be unlivable (not soon mind you) and the oil will run out, so we'll be right fucked if we don't have 1 billion electric cars on the road by then anyway.
And Chevy and Toyota and Nissan are putting out these pussy ass, slow as fuck, soy boy EVs that no one thinks are cool and certainly no one gets head in. So big boy Elon Musk steps up to the fucking plate, from Pretoria in South Africa where he spent his joyous youth getting thrown down flights of stairs by packs of frothy-mouthed 80 IQ point niggers, who moved to Canada on his own at 17 to work on a farm, who started a company at 24 and sold it at 27 for 200 million, started another company at 28 and sold it at 34 for 1.5 billion, who then started the only formidable space company that America has to call it's own, who has given up his whole life for this god damn country, and you faggots are complaining about a couple busted parts.
You need to get punched in the teeth.