Who else has a manual choke on their vehicle?

Who else has a manual choke on their vehicle?

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But also winch control

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Mine has a manual choke from the factory, but mine isn't hooked up

my choke is literally a couple inches of steel wire and a wingnut

My car doesn't even have a choke
Fuel injection FTW

Efi adjusts the mixture much like a choke when it's cold outside so technically you do have a choke.

I honestly wish I had a manual choke and not one of those weird electric spring loaded thingies.
I don't want to cut plastic inside the car to pass off the knobs and shit for manual choke though

my bike has a choke, does that count?

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Reporting in.

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Bike has a choke lever.

I prefer EFI desu, idling at 4000rpm when the engine's hot in summer isn't that much fun.

FJ40 reporting in

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A properly tuned and setup carb wouldn't do that


My choke is adjustable. I can control the rpm depending on how far I turn it.

Ayoooooooo hol up

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No he doesn't. A choke "chokes" the air side of the mixture. EFI adjusts the AFR directly. It's not a choke.

Toyotard is that u

>a fucking reliant
It's so stupid, I like it

A choke blocks the air intake so the engine vacuum sucks up more fuel from the bowl than it normally would for the air flow.
That's not how an EFI adjusts the AFR.

Somebody is gonna replicate those keys and rob you m8

No, it's a Lada.

vacuum yo shit.

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I know, just asking if you are this guy I know that has a 2101. Good shit though, I have a 2106

Im sorry friend but this is as clean as it get.

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who here /pullchoke4pumpsofgasfiresrightup/?

Ive got a manual choke
But my car is from 1972 so...

Does it count that the fuel line goes through the cab and I can kink it?

What’s the point?

Not that guy.
Nice 2106, I think it's the prettiest Lada model.

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how the fuck will that help?

been a long time since i had a car with a manual choke. i remember some cars having auto choke on the carbs and they always fucked up, so people replaced with manual choke cables

hell yea it does!

I mean not that this works and all, but who cares anyways

I got a 56 bug with a manual choke.

I used to have an 82 diesel vw pickup. It had a manual choke pull knob, but it was for...whatever diesels need to cold start.

Thats the throttle, idiot



>hanshin tigers
My negro

>all these 3rd world RHD peasants with manual chokes

my fucking lawnmower doesnt even have a manual choke anymore.

My pan-asian-african brudas, hoping here for Toritani and Fukudome to take us far this incoming season.

Automatic chokes are without exception awful pieces of shit.
Anything with a carburettor is better with a manual choke. I had a scooter with an automatic choke and it caused constant hassle

Vacuum chokes are shit, but I never had issues with Chevrolet electric chokes.

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Are they done off a thermostat then? What stops them from turning off too early when it's cold out, or flooding the engine during warm starts or hot weather?
My only experience of autochokes was the gy6 scooter engine. The automatic choke on those is a piece of shit (well the entire scooter is a piece of shit really, but the terrible carburettor makes things much worse)

we get it faggot, you bought some shitty hilux surf

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no my car's from this century