/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2073

>Recent News
SSR Grea
SSR Zaoshen (Fire Bonito)
Gambanteinn 4* (Grand Io's Weapon)
SR Elmott

>Future Updates

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for September:
8/31 - 9/3 - Legfest Part 2 - New Character Spark
8/31 - 9/8 - Lonesome Dragoness
9/9 - 9/14 - Touken Ranbu Collab Part 1
9/14 - 9/21 - Touken Ranbu Collab Part 2
9/22 - 9/29 - Guild War (Wind Favored)
9/30 - ??? - New Scenario Event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Calculator - Learn to use it so you won't be dependent on other people's opinion.

>Crew Pastebin

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I am the Strongest Fire magna player on this board

BakaHL 23F29918

H.Snek soon

Lets have a nice and comfy thread!
Shitposters be gone!


Can I leech?

Z O I !

Start dropping those swords, you stingy cunt.

Post cute pairs

Me and my husband.

One radish, please.


how about no

Hi Birdman

This is my mom. She's very strong and respected. Please say something nice about her and don't mention her height.


How do you deal with crippling depression, /gbfg/?

Marie please, that's Cog's husbando.

Please tell your mom to stop fucking the dragons.


My mom does NOT fuck dragons.

I love her huge tits and want to grab her stupid horns during paizuri

You dont like comfy threads?

I don't.


Post grid/characters


Delusional niggercat.

I want to smell mig!

You're right, she's too short to reach their dicks.

I'm gonna tell your mom to revoke your internet privileges because you're being an annoying shitposter.

I want to pet this user

Nooky nook!

Gransexual has 4 spots open, strike times are 7-8AM and 11AM-12PM JST. Come join a leech guild where only a few people actually do anything and the rest are literal ghosts that does nothing while your luck gets drained away the longer you stay in here. Discord is required.

Leave a message on my profile if you'd like to join
ID: 13675529


Post your worst grid.




Is it slutty if they're married?

Why don't you just disband already if leeches are already killing your shitty B-tier guild?

Fuck light. Second worst is water.

Don't laugh

How your Esser 5*?

i have my priorities straight

>grid disorganization


im not 5*ing esser, huh?

It'll be done by the time I spark Zoi next year.. maybe

Post your grids you autistic fuck.

I'll replace 2 guns with 2 swords and just leave it like that.

>tfw no murgs

I play a weaboo gachapon grindan gaeme

Lets post aesthetic pleasing grids


>3 murgs with a pseudo-magna pool

So is the build for Yggy the same with Chev?
9 swords, 1 cosmos sword, plus one GW dagger?

Fuck off smelly.

twitch tv/videos/171894036
I got 18 new ssr so I should be happy but 7 of my 12 new characters were from my least favorite element and I only got 1 character I actually wanted

I couldn't even get the character I was planning on sparking because kmr is a monkey looking faggot and didn't make all of the summer characters rate up at the same time this year

Get in nerds.

i am good at this game

You need only two muggies. You need to make room for Xeno Water.

>Not running 2 atma swords

I can't, my grids aren't good.



So what do I do with this garbage? Get a RQ harp and start farming macula?

>you will never try Jessica's cannon
Why even live?

8/18 We're slowly getting there!

>draw two Titan summons
>only characters I have are Eustace and Razia


Has this been leaked yet?

Why? I don't have any sword characters.

>fujos consider these two to be the most handsome Granblue men and are urging Touken Ranbu players to SD them

It's not like you can grind Salsa and ehta then just slot in a buffer or anything

5 hs/spartan
1 Ely
1 warlock
1 wind cr

sleepy time~


I want to be Lucio so I understand the attraction.


Like the cosmo sword it buffs swords. I was shitposting though I dunno if it's any good. Run the numbers if you want

>1* titan + stratomizar
What seems to be the problem?

I already made a 5* Six.

They are handsome though. It's not like they're bad units anyway.


Doesn't atma buff sword characters, not swords?

>SDing the two most useful and attractive male limiteds there is
Fujo are looking out for eachother atleast

You're saying that like I care. titan isn't going anywhere. When you want to be a big girl, you know where to go

11/18 need sages

One day I shall abandon months of work and a Shiva for this! But today is not the day.

I shall not be myself today!

For the love of god someone bring Sages please.



>+ stratomizar
>Implying I didn't reduce because I was a newshit




I did some bad things a few days ago and I kinda want to keep going. The only thing I'd choose though is Lucio, who is good and I would like, but doesn't seem worth it over even something unknown like Halloween characters, Christmas characters or water dog. At the same time, I've been grinding hard and getting nowhere so a little push in power would be nice.