>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
Camilla is shit
Hector will get a multiplier victory. Screencap this.
What skills did you put in your Tanas?
Faye is very cute!
Why is Elise and all these "new" FE characters in warriors?
Where is the characters not from those two games?
ATT+ / HP- Ike, should I run Draconic Aura, Dragon Fang or Luna?
What's the next event worth getting hype over? Whether is a new banner, TT, update or whatever
t. Raul
The people developing the game have an incredible hard-on for Fates.
They unironically considered dropping Lucina from it.
I was about to fully commit and put LnD and Galeforce but then Neph was datamined and I want to save feathers for her instead. She's still amazing without LnD and just the Firesweep though.
gimme a build for my +Spd -Def Ephraim
After failing on her last two banners, I somehow beat the red-hell of this voting gauntlet banner and pulled her without much effort (~40 orbs?). Just finished up this second set (already finished the healer build), really wish she were +spd though.
How'd I do, Lucinabros?
Raul loves camilla
I believe you want odd numbered specials with bike, so da or luna. aether is a good option too
Only characters from FE1, FE13, and FE14 are being featured in Warriors.
Halloween banner next month. Black Knight GHB and Nephenee "soon".
The CYL is great and all but what about the fall banner? When can we expect to see it?
Regular Ike here, not Brave Ike.
So is the assumption that we just ignore Awakening's "gods" comments and go with Archanea's core religion just being followers of Naga, much like Valentia has Duma and Mila? Of course Naga's following seems to be based more in legend than in two dragons actually lounging around and playing god for humans, but it makes sense at least given the reverence that nearly every character has for Naga.
On the other hand, it seems odd to me that so many religious characters seem to come from Macedon when the whole Naga obsession seems to be more Archanea/Altea based than anything.
I dunno, religion seems to be the one least thought out thing in regards to Archanea's lore.
his name was powerful gay
>Lucina didn't get into #FE
>Lucina almost didn't get into Warriors
Really makes you think.
Halloween next month.
Sigurd will be added in ______
and will be voiced by ______
and will have a base of ______ resistance
People dont even know who Ike or Lyn are anymore these days and besides they're just functions. If you want to play as Lyn then Lucina is the game for you for a sword user.
oh heavy blade aether
who cares
Accurate if nothing else.
Stick renewal 3 and ardent sacrifice/reciprocal aid on her and watch your dedicated red for Tempest Trials heal your entire team
Christian La Monte
Just post the full image here and I'll tell you why
>capcha drill
Shit, time to kms he spotted me
That's great
Did you capture those Soren builds?
no one
yuri lowenthal
When will Soren get to complete his Ike harem?
Running into meme teams is my favorite part of this game.
Chris Smith
>Lyn beating Camilla hard
>Camilla gets a bonus and goes right below the 10% threshold lead
>lyn catches up to 100 mill difference
>now Camilla has a 600 mill lead
Truly a skilled Tana
Damn combofiend, you working on this too? I'll be sure to preorder for you buddy
There's a Mila idol when you get to Archanea in Echoes, so it implies she had some worshipers there.
I wanna just spend a full hour just giving Doot head pats!
Jamieson Price
Blue or colorless Ike and/or Soren alts when?
Does anyone still shill for fire emblem warriors
I like Hana
Where's the bunny
B skill for Selena? Her job will be exclusively babysitting Lucina and Nephenee from greens.
Shadow of Chaos.
>FE9 Lord Ike
>FE10 Hero Ike
>FE10 Vanguard Ike
>Seasonal FE9 Ike
>Seasonal FE10 Ike
It will be a long while before it is complete.
The other three fell down the rabbit's hole; what, or who, shall they find?
There's a warriors thread on /v/ right now that has a guy or two defending it, and calling out the nostalgiafags for being retarded
Feel free to duke it out with him
Ike is +atk/-spd
>Fire Emblem Generations: Crusader's Legacy
>some guy I've never heard of before that does an amazing job a la Alm
>4 res (+1 from before)
Hurry up and shit out Fire Emblem Awakening 3.0: Switch Edition so the B-team can start making remakes on the engine. If they push marrying/pair-up and plot drama in the advertising maybe they can even break half a million sales worldwide.
G Tomebreaker
How the fuck does Urvan work?
Does it only mitigate damage from Brave weapons or all attacks?
Hinata done.
Who do you want to see on the maid and butler banner excluding the actual maid and butler?
What would Greil think of this?
>Checking best girls in the compendium
>Celica got shit art
Shitty tumblr artists ruin fucking everything
I was lucky enough to get her as +spd -res and she's great. +hp isn't as good, but you got her best bane at least and the extra hp could help in some situations. You could even give her infantry pulse and a hp seal. Use hone speed on another unit/lancina spurs if you find yourself needing that extra speed.
>ardent sacrifice/reciprocal aid
>not breath of life 3 and the breath of life 1 sacred seal for a total of 10 HP heals to all adjacent allies without health loss when she attacks enemies
>not healing all of your allies all at once without being a healer and healing every second turn
must be great to be a noob
Why is camilla winning?
The difference has been shrinking all night user. It wasn't a 100m to 600m growth, it was a 1,000m to 600m cut.
Butler Kaze. We need more seasonal variants of units that aren't in normally.
Replace that hideous Armourslayer pls, at least with a Silver Sword or something. Swordbreaker for the B skill, maybe?
Can you do one for Doot?
Grant George
15 (spread: 40/35/30/34/15)
Because they're retards and trying to overshoot.
Very nice, i love how much detail you put into these guys.
If that's not enough then I'll give you another hint. He doesn't need to be hit by a brave to make it work.
Because, as said before, Lynfags are still hording most of their flags. Even if Camilla gets a late bonus Lyn will still pull ahead, though that means they may burn too many flags on her and not have enough ready for Ike.
>Bridal Blessings 2
>Branded Bride, Soren
>colorless staff
>Weapon: Thorned Rose, built-in Wrathful Staff
>C Skill: Hone Ike
>nuFE wins again
>not pulling for Linde since she can heal teammates for 15 while being a better unit.
Hyper offensive melee units suck.
All of my 5* swords have Prfs except for Caeda and Tobin. It was a very frustrating realization when I was looking for a new sword to give her.
She's the last nuFE representative and IS can't stand the idea that their newest content may not be the best stuff they've ever made because then they would have to acknowledge that they made poor design decisions, and if there's one thing no Japanese company will ever do, it's admit that they made poor decisions
>mfw they add a Steady Breath but for res
>Reads thread
Yeah no, that guy is autistic giving blantant wrong statements, I see his nostalgia hate boner is fueling him
Linde is overrated. fuck off
I'll add it to the list, may take a while since I work pretty slowly.
Thanks. the toughest one so far has been the Peri, mainly the amount of detail on her armour, and her hair strands not clumping together because of the Binary Brush.
lyn cancer is honestly worse than anything nuFE has shit out, so that would make this the not-bad timeline.
however, this is the bad timeline so lyn will still win
Swift Breath
>Teleports behind you
>Decapitates you
lucinafags on suicide watch
Felicia is the cutest! Holding her in my arms! Giving her little kisses on her cheek! Whispering sweet things to her! Holding her soft hand and going everywhere together! Falling asleep while cuddling her! I love Felicia!
and i still won't have innes by then
My little brother just started playing this game and he's rerolling like a nut, he just pulled a +def - res brave ike and a +HP -def Brave Lyn, should he keep it? He keeps bugging me about it but I don't play feh, I'm churning through Echoes right now.
exactly like that
is TA bowbreaker Fae viable for memes?
Reminder that Brave Ike baits Titania into your other green orbs.
How did they fuck up warriors so bad?
any time he's hit multiple times without him countering in between
He has three (3) CYL units (counting the free one). He is fine
Go post in the /v/ thread about it and ask venomroy and the shill he's arguing with