/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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Draw 2 cards.

any time Bike is hit twice in a row. Say that Nephenee attacks him. Bike obviously counters. Neph's second hit, being after Ike's hit, not her own, does full damage. However, say Brave Lyn attacks. Since Ike does not have DC, she attacks twice in a row, which procs Urvan. Same goes with brave weapons like tinyhands, or Cordelia. Desperation will also proc Urvan. Vantage looks to be an excellent B for him, as since he counters first, any unit that doubles him will proc urvan.

Thanks for the
+atk -res
+res -def
+spd -def
+def -hp
+hp -spd
+hp -res
Eliweeds and 0 Brave Roy, CYL banner.
Should I wait for +atk -hp or use +atk -res for *4+5?
30 res looks nice.

+spd/-def is Eliwood's best IV.
Death Blow 3 and full cav buffs put him over 60 atk and 40 spd.

>Both Ike and Lyn are currently trending towards a loss

If this actually happens the meltdown will be glorious

Roy would've prevented this.

He could've stopped the nu FE menace

Anyone else just get disconnected?

bottom goddamn right

every time im about to doubt, it fucking happens again

>a repeat of yesterday
I don't think /feg/ can survive another shitstorm like that without being purged.

Those things predict other dumb shit every gauntlet. I don't even know why they are still being made when you can't predict how a player is going to use flags.

I love Ike but I am 100% fine with Hector winning at the end.

>cuckmillafags deluded themselves into thinking they're gonna win.



Got nothing better to do.

>Can't get BIke
>Get two Hectors instead


I'm surprisingly okay with this.

Probably will roll shit


I just want to fight for you user...get me in the game

Anything but Shitsuna will be fine.

I want to shine a laser off her 7head.

I've been stuck in green hell for 3 days now.
>endless Bartres and Berukas
>pity rates broken by two Titanias, Soren, and Fae
>yolo red roll with no green stones, BRoy on 3%
>back up to 4.75% sniping only greens

>inb4 20 attack


Give me Anna pls gods. I want to contribute to the secret.



Was there anything about the next GHB/BHB in the latest datamine?

What are the chances she is a tempest prize?
On what basis people claim she is gonna be a reward ?


I am fine with this

Whoever wins I'll get art from pixiv

Bye bye thread

They don't have one.



As long as it's not WHO TO CRUSH tier voice, it's decent, otherwise trash

I'm feeling good about this

Please don't be shit

Should I bother with building and promoting pic related? hes -def +res wich seems to be pretty good.
Any recommended builds if hes worth it?

No. We do know, however,
>Black Knight, Nephenee chibis datamined from the Quick Hero Battle
>Black Knight GHB from the CYL Trailer

Fuck, why not?

Simply because only she and Burger King have been found, and with BK all but guaranteed to be a GHB that means either there are 3 other Tellius units coming or she's getting screwed.

So is this another Nono situation where she's older than she looks so I'm not a pedo? But I'm not attracted to little girls, they're only for headpats, hugs and kisses on the foreheads at most, but that's pushing it.

4.25% pity rate broken by -atk +res Brave Ike. What should I do with this? These are like the worst IVs possible?

She was the only character leaked, this leads to people making assumptions.

Will she be able to beat the the Lucina?

Steady Breath fodder


What's this facial expression trying to convey?

Give Steady Breath to Tiki.

Tiki A hits 39 defense with it too.

I have the same Soren, he's nice to have in Arena Assault and such. I gave him Darting Blow and Green Tomebreaker.

Let's go boy. Hope for my waifu

Now when you mention this, Narcian's GHB got a prolonged run. I think the possibility of BK and Tempest without new Tellius banner is quite high.

What's the point of Steady breath? Doesn't it just give 4 def and accelerates the special count? What am I missing here

Pretty good. He'll survive any mage with ease.

He's pretty much a bulkier Nino, but a bit slower and harder to get (since he's 4-5* only). Build him if you like him, otherwise stick with Nino

draw two cards

Me on the right.

In addition I would like to point out that even with a cooldown of 6, she can proc Aether if she's doubled with Quick Reposte and Quick Pulse because you still gain the extra cooldown point when counterattacking.

My feh wont start, it's just stuck in an infinite loading loop.
My connection is fine.
Is the server dead?
I'm on android

I rolled Garbage.

Kagero please

>what's the point of the best A skill in the game

yeah good bye to your orbs

Hey /feg/, have you finished building the units you got from the CYL banner yet? Or are you still working at it?

Either way, post your best one.

loading for me. close out and try again.

Isn't Hector better than brave ike ?

I was thinking something along the lines of
drag back
darting blow
Threaten speed

could this work?

I did recently pull a +spd -def 3* nino wich is pretty much perfect IV's for the little girl.
have to say I like Soren a bit more so maybe I'll build both

Narcian's ghb revival and gauntlet end up at the same time and it's too early for a new banner.

I see so many +SPD/-DEF Brave Ikes, hell I got two of them

Been done since day 1

>too early for a new banner
That's just what ISIS whants us to think.

They could always just add a new BHB

Meh/10. I want a redo.

I hope not. Even though I'd like to guarantee getting her, I also want her to actually be good if possible. I also want to say I don't think they'd make someone as popular as Nephenee a TT reward.

Alright, who needs a Brave Sword+? I already gave one to Alfonse, Hana seems like the obvious choice but nobody else comes to mind. My Chrom is +hp -def so I dunno if to bother unless he's +atk

>4% pity rate on hector banner
>still no hector

Just kill me already

I still need to grind sp to Cancel Affinity

I argue she's better than Hector by virtue of 8 move vs 4 move

Is a +Spd Hector alright or does he want Atk or something instead

I wouldn't recommend raven, especially if he's -def. He's fragile enough for Ike to literally kill him if he's not gentle enough.

Don't bother with Watersweep either, it's a waste of his nice speed and it's too niche for use.

+res is the best under 5 merges above and +atk or +spd are better

Anal must feel so nice.

just got my Bike. shame he came after double SP. at least i have bikini tiki to help.

I just dont know what to pick for their B and C skills.
Desperation doesnt sound so great for my roy since he's -SPD +RES so I was thinking to go with vantage to make use of his great attack stat.
the lyn is balanced but I'm not sure if I should slap desperation 3 on her or Sacae to prevent counterattacks in arena.

>Don't bother with Watersweep either, it's a waste of his nice speed and it's too niche for use.
Not him, but does anyone actually want Watersweep? I have a spare Soren that I've been debating whether or not to merge. It's such an awkward skill, most of the time I figure if you've got enough speed to activate it you might as well be aiming for doubles anyway, I don't even have the phantom speed seal.

Should I go for gronnblade or stick to his default weapon?
msot of my teams have default buffs on my units so He will probably have at least one buff on him most of the time.
and a shame about his watersweep. sounds like a pretty good skill really.

Currently grinding SP for Vantage.

Who else /double bane/ here


Who else has trouble selecting heroes to send home? My barracks are filled, but I have a bad case of giant crab syndrome

Gronnblade is good if you have one spare, you can never really go wrong with blade tomes. Otherwise Rexcalibur is honestly fine, Soren's very well rounded and is just generally a solid green mage, so you won't have any issues.

Increase barracks

Mfw i am playing since launch and never had this problem
Whats wrong with people like you

I just SI units for assist skills/specials to make space. Otherwise there's a few units that are absolutely worthless you can send home without thinking about it.

I have some ideas.. but Id like some opinions on who should get DC

Lyn needs to learn Hone and Roy needs Fortify. Just tested Lucina in the Arena and she is a pretty fun unit. Nothing like walling Camus or Cordelia/Tana and destroying Azura for free.

>giant crab syndrome
never heard of this before. what does it refer to?

I'm not too sure honestly. I can see it working with debuffers/poison strike (whatever that B-skill was), basically units that are responsible for weakening bulky niggas.
Default or Gronnblade, yeah. Soren has nice attack/speed so you'd want him to double.