/fg/ - Falcom General #72

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Sirens Edition

>Trails of Cold Steel PC out now:


>A version of the old Zero no Kiseki fan translation was leaked:


Don't forget to support the games and spoiler the spoilers!

>Latest news

- Ys VIII PC beta testing is ongoing: steamcommunity.com/app/579180/discussions/0/1471969431583803926/

- Sen III trailer has been subbed: youtube.com/watch?v=QGfoGCWHLgI

- The trailer for Sen III is out: youtube.com/watch?v=fr-8b6S6HOQ

- Trails of Cold Steel III's on track for Japanese release on September 28th of this year, confirmed PS4 exclusive. News/article translations: gematsu.com/tag/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-of-cold-steel-iii

- Short CS3 TV ad: youtube.com/watch?v=NYaV_GNqyCo

- Class VII's back: imgur.com/a/Pw4Cp

- Ys Seven coming to PC, trailer/info: gematsu.com/2017/07/ys-seven-pc-first-details-trailer-screenshots

- Zwei II coming to PC via XSEED (Summer), preview stream: youtube.com/watch?v=3gVOBPNrNgU

- Tokyo Xanadu out on Vita, improved EX+ version on PS4/PC scheduled for late 2017

- Cold Steel 2 confirmed for PC, release date pending

>Older news

- Check out these Trails FC & SC updates, re: translation improvements (xseedgames.tumblr.com/post/159288714430/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-series-localization)

- Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana brought by NISA. Please complain to Falcom, not XSEED (they're upset about it too). Good Japanese grammar is extremely recommended.

Pastebin (aka music): pastebin.com/G2mswYCt

Extra Stuff (Guides, links, CS undub): pastebin.com/n2G4xL5s

Other urls found in this thread:


>Please complain to Falcom, not XSEED (they're upset about it too).

have they said shit?

I love Rean!

Pre-order her game and give her back her Crossbell.

Calvard when?

Hatsuu had a minor meltdown on Twitter when NISA first announced their plans.

Anyone has a tier list for every character per each game?


Reminder that Rean will probably die as a final boss



Gonna have to go through her daddy first

The funny part is she then defended NISA's demo.


What makes falcom so special?

Mueller has a hard life.

How long will I have to avoid this place when CS3 comes out?

I don't know if they're special, but they still prioritise gameplay which is what I like to see.

Man, Randy really doesn't like Shirley, does he? Ha.

Probably 1-2 years, you can stick around as long as you don't mind spoilers.

>1-2 years

She dresses too much like a slut.

I hate those crying cats meme fuck off

Don't know if I missed any.

You can take that time and learn Japanese so you can play Calvard when it's released.

>tfw your cousin is a crazy bitch


Lloyd just needs to dick her straight.

Every time I decide to learn Japanese I give up after a week. Is that Duolingo app good for starters? Seems like it could be useful

No, this guide is all you need.


In Ys Origin, is it even possible to dodge Dalles' 3rd phase beam if he backs himself into a corner? I know that you can use Burst to avoid it but it doesn't help the case where he refuses to move and keeps spamming it.

>still dont understand japana

Why you guys so lazy

Thanks, hopefully I won't give up right away again

I'm enjoying this game so far but am really being turned off by the constant religous language. ("I'll pray for you" "Praise heaven!" for example) I just want to play a fun JRPG without the preaching please.

Religous stuff are part of the series



Which is better

Religion in Trails is weird. They're actually centered around machine and technology.

The church is also secret sponsoring hitmen to collect tech for them


Learning Japanese. It feels good that I actually played Ys8 when it came out and Im not going to get the english version of it now. Maybe I should do the same with Sen3. Honestly I want this game to come now and people shuting up about it Because I dont care about NISA vs XSEED thing

NISA, because quality is only for autists. I played the demo and the translation was fine. You dumb burgers need to shut the fuck up already.

Japanese, Both XSEED and NISA are shit, but for different reasons.

>English only
>dub only
>PS4/Vita only

>English, French, Japanese (PC) texts available
>dual audio

NISA wins for me. And for my irl friends too as it will be the first Ys game they agree to buy since it's translated in French.

H-He's big!

Japanese. But when you can't learn Japanese, XSEED.

Not to mention everyone in the game are sheeple who just follow religion without any thought. I was legitimately pissed when they found the concept of "denying the Goddess" to be a weird thing. Like fuck off with the dumb stealth theism, even having some priest fucker as someone important. Weissman was such a cool character of manifesting destiny without any help of a phony Goddess.

Kiseki would be so good if it wasn't so blatantly religious which just drains any intellectual claim it might've had.

Which is better

post best arlando

Guys will I need Agate and Tita is SC anymore? I'm about to start the last tower in chapter 7. I'm not a big fan of their abilities, but they're like 12 levels behind everyone.
I just want to have my turbo team for the rest of the game(Estelle Joshua Kloe Zin).

Oh baBeee girl you missin out on dat sweet Agate bopping action

Agate always stays in my party because he is good. why keep zin

I apologize for not dedicating my entire existence to being able to better understand anime porn games.

True distend(?) makes him invincible and the dragon kick is pretty useful. Plus taunt makes enemies group easier when it actually works. I've never used Agate for much except his wild rage followed by an s-break, but sometimes it's hard to keep him alive after that.

>Nearing end of CS2
>pick Laura cuz I like her
>She flat out says she loves me

Wow.. I was actually expecting things to end on a far more ambiguous note. Was not expecting them to go full out and drop the hammer.

Wonder how they plan on carrying over stuff to 3. I doubt it'd be hard to just transfer off the cross save or something

I mean not that user but I leaent Japanese without wanting to play porn games. Im sure there are others who did that. Not everyone is moogy and his friends

Do we get Agate x Sara interactions?

All the romantic development is non-canon. Just a collection of what if scenarios.

Only the OST to be honest. Ys Seven is my first experience with Falcom, and Mother Earth Altago blew my mind when it was first played after a long ass shitty cutscene with weird trigger (It took me almost an hour to trigger the scene with Tia and the mute girl).

Seriously though, Seven's intro is probably the most boring shit in Falcom's history.

I think they're going to throw all the romantic choices in the trash and just make Alisa canon

I would become very cross if that was the case

I just get that feeling. Especially when I seen this in the PV. Those faggots always pushed her more then the others anyways

Arteria when? Also fuck Calvard spy for killing my internet so i can't post this earlier.

Im not so worried about the PV, I get they have to use one girl as a cover and while she's not my pick I get the need. Hopefully that's all it is though. I feel like she was handled better in CS1 than 1 because you generally had more party control so there was less long scenes where she wouldn't shut her yap and the times where she does it at least fits, like when you take back Roer.

Honestly Alisa was always handled like Elie. And Rean dont care just like lloyod so nothing will change. They will have conon scenes together and she will be the only one to kiss him in the final bond event but thats it. Japan enjoy teasing without forcing something and I do too

Is there a decent control settings for Oath in Felghana? I think they went full retard by making attack and OK the same button.

>My first question was kindly answered by Hashimoto: where did the concept for Ys come from?
>Hashimoto: Recent RPGs have been very difficult, and it takes a lot of willpower to finish them. So eventually we came to have our doubts: was this really “fun”? With Ys, therefore, we set out to create the opposite kind of game, something that would be accessible, easy to play, and not geared toward hardcore RPG maniacs.
>That’s true–the uncomplicated Ys is definitely different from most RPGs, where you start to wonder if there’s something wrong with you for obsessively spending so much time on it. Hashimoto then continued to the next point:
>Hashimoto: In our advertisments for Ys we prominently featured the word “Kindness.” That word signals that, as developers, we assumed the perspective of players, always asking ourselves how to make a game that would be more enjoyable from the player’s perspective. One example would be the way you can save your game anywhere. Games that limit your ability to save end up wasting a lot of the player’s effort. In addition, we also avoided the experience grinding that has been an annoying feature of RPGs. If something feels like work, you’ll quickly tire of it. Anyway, the driving idea behind Ys was thinking from the player’s perspective.

See this makes me feel bad because Ys 1 kicked my ass up and down

The original Ys is easy as shit.


>Literal Trails in The Sky again
Have some subtlety, Falcom

I played on the turbo

>looking in different direction then everyone else in class
Why is Ash such an edgelord

Assuming you don't actually go the lenght to see any of the characters bonding events, the default (and therefore cannon) choices for CS and CS2 are can't think of anyone (dance with alfin and elise after staring down patrick) and visit the dorms with towa in trista, respectively.

rean niggarzer is underrated protag

I wonder why did some of the characters from the older games enrolled or work in Thors II

Tita wanted to learn more about giant robots and Randy is there to take down Osborne.

>not following Randy and Towa to avoid a corny Rean speech

>not wanting a STR boost

so what went right?

Give me this FUCKING game already

Funnest Kiseki in terms of actual gameplay

Strong world building, fun gameplay and while not the most complex bunch the characters still generally have plenty of charm to them.

The ability to almost completely ignore Shitlisa.

A fresh outlook on the Erebonian Empire that has been terrorizing the trails series for years as the big bad. Brought in good gameplay changes. That's only it, the rest is subpar, especially characters and story. At least this series is raking in new customers and money for Falcom.

Neither Musse nor Ash are Class VII members at the beginning.

post adol

Oh wow I just found out that Emma is the default girl in both ending of the CS games. Why not Alisa?


here ya go

who told you that?

Because Alisa is the worst girl.

he looks like some bara hentai guy
>Rub my belly, Lloydo-kun...

This is something that I like about Suikoden too but I really liked Thors. Having a home base to come back to between missions really helps give the game a cozy feel while letting you see the characters go about their business unguarded.

I can't wait to see Randy teasing and being playful with Towa, I wonder if he'll mention KeA to her like ''have I told you about my cute daughter already?''

what is it with the kiseki series and their single parent or orphans

Are there any changes in game mechanics in Zero? The manual isn't translated.

Being Zin is suffering


Buffs now last a definite amount of turns, delay after actions and delay you'll cause by at delay crafts is displayed numerically, no chain crafts but you unlock combo crafts later on, which are like super S-crafts damage-wise you can also upgrade weapons and cooking works differently.

>Lloyd not dressed as Estelle
>Rixia not dressed as Joshua

Always ambush random enemies, especially if playing on Nightmare. Team Rush is pretty damn good.