/gbp/ - Bang Dream! Girls Band Party General #52

Android: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.craftegg.band
IOS: itunes.apple.com/jp/app/バンドリ-ガールズバンドパーティ/id1195834442?mt=8
APK: apps.qoo-app.com/en/app/4847

bandori.party/ (eng)
bandori.pro/ (jp)

Infodump: pastebin.com/qZfUYAs0

Song of the "day": youtube.com/watch?v=d_jSDVXwSO8&index=11&list=PL71fomSDhXmehvqoMxM78Cw1G8LYfg0nK

Previous thread:

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for australia


know your place, dog.

Made this one a little bigger than previous ones because the shape was just completely odd and irregular and overall didn't feel right. Anyways, after waiting almost two hours to post this, off to bed I go.

Good night word cloud user.

>Chisato-sama flame another band

>Need Arisa

How do we stop Arisa?


By holding her kids hostage
>Stop being best girl or the tree gets it

Final Results.

With a total of 21 NO to 14 aye gbp will not be participating in the virtual divegrass tournament 4cc

Go away



You know what they say about girls with big hands

I don't know

They have big hearts


Do they really?

May you rest in peace, Kokoron



When will HHW return from the war

They will never be the same


Blessing the thread with himari

Slow day in bang land

Thank god. I hope the rude people left and we go back to slow threads with no insults.

Am I rude?

That feel when no Kokoro gf

thats a good feel

Depends if you make people play the song you want on lives or if you omakase like everyone else
Also bullying any girl is wrong




Arisa's shorts are on backwards

I think selecting songs is nice as long as it's not shuwa or teardrops.

are they girlfriends?

Why does teardrops even exist this song triggers me so much.

Boys Band Party

I dont know. Are they?

I see five cute girls.

i see a 4 boys 1 girl gang bang


Are you implying that my wife Kao-chan is not a beautiful and amazing girl?

I thought OVAs were supposed to have better quality.

Kasumi was just bulking

amazing girl (male)



This must be a love hotel.


just fuking nuke us already ffs
its the waiting thats the hard part


What are you on about

Pipe down, Kim

there was a 1.7.2 version update apparently

B-being this cute is a sin, Chisato-sama!

friend list hype?

it happened last month, store icon change and minor stuff



wtf i love lisa now

Crack was a mistake.

Let the record show that Moca did not resist.

If we're just gonna dish out some real talk, this artist is probably my favorite person who does fan art of all time.

Now this is just wrong on too many levels.

Moca is too slow to even understand it before it was already over

She asked for it actually.
Lisa asks what she wants for her birthday present and Moca replies that she wants Lisa, then saus "just kidding" Then Lisa kisses her and says "just kidding"

She never asked for this. This is all the construction of an objectively and well known for it sick minded guy.

Leave popipa and roselia to us


>listening to male bands
Are you gay?

my dick is so hard right now
just kidding

Now that I think about it, this guy doesn't draw a lot of PasuPare or Roselia, does he?

*gives user a blowjob*
haha just kidding

Pls keep him away ftom pasupa

*sleeps with old men*
haha just kidding

*starts a family with you*
haha just kidding

Bruh, look at this franchise
HAHA Wait till you see the

>Bang Dream v4 sells 2,975. BD-only release.



fucking kek

Why did we not get anything from Starmine hitting the top 10 rankings?


The dream is ded. Servers are closing end of the week. There will be no friend list.

is it live revolt'S time to shine?

sup /llsifg/

That's standard
>haha you didnt sell 70k copies like Gundam what a flop

Cause thats expected of roselia. They dont need any encouragement since they are that good to do it without them buying us with stars.

They sure have been angsty in recent weeks.

what was psoted??

just some funny meme, there was no reason for deleting it imho

Is HHW the least popular band? Why else would they be dead?

their front man died

mmm 4tan doesnt work anymore
idk any other real time archives that show deleted posted

Get 4chanX

some insecure love liver

This new Chisato card is so good. I wish i could use it. Maybe I will make a healer team for it.

Why can't you use it? It has 30% event bonus.

I have her pure 4*