Launch kickstarter

>launch kickstarter
>unique design in a big market, did lots of work and have high hopes
>conservatively hope for $50k funding, reasonably expect into the 6 figures
>campaign takes a shit
>kickstarter forces it down the explore page
>never feature it
>list it behind almost literally every other campaign, despite most of them not having any backers whatsoever

>suppliers start dipping out
>new suppliers won't even talk to us
>emailed hundreds (!) of bloggers, journalists, youtubers, anyone and everyone who might cover our story or product
>0 (ZERO) replies from over 300 emails sent out
>today we actually lost backers

I want out. I want out of this bullshit game. Other people didn't get fucked this hard trying to make money. Every, single, step of this process we've been hit by setback after setback after fucking setback.

And that's just this one venture. I've busted my ass at 3 other, even less ambitious projects than this and have gotten fucking nothing. Whoopdedoo, $130 after 6 months of work on a YouTube channel. I'd call that basically nothing.

Why is it so fucking hard to make money? I want out of this fucking game. I only need ~$20,000 a year to be completely comfortable and happy. I could make it with $16,000 a year. I need almost nothing but I don't get fucking *anything*. Fuck this. Fuck this world, fuck luck, and fuck people who got luckier than me for less work.

I've done nothing to get dealt such a shit fucking hand.

Hey OP, ever hear about the guy that gave up?

Me neither :^)

No, but I did hear about the guy that made 14 million dollars for literally a cooler.

I also heard about the guys who made 6.5 million for a cheap toy they imported from China.

I also heard about the firm who's made over 30 million dollars just from Kickstarter campaigns selling backpacks and camera bags.

Also heard about the fucking long list of people who've outright scammed Kickstarter and other crowdfunding platforms for millions of dollars, never delivered anything, and have enough money to never work again. Not that they did much work to begin with.

The number of people who've done fucking NOTHING to deserve financial success, but still get it, absolutely disgusts me. You can have the best idea in the world, spend a lot of time and money perfecting it, and execute it perfectly, but if you're unlucky it just undoes everything.

Luck is, very literally, the #1 component in anybody's success, and it's fucking bullshit.

can you post the kickstarter link

can you figure out what went wrong? or what didn't go to plan?

Just post your kickstart here faget

Link the kickstarter. You won't because whatever it is is shit and deserved to fail.

I would if it weren't attached to my real name. I'd prefer to stay anonymous.

We've been working and thinking, for quite a while now, over what we did wrong. And we just cannot fucking figure it out. Our product is good; everyone who's seen it has been obviously impressed. That includes a handful of local suppliers who've seen it in person; not friends and family. Our page is good; we have a high video finish percentage (compared to other campaigns) and low bounce rate. In fact, our conversion rate has been outstanding, somewhere around 6-8% depending on the day.

Nothing's wrong with the product. Nothing's wrong with the page. Nothing is wrong with our video, or our pictures, or our funding goal or funding length.

The only thing "wrong" with all of this is that we cannot get any traction, whatsoever, from any social outlets. We simply aren't getting any traffic. In our category and subcategory, Kickstarter has us listed behind 50+ projects that, literally, have 0 backers. This, despite the fact that we're at above 100% of our funding goal and actually have backers. So we aren't getting any organic traffic.

Then there's the bloggers. We've reached out to every single blog we've found, with personalized messages for each one. We have a press kit; we have a press release and easy copy-pastable content for them to post. We have high res and low res images, a wide variety to choose from of the product and of it in use. We have logo and branding pictures. Everything is organized, it's easy to get, and literally a 30 second copy and paste job for a post. We've contacted the biggest blogs all the way down to sub-1,000-monthly-view blogs and have gotten precisely NO replies. None whatsoever. Not even a "No thanks". So we aren't getting any media traffic.

tl;dr every person who sees our product likes it. It's just, nobody is seeing it.

who has scammed kickstarter? I've only heard of one person who tried, he got like 175k and they took him to court and made him pay it all back

Have you contacted Kickstarter about this? Maybe there is some sort of error with their ranking algorithm.

It's in their best interest to have successful campaigns prominently displayed.

I should add on the blogs, that we've reached out directly to individual journalists, not just their catch-all "[email protected]" It just doesn't make sense that NO journalists whatsoever even consider our story.

Off the top of my head, there've been a number of people who just took mass-produced stuff from China, rebranded it as boutique, and then made hundreds of thousands/millions. Within the last few years, there was a watch, a pen, and a few bluetooth speakers/related items.

There was also the group (I think it was two guys) who, in total, raised somewhere around 11 million dollars across a few crowdfunding campaigns for a motorcycle heads up display. By then end of it, they had produced 2 non-functional prototypes. The rest of the money had been spent on condos, cars for their extended family, partying, etc. They were given eleven fucking million dollars... And they blew it all. They just fucking blew it. And I'd be thrilled just to get even 1% of that now. Literally makes me ill.

I sent them an email earlier this evening. We'll find out tomorrow, but I'm just about positive it's going to be "Sorry our system is what it is. Just try to get the word out! XD" Based on everything that's happened so far, honestly at this point it would be fitting for them to not even reply.

What is survivorship bias?
It's fucking hard to make money, and all the successful Kickstarters and Youtube channels that you see are literally the big fat asymmetric survivors out of tens of thousands of channels who died along the way.
They all dead.

You think it's simpler than it is because all you ever see is the easy going successful channels, which might feature products and people who are successful just because they have a natural advantage over others because they are very likable or they put a lot of work into it.

>successful just because they have a natural advantage over others because they are very likable or they put a lot of work into it.
I'd argue that their success is due mostly to luck. If success was strongly related to the amount of effective work they put in, Kickstarter would have a much higher success rate than the 5% (or whatever) it's at now.

Same with YouTube channels. I've seen people with videos in the hundreds, high quality stuff even compared to the million+ sub channels in their niches, with only a few hundred or thousand views on their videos. Some of them are very objectively superior to the really big channels (like Linus Tech Tips); better information, higher production value, less shilling, more transparency. But... they never take off. For no reason, literally no reason, other than luck. Just sheer, stupid luck, and they never find success.

It's a combination of factors.
Luck is definitely a factor and a huge catalyst for channels to become big.
However, they stay successful because they also put some work in, get professionally managed etc.
Fortune favors the prepared mind.

>better information, higher production value, less shilling, more transparency
Maybe also less entertaining.
Serious channels have often less traffic than some whore-tit-clickbait channels.

Is it still this one?

How do I start a Kickstarter if I have no idea, no followers, not much of a personality, no money, no passion, and no real skills?


>Wàah give me free money

Kys cuck

If everyone that sees it likes it why not market it better retard

>I only need ~$20,000 a year to be completely comfortable and happy. I could make it with $16,000 a year.
Why don't you just get a job?

Contact a local investing bank, if your idea is actually as good as you think it is u woud have 0 problems finding angel investor's

lel remember that guy that kickstarted potato salad?

get a fucking job lad, you could probably flip burgers full time for 20k a year. or stop whining and power thru adversity like a man.

If this is actually the idea you're talking about, holy shit my fucking sides

Why would anyone ACTUALLY want to buy this? Sure people can think it's cool, but are there actual, real world applications for this shit that don't fit in to your nice little projections about how you think your customers should live their life, and what they should be willing to spend their money on?

Products like this one have been around, very literally, for at least 20 years. Shit, one of /biz favorite whipping boys for absolutely autistic investments, Snap, literally released a better version of what you've got here MONTHS ago, and of course it failed spectacularly because people aren't actually interested in taking shitty pov video for more than 10 minutes, and nearly everyone can see that before they buy.

A good product doesn't get you sales. A product people actually want/need to buy does. If you're complaining this much about this bullshit product, you are totally in the wrong mindset and you are not going to make it.

You're not fucking Apple kid, try making something that hasn't been done before, that solves a real problem, and then people might actually want to buy your shit.

Came to say this. If your idea is as good as you say then go raise money from a bank or pitch it elsewhere. Kickstarter is not a good indicator of real world success

reproducing luck is the sign of a winner
look at the great entrepreneurs of our time they had a system for winning

Luck is, very literally, the #1 component in anybody's success, and it's fucking bullshit.

t. never read the richest man in babylon

You knowing chose a high risk-high reward venture(presumeably with no experience) and you lost. Get a job pussy.