Is she /ourgal/?

Is she /ourgal/?

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>that tooth-to-gum ratio
Call me autistic if you want

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I think no

Wmaf is immoral and gross. Gooks have yellow soon and like like ayyyyliums. Ugly race.

How is that autistic? You’re absolutely right that’s disgusting.

My mom says they look like boiled potatoes

pick none

>it's another thinly veiled /pol/ thread

Instant turn-off for me, too.

>on a thinly veiled /pol/ board

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[Picture] Hoovies estranged sons meet one another at a car meet - June, 2040

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isn't he married
I don't know much about the dude, only occasionally glanced at his vids

wmaf is god tier back to

god tier indeed.

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It is and the only people who have a problem with it are save the white race polfags or beta asian "men".

>t. Rodge

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Feel bad for him because of his shit parents helped put him in that situation.

no samefagging at work

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yes....his wmaf parents... the natural culmination of a low IQ white weirdo and his ugly yellow whore

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>well son I see you’re struggling with severe psychiatric issues and are really having a tough time in life
>here’s a shitty meme self-help book, good luck kiddo!
His parents are responsible for those people’s deaths, seriously.

The posts are 8 seconds apart, that's not how Veeky Forums works.

>t. doesn't know about his dad spending all his money on a shit movie and abusive step mom

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who is she

some gook bitch that lives in hoovie's garage

Reminder of the fastest street legal production car to lap VIR

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fuck off the wmaf shit, you nerds.

asian masculinity in the house

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We know stop being so jealous


>asian """"""""masculinity""""""""
I could bench press you while I fuck your girl

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>do i want to date a human or a 4 foot tall yellow android-looking potato

hmmm tough choice



I'd do a asian or a latina before I'd do a white women because they look like they have downs constantly.

oh yeah.... those latinas man...

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2d will never disappoint this user has it

Fucking god tier

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>tfw qt half Asian gf
Best of both worlds :^)

Mexicans are literally built like goblins.

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Fuck off Hoovie, and remember: whenever some intern for the website that sponsors these goobers comes here to start a thread about these clowns to generate 'buzz', go to their links and spam GhostHaus Is Better all over their shit. They shill us, we shill a shitposter right back at them. Eventually, they will learn to stop, because there is nothing these "content creators" fear more than someone else becoming slightly more known and possibly eating up 1% of the clicks that might have gone to them.

Can someone explain this to me?

Consider spending less time on the internet before your view of the world becomes warped beyond recovery from these echo chambers. You're going to end up miserable 40 year old nu-boomers soon (with less money).

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same, feels good

>t. couldn't find a white girl

>Double denim
>Le cowboy american shoes

>t. found himself le 56% girl

>Double denim
I know right? Who the fuck does she think she is, Jay Leno?

Even Jay Leno is too much Jay Leno, he's just lucky enough to be himself, Jay Leno.

Double denim is such an american asian thing.

>Veeky Forums