/meg/ - Mass Effect General

Yellow Dress Edition

>MEG's updated Pastebin:

>Femtur Pastebin:

>MegSev adventures:
MegSev dot blogspot dot com

>All previous Collages that we know of:

>Andromeda is dropped:

Liara is our goddess and disrespecting her is punishable by slapping!

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:



Yes, user!

we need to create an environment where fat tumblr landwhales stay inside the BSN and other safe spaces, so that they don't contaminate here. It would even be perfectally acceptable if they made their own general thread for various cuck topics like rumors of the newest dragon age, but jesus fucking christ just don't come here.

Reminder that LSW needs to die.



Can WORD this post!

If she's a goddess why couldn't she save her own planet?

does 'planet' in this case mean 'incredibly sensitive donut ring asshole'?

Yes, user!

Why is she so perfect?

Every character with imposing tits and ass is perfect to you guys.

Kill yourself, hambeast.

There's also the charm of Yvonne Strahovski involved. If she was a no-name, ugly hag and a complete lack of personality, like Cora, then we wouldn't care.

Yes, with my tongue zooming up there.

i like both desu

The flatter your belly, the better your own tits and ass will look.

Explain Jack then

they inexplicably haven't modelled the last twelve dozen c-section scars on her torso

what if jack also had imposing tits and ass haha and hers were even bigger than miranda's and she uses that to steal shepard away from her wouldn't that be funny not that i want that?

All aliens are. Make love, not ayy waifu war.
Except the ballsack headed Batarian racists

remove blight

Never played a DA.

Andromeda is still mediocre and setting is still ass.

>tfw out on a long trip with qt ayy gf.
>tfw forgot space-razor.
>ayy loves the sensation of stubble, her hands keep going to your chin, remarking over how fuzzy and strange it feels.

>You feel like a Batarian, she comments
Her corpse was never found

26th for Li-Ara..

>tfw you're qt femtur gf gets sick during the reaper attack.
>She's a bit of a neet, stays home till you come and save her. She's been living of fast-food and valley-dew.
>her plates get really soft and translucent over a period of months, a resulty of her shitty diet and sickness.
>Luckily there's no radiation to worry about, but you have to lather her up in sunscreen since the tissue under the plates is vulnerable.
>She's ashamed of herself, wants to stay home in the dark with you.
>See her muscles and veins under the scales.
>She doesn't want to leave, she's afraid and becomes dependent on you.
>eventually it gets so bad you have to paint her plates with a mix of pigment and structural gel.
>She looks at herself with the biggest smile you've ever seen.
>Hugs you hard.
>tfw she chose the most exotic colour a turian can be, purplish red.
>Her confidence grows sky-high, and she starts getting better after awhile.
>Still feels she needs you for support, and because she loves you, but she's able to get out and buy groceries and stuff at least.
>Keeps painting her plates though, with glimmering varnish, even after the war, she's come to dislike her natural dull brown coloration.
>Eventually get genemods to make the colour permanent.
>Wins a beauty award.
>She's like a whole different turian.
>You live happily ever after.


>andromeda was everything nobody wanted

a lot of you mongoloids were clamoring for "mass effect 1 style exploration" for lord knows what reason.

Poor femtur. At least everything worked out.


What the fuck are you screeching about?

Femshep a CUTE

ugh nigga spoiler that shit, this is a blue board.


The time you spent typing that gibberish could have been spent on making a new /dag/ thread, you retard.

Nice and cute

Yes, user!


Kill yourself.

Then go talk about your shitty game on another site

Your rudeness is making me sad..

The asari seem to have snake-like scales in some pictures..

However, contrary to popular belief, snakes are actually very soft. I bet cuddling with Liara feels AMAZING.

Uhm, do not be lewd, my user!

Bitches still shed though

Uhm, no!

If they have scales they shed. Like fucking animals.

I bet Krogan and Drell shed too.

humans shed you utter buffoon

All the more evidence why asari might shed too.

I bet there is a lot of sheding going on between the two, if you know what I mean.

Fucking disgusting

It can't shed if it's dead.

That femshep looks fucking weird.


Nice. Stay dead, slut.

I want a Mass Effect game where asari don't look like humans with bodypaint and latex masks.

They look like butch apes in MEA. Is that what you're looking for?

They look like humans with bodypaint and latex masks. So no.

How many people play MEA vs ME3 MP?

I can't get into MEA MP at all. It's just off in too many ways. The difficulty is way out of whack(why can I solo Silver but constantly get wiped on Bronze with a full team?), the item packs never give me new character kits or good weapons, and the maps are poorly designed IMO, like they were all rushed out without play testing.

Say something nice about Jack

People always think they want the aliens(or fantasy races) to be less human but as soon as they look less human you don't want it. Just look how ugly the elves in DA2 and TES are.

Nice tats

Andromeda and 3's were both fun for me. Got something around 70 hours out of Andromeda's before I stopped playing regularly. Decided to play 3's after that since I hadn't played it in a while, and it's still fun as ever.

I want kiss her and give her hugs!

This desu.
The increased mobility over ME3 is nice but after a few hours it all feels rather samey. None of the weapons feel all that effective in MEA aside from a few shotguns and snipers, and most ARs feel totally useless at any difficulty higher than bronze. And while all the maps look nice, they all play the same. There's no strategy, corridors, or real choke points for that matter and every map feels like it was designed with PvP in mind rather than horde mode. ME3 suffers from this as well, but to a much lesser extent, as well as getting a pass for being their first attempt at MP.

Fucking her must be like fucking a tigress.

How the fuck do you wipe on bronze?

>Just look how ugly the elves in DA2 and TES are.
How exactly are they ugly. They have sharper facial features and that's it. They look pretty average, but unlike some other instances of 'averageness', it doesn't look forced or faked, nor do they enter the uncanny valley like the characters in Andromeda do.
Also, I wouldn't really call any kind of elves alien. Turians are the base level of aliens, Asari and Quarians are just space elves.

Sometimes there will be 4 or more mini-bosses at once in Bronze.
How are they ugly? They're fucking unattractive, stupid.

I want to put a baby inside her.

She has beautiful eyes.

>page 9 in 20 minutes
Jesus, does Veeky Forums really go that fast?

That's exactly what I called my crazy ex GF.

I was on /twg/ earlier, everytime I clicked update at their was at least 10 new posts.

Some generals are actually active and not hopelessly dead you know

>hopelessly dead

Jesus, shut up about /dag/ already.

Of all the dead generals, I miss /ddg/ the most. It was comfy and was active enough that pawn could get some online experience.
Wonder how my pawn is doing.



Perhaps when it comes to PS4 and Xbox One the general might pop back up for a bit.

I want to ravage her pussy while she screams "Oh my gewdness!"

Say that to Bioware.

except /dag/ will return with DA4, /meg/ has no hope left.


>except /dag/ will return with DA4
Good then maybe you cunts will finally fuck off.

From where exactly? There will be no more meg in 2020

Don't care, you fuckers just need to go.

You would rather /meg/ be completely dead than have some people who also frequented /dag/ post here?


You should be nice to us because you want to have a nice bwg thread to post in in 2020.

That's objectively stupid.

>bwg thread
Fuck that.

We could keep the general alive by collaborating on a fan game project.

Just shooting ideas...

I want a dating sim starring all famous daggies and meggies

Because Veeky Forums game projects always work out swimmingly...

>Every email you receive is a KL
I'd play it.
