*Ruins your suspension.*

*Ruins your suspension.*
Why the fuck do these things exist even in areas where you have no option but to drive slow?

Attached: bumpp.jpg (1500x1000, 148K)

Stop driving a stancemobile boyracermobile. I can hit those at like 40mph with a fwd shitbox.

i have to slow down to 10mph max in my e90

but that's the thing, my ride hasn't had any stance modifcations and it hasn't been lowered either, maybe the bumps are less sharp where you live, but over here you have to go so fucking slow or else they fuck your suspension and they place them in areas where you would have to drive slowly anyway

To slow down niggers who drive way to fucking fast in the parking lots.

Without speed bumps, this would probably happen.

>nigger going 60 miles per hour in his shitty dodge charger
>someone walks the crosswalk (who also has the right of way)
>nigger doesnt pay attention and accidentally runs over the person
>then the nigger jets the area like a bat out of hell

These bumps are super useful. if someone runs over them super fast, their car would be completely fucked up.

Attached: 300px-Dindunuffins.jpg (300x251, 22K)

Which is why driving a "sports car" on the streets is beyond fucking retarded. Fuck and you say trucks are impractical....

A normal car will handle those at almost any speed. It's the invisible 6 inch high mounds that will get all your wheels off the ground that you need to watch out for.

>gives you some air

Attached: fj - dakar rally 5.jpg (800x578, 109K)

more like

>blows out your axle seals because Toylolta

My 3K Civic (at stock height) scrapes the cat going over them.

nigger my whole street is full of these bumps, like literally every 3 car's lengths

Explains why the Civic could never compete in rally. My Suzuki with sagged out springs and empty shocks doesn't have any issues.

The thing scrapes mud guards and the cat on three different places when going up or down my driveway as well. Barely gets driven because of it.

stancefags btfo

Attached: rx8 destroyed twice.jpg (960x720, 153K)

nigger then that's fucking good. nobody should be driving that fast through a residential neighborhood.

It's a fucking civic why does it need to be an inch off the ground?

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>wrecking peoples cars if they go over 10
>that's a good measure against speeding
you're that type of soycuck (or possibly worse: a french person) that makes being a car guy in 2018 a complete nightmare.

Would you rather have the 6 inch tall trapezoids that I kept seeing pop up near my old house? Even fucking gas stations were putting them up.

just put up speed cams if you're so concerned about speeding.

It's a 40 degree incline, with three drainage channels across it. The wheelbase is too short to clear the humps.
Pic related- it's the other car.

Attached: humps.png (1430x670, 1.01M)

Just station police officers at places where speeding is a common problem. Speed humps just make people want to go faster after clearing each hump. Cops issuing citations is the only cure for the problem.

>wrecking peoples cars if they go over 10
then don't go over fucking 10, or over 5 when approaching a speedhump dumb fuck. you're ruining your car due to your own stupidity.

>>that's a good measure against speeding
And it is, slowing down faggots like you who are a nuisance to others in a residential neighborhood.

e90 owner here

this is false, i have taken multiple of those at 20 mph with no problems.

that may be true user but you drive your car like a fucking nigger

>implying terrorizing a whole neighborhood with speed bumps and thus rendering their roads impassable is a viable option to regulate traffic
nobody is actually that retarded, must be s/o/viet

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You dumb fucking nigger, don't you understand that these bumps ruin your suspension even if you're going far below speed limit?

thanks for articulating the reason i want to scream. i delivered pizza in non-msport e90 suspension. I had to go 1mph over speedbumps. trucks would honk at me and shit

Everyone with power in the government hates cars, period

And unlike guns there is no powerful lobbying group for spirited driving in roads

Speedbumps suck because they mess with emergency response vehicles, but the government doesn't care

Evidently you haven't seen the ones that are nearly a foot high with a 70˚ incline on the side. I drive a 4 ton truck, and it gets decimated by them.

You're a fucking twat, lad.

don't believe it unless you're running on 16 inches or something.

>faggots like you
>hates random other person enough to want to interfere in their lives in a petty way

The others aren't exaggerating about some cunts behaving like children about this. You're pathetic. Learn to drive grandma.

M3 wheels.

Attached: 318i.jpg (960x1280, 250K)

i have a 330i with stock suspension and 18's, speed bumps are fucking hell


>>implying terrorizing a whole neighborhood with speed bumps and thus rendering their roads impassable is a viable option to regulate traffic

Please don't breed, the last thing this world needs is your retarded offspring.

>don't you understand that these bumps ruin your suspension

Not if you go over them slowly like YOURE SUPPOSED TO DO. Fuck you are so retarded.

>even if you're going far below speed limit?
Next you're gonna tell me theirs oxygen on the moon and expect me to believe it. You and that faggot above you are legit retards.

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>Offroading an FJ stock


>yuo stoopid and i dunn beleev yuo

>>hates random other person enough to want to interfere in their lives in a petty way

Nah, dumbshit. I said the reason those bumps are there is so it'll stop you faggots from driving super fast in a residential neighborhood. And it seems to be doing the trick.

>The others aren't exaggerating about some cunts behaving like children about this.
Nice delusion.

>You're pathetic.
Nice projection.

>Learn to drive grandma.
And learn to obey the rules of the road, you fuckwit gen z degenerate.

>>yuo stoopid and i dunn beleev yuo
Uh oh, looks like brainlet here is trying to communicate. We need a "retard translator" stat!

My e90 had the stock 16 inch wheels and the really cushy non-msport suspension.
Speedbumps were awful.

You haven't presented a single argument why speed bumps are a good solution. Instead you post brainlets and have autistic melt downs. Literally alphonse tier.

>implying every speed bump is the same
Some of these things are closer to curbs than speed bumps. Quit being a fucking faggot. While speed bumps are good in general, there are areas where there are too many, and they're too rough on cars.

>And it seems to be doing the trick.
Not really,I always see Stacy running through them in her crossover while all the people that already don't speed are forced to grind the bottom of their car on the concrete.

Wrong, you're just a mad little pussy because you cant do 90 through my neighborhood.

>You haven't presented a single argument why speed bumps are a good solution.

Sure I have. But doh, you having the brain of an elderly 80 year person with dementia, you already forgot. darn! Like I said, it's to slow down retards like you from driving through a residential neighborhood.

>Instead you post brainlets and have autistic melt downs.
I only posted one brainlet picture, stupid.

>Some of these things are closer to curbs than speed bumps.

Impossible, if they were closer to curbs they wouldn't exist on the roads. you are bullshitting way to hard now.

>Quit being a fucking faggot.

But i'm not being a fucking faggot??? lol.

>While speed bumps are good in general, there are areas where there are too many,
That tells you something, don't go to fucking fast in the neighborhood.

>and they're too rough on cars.
I drive a god damn 2008 Honda Accord, these speedbumps do nothing harsh to mine. Lol what the hell do you drive a fucking stanced lowrider?

>Like I said, it's to slow down retards like you from driving through a residential neighborhood.
So why do they exist outside of residential neighborhoods?

theyre stupid but even a stancemobile could drive over one of those without ruining its suspension, the absolute state of american cars

>projecting this hard

Says the faggot

Hard to take you seriously with all that dick in your mouth

No you haven't. Just because you like something is not a justification for it. You're a mental 5 year old.

You are being he biggeast faggot on the board I assure you.

You drive a fucking FWD Honda. You don't matter. Your opinion doesn't matter. Of course your car doesn't. Nobody cares about things that don't matter.

Town hall put these elevated crosswalks near my neighbourhood where there have never been any accidents or issues.
There used to be a school before they put them, school closes and now they decide to "think of the children".
They had them really high too at first and some dude broke his carter in like the first week going over one at night lol. Some time later they had them lowered a bit but it's still an unjustified annoyance.

>No you haven't. Just because you like something is not a justification for it.

I never said I "liked it", you stupid mother fucker. you're putting words in my mouth now.

>You are being he biggeast faggot on the board I assure you.
Nice projection.

>You drive a fucking FWD Honda. You don't matter. Your opinion doesn't matter.
"u-ur opinions is discarded cus u dwive a doopid honda and i can't refute ur arugument pffbbhtttt"

Spoken like a true retard.

>Why the fuck do these things exist
They're not for YOU. They are for the scofflaws that keep on driving fast. The other reason they appear is because there was an accident that the property owner had an insurance claim. Typically, an insurance company will want to know what the company will do to mitigate future incidents or else the rates go up even more. Adding highly visible speed bumps is one response to avoid a double-bump increase in insurance rates.