/drg/ - Danganronpa General

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Previous thread Truth's a bitch edition

>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>DRV3 news pastebin - *Updated 8/25/2017*

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pastebin.com/mnduF4qj - Spoiler free guide to enjoy Danganronpa
pastebin.com/MUdQJedT - In-depth gameplay mechanics and information

>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc/Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair:

>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls:

>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony for PS4, PS Vita, and Steam on September 26th (N. America), and September 29th (Europe)

>Danganronpa Interviews and Articles

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I want to fuck Kaito!





looks i missed this time, but it wasn't bad because it was an honorary dicker

Angie and her beloved Kiyo!

worst giri

imagining korekiyo having ghost sex with his nee-san and she pegs him with her plasma dong

imagining saihara accidentally walking in to see korekiyo's asshole widening and narrowing for no reason

Best giri.

Posting best girl!


I want Ouma,Tulpaman and Hoshi to survive





Good post


Bad post.



I want Ouma, Tulpaman and Hoshi to have a threesome

godamnit her finger makes it looks like makoto has a gappy teeth


Me too

No homo opinions please.

Stop stating your opinions then.

>Kiri "I want snowball cum from Kuzu's ass" user
>not the homo

I'll give my Homo Opinions and You Can't stop Me.

dearest Tenko!

Koko! Those anons saying twitter likes Kaitouma lied :( But at least the salt to feed off of is magnificent.

Didn't you say you're not homophobic?

>that lighting
Is Tenko Shazam now?

>twitter not liking kaitouma
Jewell it's Kaitouma week,how could you not find any artists?

Japanese Oumomo/Momoou artists do.

It is?



Mostly talking about the English twitter.
But if it's Kaitouma week, then I should check the Japanese side.

I want to sniff those feet.

>check confession about kaitouma
>someone actually agreed
It's a step forward

Bubsy ready for bed...

What confession?

the one on instagram where people in the comments said the ship is toxic

Link to the blog? I keep forgetting it all the time kek.

>"Oumota is bad, Ouma is straight and Kaito is white they can't be together"
>"Why do people ship Kaito with Ouma when they both have canon love interests that aren't each other?"
>"I block the user entirely if they post Oumota"
>"I hate Kaitouma so much get that shit out of my house"
>"Kaito and Ouma don't even interact, yet it's a ship because Kaito killed Ouma"
>"I'm so pissed at Momota's overrated punk ass for killing Ouma"
>"I can't believe Kaitouma is a thing, you people disgust me, Ouma gets in the way of Momoharu"

It's an interesting tag to go through

Here's the tag on twitter.You'll probably find some good stuff


I love him I love him I love him
Sleep tight teeny tennis

>"I'm so pissed at Momota's overrated punk ass for killing Ouma"

That's just the OuMomo hashtag, where people draw a picture in less than 60 minutes of a given day one day a week every week (I think saturdays?). There's one for MomoOu, and SaiMomo and MomoSai too.

I love this so much
Night night

>Kaito and Ouma don't even interact
But they do.


I don't really see the appeal of Kaitouma
Do people like enemies-to-lovers pairings that much?

>Kaito is white

I want to eat him.

god me too
I want to eat Kaito in all ways possible.

No problema!
God me too It looks delicious

/drg/ is full of fujos that hate Maki, put them together and you get Kaitouma.

sleep tight kitty

>Do people like enemies-to-lovers pairings that much?
I do.
Personally, I love Kaito and Ouma's relationship as a whole which makes me love it as a ship even if I know it has extremely little possibilities of being canon.
I find their interactions amusing, their plan in Chapter 5 having them temporarily reconcile is a solid arc for their rivalry and there's a lot of depth to both sides of the rivalry to keep it interesting. They're both similar yet both different and have the best art too.
And going by prediction here, I can't be sure but I don't think I'd like Kaito as much as I do if it weren't for their rivalry as well as the Saimota bromance.

but I don't hate maki

I hate Maki but I don't ship them tho

All these /nu/ age ships. I personally prefer the classics.

The feeling is mutual

But I like both Kaitouma and Momoharu and Maki/Ouma.

/drg/ doesn't like /u/ unless it involves two big titty blondes

/drg/ is retarded

Hi Jewell

/drg/ likes this /u/ ship though.

Nobody likes yuricucks.

I mean I see the appeal of big breasts pressing against each other. Going in for the smooch. But Komaru and The Fukawa got the home town advantage. They got the butts going in for bump and grind, and having a good time.

The only people who hate kaitouma hate it because it gets in the way of saiouma

Well, Toko and Fukawa only got something in your weird ass daddy prostitution ring.

Nah, that's not me. I do agree with them though.

Sometimes I like to forget the existence of saiouma

Toska's fic turned me into a Momoshifag and now I need more
Highschool hero showing his old fanboy he's still got it

>implying I like saiouma

What the fuck does this even mean

thats even worse

Do you have a templatefor that image?

Get out

It's less about /u/ in that case and more about Komaru not being absolute cancer for Toko's mental health like the fucking faggot she swoons over is. Makoto would probably have the same effect as his sister if he was forced to spend as much time around Toko and that's not /u/.

I do enjoy playing with the idea of them eventually becoming two indviduals instead of sharing the same body. I have an idea for a picture of Toko adopting her DR1 hair with syo adopting the UDG hair style.

It would make a good family photo between sisters.

Nice taste.

this reminds me of pics of fat characters eating too much and splitting into two, thjanks for the laguh kek

You mean tulpabro?

So while I was adding Tumblr links for the Fan Pastebin, I found this...

I actually enjoy the Fukamaru dynamic because of how traditional both of their mindsets are. He would make a good boyfriend for my little girl.
Unlike that dangerous punk with the motorcycles! Wear a helmet!

i say kiyofag because it pisses them off

You mean tulpanigger?

So is everyone who likes the slut called Shinguuji korekiyo a slut in real life too?

>Not kekiyo

I think she would actually go complete batshit crazy if that happened and then he got murdered on schedule. Wouldn't want that to happen.

>not Nee-san's brother (can't remember his name)

If these killing games won't stop, then at least let the players act like regular people and stop forcing archetypes for the killings.
If you can't do either, then the writers and producers will be the contestants in the next killing game. Let them die for their stupid Japanese cliches!


She would make a better case 4 than Aoi did. Because shes actually crazy.