"On this episode of Roadkill, Finnegan and I are gonna __________!"

>"On this episode of Roadkill, Finnegan and I are gonna __________!"

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Other urls found in this thread:


suck dick

Eat each others asshole

>take turns fucking Dulcich's Mopar-addled asshole! Remember, if you want the same condoms and lube we use, check out JEGS™ speed parts, Optima™ batteries, Holley™ EFI systems, and don't forget to subscribe to MotorTrend™ On Demand™!

Ruin another car

[sponsored by west tech school of engineering]

Fuck you. When I saw the thread, literally the first thing, that popped up.


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I like Roadkill but don't know if the subscription is worth it.

there's an entire growing group of people who want to fuck up cars that are potentially able to be saved in the name of being super cool and not giving a shit and i hate it
if you let a car rot when you could fix it you're an asshole

>"find a junk heap car and restore it but also ruin it at the same time"

These guys used to be cool, now they're just becoming fucking lame every episode. I WANT OLD ROADKILL BACK! Hell I'd love to see them buy a new Prius and ruin that another way instead of just running it over with a tank.

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I agree with you 100% but i don't remember them ruining any car that had potential. For example pic related is already doomed, the pillars have been cut out then rewelded, the original interior gutted, etc. Freiburger even flat out said a few times it was too good to be turned into a dirt track car.

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Building cars ain't free

come on their parts bin is huge

when the fuck they gonna put the free videos up im sick of waiting a month every time.

wish Veeky Forums wasnt autistic so we could share a on demand

Remember: whenever some intern for the website that sponsors these goobers comes here to start a thread about these clowns to generate 'buzz', go to their links and spam GhostHaus Is Better all over their shit. They shill us, we shill a shitposter right back at them. Eventually, they will learn to stop, because there is nothing these "content creators" fear more than someone else becoming slightly more known and possibly eating up 1% of the clicks that might have gone to them.

u posted this is in my doug thread

fuck off faggot your spam pasta is more annoying that a bunch of us actually talking about cars

They have added a fucking shitload of shows to the app
Roadkill garage
Engine masters
Hotrod garage
Junkyard gold
Steeet outlaws
Street outlaws New Orleans
Wheeler dealers
Fast n loud
Graveyard cars
Dirt every day
American choppers
Junkyard empire
House of muscle
Bunch of others. I felt the same way but looks like the content exploded over last 2 months

is this for inside usa only?

>a bunch of us actually talking about cars
not him but your doug threads are a bane. Even Doug videos don't talk about cars, let alone Doug dicksucking threads.

Oh, that I don’t know about. I’m located in USA though

who and what the fuck are you talking about

i like doug videos for the interior details

i dont give a fuck about his lame roadtests or review at the end, quit being such a faggot its a auto board the content is auto related piss off
faggot posted it in my thread here
Used to have threads on MCM back in the day before they went total shit after 2012 and faggots back then raged

you may not like it but that copypasta is the chemo for youtube shill cancer viral marketing posts

>Used to have threads on MCM
Oh okay so you're the fucking bane of this board. Stop sucking dick once and for all. Liking Doug's detailed interior reviews doesn't mean he puts out quality content, it surely doesn't offset his retarded behavior and most of all it doesn't warrant constant dickriding.
Just take this into account: if at any moment you'd be ready to watch any autoshow personality do anything not car-related you're just a dickrider. It's already the case with the cancerous Clarkson faggots.

advertise on auto forums

piss off faggot i didnt say his content was quality its lazily edited and badly made but no other channel goes into interior features as deep/well as he does

Fuck sake you keep bumping our threads yet want them to die, you've mate your points heard now FUCK off

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nice self portrait viral faggot intern

>Being a massive autist unironically for attention
For shame.

yes keep bumping the threads you dont want

as he said yet again bumping the thread

morons the both of you fuck off, if you dont like the thread(s) hide them and shut up

kys senpai

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>you've mate your points heard now FUCK off
No I want you to accept you've been wrong and a cancer to this board and stop making these fucking threads.

You'll be surprised to know that I can post on or hide whatever threads I want.

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watch him claim that everyone tired of his shit is just one guy samefagging

>American Choppers
What, that fucking Discovery series is still going?

>posting nujaks outside of Veeky Forums

god these cunts are stupid

fuck off back to whereever you normally reside

if you dont like a thread HIDE IT

Fuck off back to whatever mollycoddling social network your used too.

>"You'll still be able to watch episodes for free one month later, goy"
>*moves Hot Rod Garage hosts to MTOD only show*
>*puts out MTOD only episodes of "free" shows*
>youtube releases well over a month behind MTOD, some several months behind

Having met and spent a decent amount of time with both....

Frieburger gives off an asshole vibe, and Finnegan is a bro

>Fuck off back to whatever mollycoddling social network your used too.
Or you can fuck off yourself to Doug's fan club facebook page?

yep fuck em

drive plus chris harris went through the same thing and sunk the platform

Wish someone would post a public MTOD account
mmm i always thought the same

Y’know, this is pretty believable

>Frieburger gives off an asshole vibe, and Finnegan is a bro
I've always thought the opposite.

finnegan seems like a cool and respectable dude from everything i've heard but i just can never end up outright liking him for some reason, something about the way he acts just feels off

You used to be able to easily rip the files off the site but i havent figured out how to do it since when they cut a buick out of a tree and then scrapped it.

god damnnit their must be a way

fuck them for letting youtube go

There is. Trying to get it setup in a VM so it spits video files instead of playlist files (that do work in VLC but still)

theres 0 money in youtube if your not appealing to kids thats why all the adult shows are going subscribtion

what do they have to lose by putting up month old vod everyone has already seen?

Fuck em they fucked over their most loyal community

streamlink should be able to make a video from a .m3u

wish a fellow fagg/o/t would rip them

hmm not work

put a Chevy big block in a chevette

no, i believe it's just reruns

yeah, it borked. might be Veeky Forums stripping characters. I'm trying to get the files themselves however the only VM i have right now is a special snowflake linux thing.


this works great can you post the rest?

I'd suck your dick if i was gay senpai

i'm going to make a rkg megapak but what else do you want?

mega pack yew!

>ruin another car

??? Nigga have you watched this show, the cars are already fucked up before they get their hands on them.

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can you use ffmpeg? command should be something like "ffmpeg my.mixtape.moe/maipbo.m3u8 -c: copy output.mkv"

That would be smarter, I'll see if i can find my copy on windows, it refuses to install on the vm.

bump for the rest of the new episodes, roadkill and hot kino garage

fucking Veeky Forums down

please user who was making those rips bump

Fuck some big black ass

>nu-Wheeler Dealers

it's shit since Ed left.

Uploading Roadkill somewhere would be based, I can't find the new episodes anywhere unfortunately

fellate their sponsors and make something stupid

Im sure i read recently that they are bringing it back this year.
That is if paul senor dosnt get locked up for massive embezzlement.

Roadkill hasn't added new videos to YouTube in 2 months that's it guys. gotta pay now.

Put $10k into some shitbox to run a fast time at a drag strip 500 miles away only to have everything explode because we don't know what we're doing.

Motor Trend’s YouTube Series `Roadkill’ Is Becoming a Print Magazine Aimed at Millennial Car Lovers

New Corbin Dallas multipass. youtu.be/IkOWzhXmwjg

At least they dont fellate as hard a dirt every day does. Just look at that minibike episode for fucks sake.

it's because it's scripted and he's not an actor so it just comes across as weird

MCM is a billion times better than this shit.

Tfw u will never steal freiburgers flip flop and slap him in the face with it

Didgeridon't say dumb shit.

freiburgrr is just a boomer with money to burn but Finnegan is younger and enjoys weirder shit like minitrucks, rotaries and boat racing

Freiburger is 51 so technically he is gen X but obviously shares boomer traits because he is on the older side. Finnigan is a millennial.

>oi oi maht'n word on the interballs is wiieh turnin' up the boowst on soupeh graymps

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It should be done by next week or so.

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>B A S E D

Fred seems to be a really nice guy, it's a shame he had to do shit like that.

>MCM is a billion times better
a billion times better at getting ass mad for our entertainment

I've had enough of you mate

Moog out

Roadkill Garage, Engine Masters, Overhaulin, Fast n Loud, and I guess wheeler dealers if it includes Ed are things I'd watch. I'll check out the others. I guess I'll get it

Fuckin noice mate, you put them in their places. You better sensor the word Veeky Forums tonight, even the name sickens me.

They disrespected my family and have no taste in cars.

Can you not afford $5 a month?

IIRC Burg's dream car in high school was a 440/6-pack Mopar for $200 or some shit on the local car lot. If that isn't 100% boomer material regardless of age I'll eat my socks.

He didnt even work for it either, he got hit by a car and either sued or got a huge insurance payout i forgot which.

>cable TV
>sports network subscription
>internet bill
>playstation or xbox membership
>amazon prime
>further paid subscriptions
All that shit fucking adds up like crazy. Suddenly you're spending well upwards of a hundred bucks a month just on digital entertainment related bills, not even including singular purchases or electricity.

nigger rig another boring car and try to make it somewhere. Oh no, our nigger rigging failed, now we aren't going to make it. Yeehaww donuts in the dirt and burnouts, who cares if we didn't make it?


The last issue was printed this January.


God, what is it with Mopar people and markups?

It's boring and why I quit watching.

Literally who you stupid shill

nice try Roadkill shill