So will we engage in mass suicides once self-driving cars become mandatory and regular cars and motorcycles are banned?

So will we engage in mass suicides once self-driving cars become mandatory and regular cars and motorcycles are banned?

Attached: lidar-100917.jpg (1626x1080, 1.05M)

Other urls found in this thread:

How about you get a head start?

Probably just me, unless they made something that I can sit in a high commanding view looking down at these peasants who will be riding in their shitty little soapbar on wheels.

The first step is abandoning Google's captcha. Have you noticed that all the things it makes you select are street signs, store fronts, bridges, pedestrians, other cars, etc.? Things that you might see while driving? There is literally no way that they aren't using regular people like you and I to help promulgate the war on driving.

Veeky Forums will cease to exist in 20 years.

Attached: 14c.jpg (207x253, 17K)

threads will be about what automated car I should get lmao

wont happen in our lives

It's coming a lot sooner than you think.

>It's coming a lot sooner than you think.
*[Citation needed here]*

There's tracks and dragstrips for doing stupid shit, leave the streets for safety. Also, you really want to manually drive the same mundane route to work every day when you could be shitposting on the ride there instead?

It already has happened idiot, they just need the government go-ahead. All the tech is in place.

This is probably the guy that's going to say "next" as you repeatedly refute his naive worldview.

Attached: 1520896961283.jpg (200x200, 18K)

>It already has happened idiot, they just need the government go-ahead. All the tech is in place.

Attached: d76908f56cc90ce8dafff5dd2b3d039094f42ff7734d5abc643e11cdab534712.jpg (497x266, 32K)

>It already has happened idiot, they just need the government go-ahead. All the tech is in place.

Burden of proof is on you to telll us how we will get from here, 2018, to your version.
Give us all a laugh and explain it longform

I don't live in Europe, why would I worry about it?

Like I said, tech is place, every major auto manufacture has level 5 waiting to deploy. People will use it like cruise at first (they already do use it that way in cars with lane assist and with autopilot like Tesla). After more and more cars come out with these features they will become more ubiquitous and a large portion of traffic will be purely autonomous. Over this time there will be accidents between autonomous and manual cars where the human driver is at fault. With such a large number of autonomous cars on the road already governments will start to require cars have some sort of autonomy in order to prevent crashes (such as the car takes over when it detects a crash is imminent). The next step is requiring full autonomy while on major highways and such, and after that newer generations of cars won't even have steering wheels so manual driving may be banned at that point.

Electronic fuel injection - 1967 (Bosch D Jetronic)
First on board diagnostic - 1977 (GM ALDL)
CAN bus - 1990 (BMW 850i)
OBD2 standardized -1996
Adaptive cruise control - 1999 (Mercedes S Class)
DARPA urban challenge won - 2007
Every major manufacturer has autonomous test vehicles - 2013
First vehicle with full self driving hardware sold to public - Tesla Model S DAS 2.0 - 2016

But surely it's going to stop right there. Just because we went from a CD player in a car being rare to a self driving car that's already demonstrated itself as being far better than a human driver within 2 decades doesn't mean there will be any more advancement. Like all technology we have reached the pinnacle here in 2018 and there will be no more progress. Certainly not going to get any further in our lifetimes as the earlier user said. Fucking retards.

all you did was list cars thats just not any proof at all plus you arent explaining WHOS paying for all this?

Proof of what? Do you think all those inventions are imaginary and we are still running flathead cars with magnetos and gas powered headlights?

>WHOS paying for all this
This may come as a surprise to you but there are many car manufacturers competing for market share. They often spend billions of dollars in R&D to come up with tech that will put them ahead of their competitors. We call this "capitalism" and it's one of the reasons you are typing on a computer, on the internet instead of sending a telegram or written letter while engaging in an argument that's way over your head.

And you believe that will happen in two or three decades? You have no idea how glacially slow a process like that takes. And their will be people slowing it too a crawl the whole way because it will cost money and it won't be in the interest of their constituents. In America your not talking about changing cars, your talking about changing society, and any established society is opposed to swift or drastic change that it doesn't feel is necessary. See the American rejection of the metric system.

Look at how many people at a cellphone 20 years ago, let alone a PC. Look at how different the world is now than in the 90s and before. We've been in a period of exponential growth since the industrial revolution, and it's not slowing down any time soon. Yeah it a complete ban on manual cars won't happen in 5 years but 15-30 years definitely

>within 3 decades we've gone from the first communication circuit in a car to self driving cars
>but nothing will happen in the next 3 decades after that

Attached: techcurve.jpg (1699x1699, 153K)

That has nothing to do with getting society to accept the tech, and give up their perceived freedom for it. Not to mention getting multiple federal agencies and hundreds of state and local agencies to formulate laws and regulations governing these vehicles and what can and cannot be done with them and traditional cars on the nations interstates(federal) highways(state and federal) county roads(states) and municipal roads(local city and county). And every step of the way their will be lawsuits and challenges taking months and years to litigate. And if any of those lawsuits succeeds it will grind the whole thing to a halt for who knows how long.

So no I guarantee even if this tech is being used in 30 years you will still be able to drive 90's sshitboxes on the road.

>another joy you get will be banned because MUH SAFETY
every day I get closer to killing myself

Attached: 1409672464521.png (400x396, 186K)

>That has nothing to do with getting society to accept the tech, and give up their perceived freedom for it
You people are so fucking insulated.
Point 1- Giving a shit about cars is the realm of a TINY minority now. Normalfags think of them as appliances. Cars aren't cool anymore. People just want to get to their destination and they don't give a fuck how as long as it's not the bus.
And point 2- people will do ANYTHING for convenience. Google Home, Amazon Alexa, location services and datamining on cellphones, people will give up every right they have if it means a piece of technology will know them better than they know themselves and suggest things so they don't have to think so much. What the fuck makes you think self-driving cars won't be IMMEDIATELY accepted as soon as their safety is proven?

Attached: 1359901503867.gif (176x144, 1.15M)

The future tech fallacy is such a stupid fallacy.

Even if it happens, I'll be fine. My country is fair, in that I won't be discriminated against for using something that was legal when I acquired it.

>What the fuck makes you think self-driving cars won't be IMMEDIATELY accepted as soon as their safety is proven?

Because it took us 50 years and a shit ton of regulations just to prove to the majority that smoking was killing people and folks probably shouldn't do it. You vastly overestimate people's care for their own well being.

Which automated transport service should I subscribe to*

>What AI is gud?

Just Google swap your car bro.

>pick one or two cars to keep and fix up while the world normalizes automated cars
>every car on he road is auto
>drive our manual cars through the automated shit skins, hitting them with bats n shit
>police have automated cars too, (because if they didn’t that would mean not all cars are fully automated, thus this wouldn’t be a problem to begin with) so they can’t really pull us over
>cause massive amounts of damage to auto cars on free/highways

Let’s just fuck with people

We have too much snow and ice covering road markings, street signs and the edges of the road to have these cars function properly. At least for a veeeeeery long time.

Part 1

First a thanks for typing out your thoughts,
most don't even when challenged.

>Like I said, tech is place, every major auto manufacture has level 5 waiting to deploy.

In a competitive market, they all have to say they're doing the same as the other guy. If it truly was this "latest greatest no brainer" and they ALL have it just ready and it's fully tested, then naturally they would all simply be rushing to market, and the first wins. They would all want to be first into this "obvious" market differentiator that "all cars will be" because "progress.

I believe this implies either the tech isn't where they say it is, they dont' have it in fully tested "it's done" configuration, or it's way, way more complicated than the proponents want to admit. I think it's a mix of all of the above.

>People will use it like_____
Pause. First I'm in agreement on a central point here and this is the biggest chunk of our agreement on the topic: I believe "auto-pilot" is going to catch on and will be here to stay. In _____ timeframe, when it gets good, and when in the right scenarios, it will get use from people. But I admit, this is a guess. Most people don't even know how to use the CRUISE control in their vehicle? They don't know how to use half the standard apps and menus on their own iphone. To assume they will be able to figure out that fully driving car interface - whether voice activated or not, is a giant bag of assumptions.

Part 2:

>After more and more cars come out with these features they will become more ubiquitous and a large portion of traffic will be purely autonomous.
Pause, more assumptions. They are not without logic, but things can be logical and not occur.
Logic: Nate "neverwrong" Silver and "the polls" had hillary clinton winning an election she decidedly lost. It was logical to believe she was going to win, it just didn't occur the way projected.
Our disagreements start here. I think "auto-pilot", which will likely get expensive and result in vehicle design compromises to work properly - is NOT going to get to that high threshold of car density "really soon".

>Over this time there will be accidents between autonomous and manual cars where the human driver is at fault.
Pause next assumption. We're assuming complete success due to trials that are never going to be perfect in simulation.
I personally believe, that all it would take is a few "horror stories" of people dying behind the wheel of their self driving cars, in order for the whole enterprise to become either political poison (goodbye mandate) for that alone - or make buyers weary of entirely self driving cars.
Example: 1 shooting by a crazy person, ruining gunlaws for a state or nation.
Example: 1 teenager attempting to grab a police officer's duty weapon, getting shot, and it turns into a series of riots and race tensions that end up effecting the policing attitudes across the nation.

What I'm saying: Even if it's true, if something bad happens, something we can't foresee (and we are not all seeing), giant wrench into the persuasive thinking that needs to happen.
You're betting "no", I'm saying "maybe."

Part 3

>With such a large number of autonomous cars on the road already governments will start to require

Pause. That is no easy feat. If you're in europe I can't speak to the legislative realities there. This is a giant, giant wall. Lets assume your proposed "how it happens" occurs 100% as predicted, and "real soon" too.
I personally believe it will be political poison to suggest taking away peoples driving. It will be called a civil rights frontier. The "right to drive". Might they require different licenses for the drone-mobiles vs real cars? You might see that BEFORE an outright ban on this stuff. But I think here is the biggest hill on which this dies.

Politicians don't like taking these stances unless they can fundraise on it or virtue signal with it to their base. You might see the next san Francisco politicians advocate for it. You might see California towns mandate it first. National ban? No.
Auto-pilot mandated* in the sales of new cars (because, fuck being affordable), you might see that first.
government penstroke, in the US? I think it would take 40 years to get to that point.
Ex: The seeds of the civil war in 1860 took decades to get to war. While we do have twitter and "information moves faster" in the digital age, people are slower to change their lifestyles, particularly if they don't see the virtues in what's being proposed.
>Reuters) - Two-thirds of Americans are uncomfortable about the idea of riding in self-driving cars, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll, underscoring one of many challenges for companies spending billions of dollars on the development of autonomous vehicles.

Now I concur it would be naive to state that those attitudes would absolutely be forever. But fully 2/3rds of a populace not being interested makes it political poison. 1/3rd may feel that way forever.

part 4:

>The next step is requiring full autonomy while on major highways and such

Well we kinda got there earlier in the paragraph but, man again this is a huge, huge step. And how will it be enforced? there are "major highways" that are enforced by aircraft (As in: basically "please don't speed, maybe we'll fuck 1 or 2 of you in the next 200 miles). And at what expense?

Part 5

>That has nothing to do with getting society to accept the tech, and give up their perceived freedom for it.

cannot be understated. You were not giving up freedoms to get onto the internet.
You were not giving up freedoms to get a cellphone.

One could argue you got the opposite.

>even if this tech is being used in 30 years you will still be able to drive 90's sshitboxes on the road.

Also correct.
If lower income individuals in inner cities cannot afford the additional coin or even those new cars, and the politicians in charged were accused of being racist - the bill dies immediately and their career ends.

True or not, the accusation is pure acid that corrodes public support and sends politicians running from the hills

A bottleneck that we can't understate. People don't wash their cars, you're telling me all the sensors have to be clean? Or it has that lovely giant bubble on top?
>People don't care about aesthetics

And what if it's a dirt road or long stretches with no signs to read?

With fully 2/3rds of people not down with the self driving cars - I'm telling you it's not a "one size fits absolutely all" solution, not for all roads, not for all people - and as such the "they will all be SDCs" thing, will not materialize, in my opinion.

It's called a plane

>Over this time there will be accidents between autonomous and manual cars where the human driver is at fault

We’re already there. Almost every crash involving an autonomous vehicle has been the fault of the human driver of the other vehicle.

And yet some of these would have been avoided by a human driver.
One dashcam of a person in an SDC getting into an accident and screaming as their autism-laser-guided car smashes into an avoided obstacle, and SDCs become poison.

Attached: screen-shot-2017-11-09-at-8-35-39-am.png (782x498, 422K)

People do not NEED chocolate, ipads, cigarettes, weed, muscle cars, motorcycles - and yet they buy them because they want them.

As long as the desire exists, people will sell to those desires.

It's called capitalism.

Now add in places that have no roads. Now add in the groundskeepers at schools driving those superduty trucks over the property - there's no reason to click in an address that doesn't exist for grounds maintenance because "mm'progress".
Running a plowtruck SDC, HA!
Could it be done, maybe, but as long as you have entire categories of vehicle that aren't ideal SDC candidates, they won't be.

So next we're forced to consider:
- SDCs don't work for all roads, regions, or drivers
- People will desire being able to drive their own car
- Old cars will be on the road and bar those cars from driving is to be racist
>Duh, Bigot
- I can't go to any of the big 3 + toyota, and say, "I want a self-driving steering wheel-less RAV4, or Tundra, or Tacoma, or F-150". It's not here yet.
- We're now, at best, in a scenario where OVER TIME, we will see a MIX of SDCs, after a long slow adoption of auto-pilot, not a total replacement, and not via national government.

>Veeky Forums will cease to exist in 20 years.

Forum might be dead, but again considering I can't go and buy a self-driving steeringwheel less version of any of those cars right now at a $30k sticker price? Even if the vehicles being sold TODAY continue to run, they will be driving in 20 years.

To say, "muh 20 years" is fantasyland thinking and a number picked out of thin air.

dude you blew it, all you keep saying is that things are "over peoples heads" without giving any sound reasoning or links just kys

I based my assumptions on past developments in automobiles. Horses were eventually banned from roads (I think? Maybe not), but safety features always eventually end up becoming required. That is seatbelts, blinkers, all that jazz. And then emission requirements and sound requirements, etc. They're always putting new regulations on cars and I think autonomous driving will be one of them. Meaning no fully manual cars allowed eventually, once they prove that it's safer than manual driving.

Obviously yeah it's just an assumption and I'm just some rando so I don't claim to have authority, it's just how I see the where we're heading based on history.

I don't think manual will be banned all at once, but rather restricted to rural areas while large city centres require autonomy

Won't happen in my liftetime and even if it did I'd just use my car for the track anyway.

Horses are only banned on interstates and as dictated by local ordinances. Most places you can still ride in a horse carriage on the highway as long as you have a warning placard.

And now I want to hear about a Tesla taking out a Mormon family on autopilot.

>And now I want to hear about a Tesla taking out a Mormon family on autopilot

Who’s ready for the lawsuits against Tesla when people’s cars fail to kill Mormons on sight as decency and common sense demand?

>Veeky Forums will cease to exist in 20 years.
implying there arent shit ton of autists who will make another user imageboard for car related shitposting anyway

True. Remember when it used to be all words, just different colors/fonts/styles etc. Google used that to digitize every book. Now they’re using this to help their self driving cars.

>Find/steal/acquire/hack an automated car
>Weld large sprung arm onto sides
>Send it off with no driver on a multi-lane highway route.
>Watch it cause thousands in damage to every single car it passes along the way that fails to get out of the way.
>Police can't pull it over because loldriverlesscar

Attached: Screenshot_522.png (939x679, 60K)

i meant a car, not a plane dumb dumb

>How to remotely get arrested either by liscense plate or by vin registration

People have already hacked into internet connected Jeeps. I'm sure it wouldn't take a genius to break into someone else's self driving car and use their vin/reg

>Obviously yeah it's just an assumption and I'm just some rando so I don't claim to have authority, it's just how I see the where we're heading based on history.

I appreciate the humility, the honesty, and the full explanations . I have a lot of respect for that


Life would get less stressful so I doubt it.