ITT obscure states of history

ITT obscure states of history

Couto Misto was a microstate between Portugal and Spain that existed as an independent polity for nearly a thousand years, going from sometime in the 10th century all the way to 1868.

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The Italian Regency of Carnaro (aka "l'Impresa di Fiume") was a small self-proclaimed state on the shores of the Adriatic that lasted from September 1919 to December 1920. It was led by the famous Italian irredentist author, Gabriele D'Annunzio.

Its constitution is very noteworthy for having elements raging from diverse ideologies of the time as well as being the first (modern) state to be founded on the corporatist sociopolitical system.

Have not much net to do Research but there was some "independent" state after ww (I/II, im not sure) in the Mosel/Rheinland

The Saar?

there was a Communist Soviet city-state in the west of Ireland that existed for 12 days

Hungary was the first Soviet state
Anarchy in practice is a very interesting thing

Senarica Republic.

Going by the war mentioned it's probably the Saar Protectorate.

In that general area there was also Neutral Moresnet.

Damn. An actual, informative Veeky Forums thread. Good work OP. Have a bump.

>The Kingdom of Soissons[1] was a rump state of the Western Roman Empire in northern Gaul (present day France) for some twenty-five years during Late Antiquity.


>Southern Northern West Roman Empire

The Indo-Greek kingdom

Greek kings ruled over indians. Some even converted to buddhism. It was a weird mixture of ancient Greek and Indian cultures.

did they achieve the means of potatoes?

Central Asia and Southeast Asia is literally filled with those: I'll give a rundowm

>Dayuan (today the Ferghana Valley).
The Chinese name for Ferghana historically is Dayuan. They were the easternmost provinces and satrapies of the Seleucid Empire. Sometime in the early 200s BC, the de Jure nature of Seleucid rule meant the Greek colonists living there were on their fucking own. They established petty kingdoms in Dayuan, centered around the city states of Marakanda (today Samarkand) and Alexandreia Eschate (literally: the farthest Alexandreia). Hence the name: Dayuan (Da = Big, Great. Yuan= Ionians, from the Persian Yunan, meaning Greek)

The cunts went mad-max style and adopted to the equestrian lifestyle required of the valley plains, though still were urbanized and did a agriculture. Eschate raised some of the best horses in the region: the Ferghana Stallions. Called Tianma (Heavenly Horses) by the Chinese.

They pretty much benefitted off the Silk Route but were in danger to the powerful Nomad hordes from the Steppes.

It was an on-and-off friend of Han Dynasty China. Relations between Dayuan states and China started off rocky when the great Han emperor, Wu Di, asked if he could buy 10,000 heavenly horses from them. The Dayuan said "dude that is our whole stock" and Wu was like "yeah, I need them to fight the Xiongnu." Dayuan said no so Wu sent his brother in law to force the purchase. However the idiot fought every single petty king along the way so when he reached Dayuan with attrition-fucked army, he was sent running by the Greeks. Wu then sent him another army, and told to do it again. This time he succeeded, managed to besiege Eschate (Ershi in Chinese), and the Dayuan panicked and killed their king and surrendered. Han China made off with 10,000 horses, and Wu started his great campaign to crush the Xiongnu. Ironically benefiting both parties.

Greek rule ended in the late 100s when the Saka and the Yuezhi steppeniggers invaded

Dumb phoneposter.

Thanks homie. Looking that shit up

Post Austria-Hungary's dissolution and in the subsequent chaos, there was a tiny republic founded in the area of Prekmurje.

It had a mini civil war between the traditionalist christians and commies (who were supported by commie hungary), until it got occupied by commie hungary.

>Lanfang Republic.
While the Chinese Empire never really practiced overseas colonization officially, unofficially, they did. These "colonization" efforts were spearheaded by private collectives of merchants in China, who ran vast guilds centered around a "Kongsi," meaning "Clan Hall." Since most of the Merchants and their workers in these guilds tend to belong to one clan village.

Well anyway, during the high days of Chinese overseas trade (i.e.1300s -1700s) Chinese merchants were fuck worried about competition versus each other. To one up each other, Merchant clans sent members of their own family to set up shop in the "empty" corners of Southeast Asia in order to
1) Provide rest ports and warehouses for their goods and shelters when the storm season hits.
2) Keep some unofficial monopoly in the trade in the area
3) If need be: smuggling warehouse.

However a bunch of Kongsi Colonies in Borneo (Indonesian side) grew really fast and started occupying vast swathes of land. Eventually the three colonies here became states in and off themselves and were called the "Kongsi Republics." The biggest of which was Lanfang.

They weren't really republics in the western sense of the word given that the only resemblance they bore was direct democracy. This was very weird in the time given the nature of East Asian-influenced states (i.e. Monarchies all of them) but it makes sense: in Kongsi meetings, the clan head may be the boss of the operation, but every male relation/heads voted on the decisions the clan hall does. So in Borneo, there were three weird republics of traditional Chinese people.

The Three Republics were pretty powerful in their own right that none of the European Colonialists in SEA directly challenged them. However with the decline of their main backer - the Qing- the Dutch were emboldened to risk open war with them. It still took almost the whole of the 19th Century to subjugate the Kongsi republics.

I assume he means the Freistaat Flaschenhals:
They were cut off from the rest of Germany by Entente occupation zones and developed an economy based on smuggling all kinds of stuff, mostly trading for homemade liquor, until the whole thing was shut down after the Ruhr occupation.

>Soviet state
>"We make bread, not profit"
>Lasts for 12 days

Shit writes itself.

I personally like the Vermont Republic, Deseret (although literally a state), Sealand, and Republic of the Rio Grande (not Texas).

The Spratlys Islands was (IS) a hotly contested territory between several SEA Countries.

Into this mess came Tomas Cloma. A Filipino businessman and lawyer, man was a relic of the Spanish colonial period, an utter eccentric, and fancied himself an explorer. The man made bank by owning a fishing company and a Seamanship School, which he promptly used to LARP as an explorer.

In 1947, Cloma “discovered” Guano deposits in the Spratlys Islands, which, if processed, can be lucratively sold as fertilizer. Due to the fact that it was contested territory where parties can’t directly claim islands without touching off an incident, Cloma can’t do shit. However in 1950s he hit a brainwave: since nobody really owned the Spratlys, he’d create a fucking country there himself.

In 1956, Tomas Cloma, with his fishing fleet, and 40 men with colt pistols, shotguns, and some rifles, “claimed” a group of Islands. He then sent a notice to the UN saying that this area is a new country called “the Free Territory of Freedomland.” He promptly set up a government, with him as the “Admiral” of Freedomland, a post office, his own currency, stamps, his own flag (of a seagull, since Guano = Seagull), entriced some some poor Filipino fishermen as colonists, and established a capital in Patag Island. Some months after, he “seized” an ROC Island by landing there and stealing their Flag.

Immediately, Tomas Cloma set off an international incident. The two Vietnams and two Chinas blamed the Philippines for this sneaky landgrab and promptly made their own landgrabs in the Spratlys and naval patrols ringed Cloma’s tiny state. As a result Philippines was thoroughly embarrassed though its masses praised the insane cunt for his gutsy move.

For me


I enjoy reading about Central Asian states, but many were eclipsed completely by the Mongols, Turks or Arabs for obvious reasons.

I also find some states which have no modern national state correlation to be interesting at times. For example, South Vietnam was populated for hundreds of years by a group known as the Cham with a culture completely different from their Vietnamese neighbors to the North.

The weird state ended in 1972 when the Filipino president, Marcos, declared Martial Law and started a dictatorship. He ordered the arrest of Cloma for “impersonating an admiral of the Philippine Navy” (which Cloma never did, he was his own admiral). With the Flip navy bearing down on him and determined not to be insulted, he sent his own ultimatum: that he publicly announced that he will willingly surrender his islands to the Philippines if Marcos personally pays him 1 peso (1 dollar = 6 Pesos back then), making the dictator the butt of the joke when he didn’t pay.

The current islands held by the Philippines in Spratlys are all descended from Freedomland. To this day locals there think he’s a hero, and continued to refer to Tomas Cloma as "Admiral Cloma." To this day, the locals refer to the airport there that connects the islands to the Philippines not by its official name, they call it the "Admiral Tomas Cloma International Airport instead." It is a mere landing strip with a small concrete tower and some warehouses.

Cloma was released from prison in the late 70s, and was sort of a folk hero in the Philippines. From the 80s to his death in 1996, he would continue trying to run as President of the Philippines with weird platforms such as covering major Filipino cities in huge glass domes to combat typhoons, or waging war with China over the spratlys, telling the Filipinos that the Chinese have a fake navy that can be dealt with and that they really didnt have nukes.

His grave is a bow of a ship.

That's really neat, thanks for posting user

Is Dzungar Khanate obscure enough?
If no then Teleut Khanate (sorry, very little info in English).

Many nations of Oceania fall under this category, my favorite probably being the Federated States of Micronesia

The Republic of Lucca, lasting from 850 to 1856 but hardly seen around.

The Principality of Seborga too.

Lucca should be pretty well known, same is for Krakow city state.


I knew about the Bactrian Greeks mostly because of their gorgeous Buddhist art, but I didn't know there was another Hellenic civilisation further north. Thanks a lot, user!

Fucking Chinese apes.


Neutral Moresnet was a small Belgian–Prussiancondominiumthat existed from 1816 to 1920 between present-dayBelgiumandGermany. Its northernmost border point at theVaalserbergconnected it to aquadripointshared additionally with the DutchProvince of Limburg, which today is known asThree‑Country Point. Prior to Belgian independence in 1830, the territory was aDutch–Prussian condominium. During theFirst World War, the territory was annexed into Germany, although the allies did not recognise the annexation.

>Le Chinese apes.
>Any record of Dayuan history is Chinese because Steppenegroes destroyed the Ferghana Greeks.

The Republic of Canada existed from 1837-1838, and only occupied Navy Island. At its peak, it had a population of over 600. After an attack by the British, the island's inhabitants fled to the United States.
Pretty interesting, lasted for two seconds tho

For about a month Alsace was a Soviet Republic