>A Benz car lost control in China in autocruise mode, running at 120km/h in traffic for almost an hour until being remote shut down by Benz.
Chinese report:
A Benz car lost control in China in autocruise mode...
Other urls found in this thread:
>German quality
All automated driving cars should be mandated by law to have a manual killswitch, similar to motorcycles.
>until being remote shut down by Benz.
maybe it was rigged to explode when car slows down below 50mph
Many modern cars have those remote start capabilities. They say it's for our convenience, but we know that they are trying to control us a bit more little by little.
>Remote immobilization proves to be a viable solution to prevent vehicle theft and also help in the reclaiming valuable goods and cargos from stole vehicles. Remote vehicle shutdown device thus can help prevent possible hijacking and theft by intruders. Remote shutdown devices have system, connecting the car with a possible manual or automated operator through satellite and wireless connections. The device mainly is connected to the car through the central circuit; through transmitter and receiver the device receives signal either to reduce the speed of the vehicle or to shutoff the engine entirely. The usage of such devices can be found especially in the U.S where subprime auto loans are given by lenders. Lenders hence use this technology to disable ignition of a car when borrower falls behind on payments. Moreover police also uses remote vehicle shutdown technology to remotely halt high speed hunts and to find stolen cars.
literally like that scene in irobot and minority report
>remote shut down
Thanks for reminding me to never get a mercedes
Yeah this. I threw up a bit in my mouth after reading that.
I already boycot Jewgle as much as possible and I really hate this everything's connected and controlled direction we're headed to
Remember when the future was an exciting and hopeful place? I am afraid of the future now.
I am not a fan of automated cars, since I like driving, but 120kph through traffic for almost an hour is impressive. How long was that Tesla going before it ran into a fucking parked fire truck?
Yeah me too. Fucking kikes running the place is bad. Very bad.
>The motor law passes
>All new cars have been bricked
>enthusiasts with old cars of all sorts hide them
>Self driving shitboxes of saddness
>underground illegal cruises and races take place in the woods and other forgotten corners of the world
Tell me anons what will you do when the Motor law comes?
no wait, it's almost 2020 already
>wake up
>brush your teeth
>wash your face
>fap to some loli hentai
>typical degenerate day
>life is good
>fridge is empty
>get in a car for grocery run
>suddenly, car turns into some abandoned road
>gains speed at tremendous rate
>brakes don't work, steering (by wire, duh) don't work
>all you can do is observe as your car quickly approaches the building at the end of the street
>you close your eyes, regretting your life choices
>why haven't you lived your life to the fullest? why procrastinate and forcefully maintain your neet ways when you could get a girl and have a good life?
>'if i ever get out of it, i'll try harder', you say to yourself
>car slows down right before the wall
>friendly fbi guy jumps out of nearby bush, unlocks your door
>'haha mate, got you good'
>'seriously though, get your shit together. system has marked you as a problem, and in declining brith rates we need all the people we can get'
>'you know, next time car might not stop in time'
>go home
>decide that it's nice of goverment to care about you
>never touch hentai again
bright future ahead
The drover is a non-professional race driver and police also helped clear out traffic from midway onward. The driver said it would be really dangerous if it wasn't for the police that helped clear the road up and police said if he was not a race driver then he might be dead. Pic related is when the car run through a toll booth
Damn, I have that same keyboard and I can't wait to get all my shit back
Nice try bro, clearly chose the express lane
whatever their onstar equivalent is can slow or stop a vehicle remotely
so why didnt he just turn the car off
>lost control
>why didn't he control it?
Wew buddy
no wait, it's almost 2025 already
>19300000000000000000000 AD
>wake up
>brush your teeth
>wash your face
>fap to some loli hentai
>typical degenerate day
>life is good
>fridge is empty
>get in a car for grocery run
>suddenly, car turns into some abandoned road
>gains speed at tremendous rate
>brakes don't work, steering (by wire, duh) don't work
>all you can do is observe as your car quickly approaches the building at the end of the street
>you close your eyes, regretting your life choices
>why haven't you lived your life to the fullest? why procrastinate and forcefully maintain your neet ways when you could get a girl and have a good life?
>'if i ever get out of it, i'll try harder', you say to yourself
>car slows down right before the wall
>friendly fbi guy jumps out of nearby bush, unlocks your door
>'haha mate, got you good'
>'seriously though, get your shit together. system has marked you as a problem, and in declining brith rates we need all the people we can get'
>'you know, next time car might not stop in time'
>go home
>decide that it's nice of goverment to care about you
>never touch hentai again
bright future ahead
How do you lose control of a such a basic function such as turning it off?
>turn key, engine shuts down
>slam brakes, car stops
>pull the handbrake a bit
>money shift, at least you're not dead
the power to influence or direct people's behaviour or the course of events.
Not an argument, it's like the lady who did not know how to take her foot off the gas pedal all over again.
Cars with button starts generally decides when it wants to turn on or off regardless of human input. Usually it listens to humans. Same goes for electronic handbrakes.
If the person was actually a non professional race driver, they would know to hit the brake, turn the ignition off, etc.
>ignition key
Probably had a keyless go system with start/stop button
>slam brakes
"I'm afraid I can't let you do that."
or it didn't help at all since these cars mostly have an "electronic braking assistent"
>pull handbrake a bit
Probably had an electronic parking brake aswell operated by a button
>money shifts
Guess you deserve it for being dumb enough giving them all your details.
Or just anyone with a licence, really.
I was taught how to make the car stop before even starting it the first time. Doesn't everyone?
I don't think you know what money shift means, user
What's so hard to understand about "lost control" in a new automated car? heh
He called manufacturer support and tried different action the mechanic tell him over the phone and they doesn't work. He tried to use neutral gear, brake, cut off the power, but all of them does not work. He tried to unfasten the seat belt and open the door a bit which decreased the speed to 60 but it make the car lost stability so the option was eliminated and the speed goes back to 120 once the door get closed
Pic related, it's you.
I don't see how you fail to grasp such a simple concept. The guy is a better driver than you and couldn't stop the car.
Move to a new planet.
Modern shifters aren't even connected to the transmission anyways. The computer decides if it wants to be neutral.
Have you seen Demolition Man? I'll be down there with Dennis Leary
>Chinese car vs German car
Half this board sexually identifies as boomerkin, they ree at fuel injection. Do you really think anyone here knows how fully automated space gay communist cars work?
Shit man, I'm almost 36 and never even heard of "boomerkin"
>open door
>car decelerates to 60
>stop with a guard rail
>sue the fuck out of benz
I stopped playing WoW in 2010.
>sue the fuck out of benz
>in China
I see what you did there but you still are dumb as fuck
No I don't. I assumed that Mercedes would charge you a fee for "helping" you.
Then get the fuck out of my carburator jet size calculating board
Fuck you, I do what I want.
Most modern vehicles have a remote Killswitch that can be used by authorities in they know what vehicle your driving.
>All automated driving cars should be mandated by law to have a manual killswitch, similar to motorcycles.
If the killswitch is a device that sends a signal on the LAN to the computer, it could fail if the problem is on the LAN. Most cars have almost all the devices and signaling devices controlled by LAN. My GM car is like that. Once every while, my LAN locks up while driving. I still have steering, pedals, and driving functions, but a lot of switches in the car no longer listen to me. The radio will then stutter as that small bit of buffered audio will repeat over and over and over. The console switches fail as the LAN ignores them. The on/off button for the radio fails to work and the radio remains locked on. The buttons on the steering wheel also stop working in that pressing them doesn't do anything. If it is on, it stays on. If the device is off, it stays off. BTW, one of those button sets is cruise control. Shades of Benz!
Too many things use the LAN to transmit signals and receive commands and status. I cannot re-create the problem for the dealer, so this ghost problem remains unsolved. Since the dealer charges a diagnostic fee even if I come in to report a bug, that's how the dealer discourages people from doing anything. Hooray for uncaring dealerships.
>Remote immobilization proves to be a viable solution to prevent vehicle theft
Remote immobilization will be a viable solution to ensure people vote for the incumbent in certain countries.
As far as I know, kill switches are very basic. Basically, all it does it disconnect the circuitry.
However, even killswitches are being added with bullshit in more recent motorcycles.
Some motorcycles have killswitches connected to the ECU so the computer decide when the kill is activated. The official reasoning is that killswitches sometimes cause backfire (which "damages" the engine), so the computer will wait for the right timing of the engine cycle to turn off.
Sounds like more bullshit reason to take control away from the driver to me.
>be outspoken government critic
>they can't arrest you due to the pesky first amendment
>wake up
>brush your teeth
>wash your face
>fap to some loli hentai
>typical degenerate day
>life is good
>fridge is empty
>get in a car for grocery run
>suddenly, car turns into some abandoned road
>gains speed at tremendous rate
>brakes don't work, steering (by wire, duh) don't work
>all you can do is observe as your car quickly approaches the building at the end of the street
>you close your eyes, regretting your life choices
>crash into brick wall
>airbags are remotely controlled to turn off, so you smash right into the steering column
>headlines read that another user lost control of his car and passed away
>article subtly insinuates that death rates would be non existent if there was no human driver
>Lenders hence use this technology to disable ignition of a car when borrower falls behind
>police also uses remote vehicle shutdown technology to remotely halt high speed hunts
Was reading about that being done in California in 2016 chases. The police contacted OnStar and the GM car being chased stopped. The onboard computer prevents a crash by tapering off the fuel so the car slows down before it finally rolls to a stop if the criminal hasn't already braked.
Driving data will be sold. Cars phone home now. They all have cellular modems such as OnStar from GM as one example. All the driving data and how much time you spend at shops is worth money and identifies your personality.
Chetan Sharma Consulting revealed that 2017 saw more new cars added to cellular networks than new cellphones. In particular, it noted that AT&T has been adding a million or more new cars to its network each quarter for the last 11 quarters. While Chetan Sharma didn't break out numbers for other service providers, it also revealed that Verizon is set to make at least $1 billion from IoT and telematics. And previous research from Gartner suggested that, this year, 98 percent of new cars will be equipped with embedded modems.
It's personally identifiable data because of the serial code and VIN.
Hmmm, your car was parked at the gun store for 30 minutes, then at the target range for 2 hours. But you have no registered guns. Hmm, you now fit the profile for not registering your guns as required. Your car has snitched on you.
Hmm, you are on probation. Obviously, in the future the police are going to monitor your whereabouts by watching your car and not just your cellphone. Are you breaking probation?
Hmmm. Your car was parked at the quickie motel several times per month. Prostitutes?
Sorry Dave.
I can't let you do that.
>Have you seen Demolition Man?
>only taco bell for restaurants
Truly the worst future.
hmmmm gay. LOL
Just wait until you have to pay annual or monthly subscription fees for your car apps. The companies want a recurring revenue stream from all those used cars. Otherwise, certain touchscreens on the display won't work since after the initial 3 years, you only get basic apps access for free.
>hmmmm gay. LOL
Hmmm. Your car was parked at the gay bar. That data is now on your record. Future employers can see it. Or if someone is investigating your background as a possible spouse, such stuff can turn up in a background check. The companies want to sell the data.
The problem is that they got the data for "free" since that was in the new car contract.
hmmmmm uh oh :(((
>implying that employers won't actively hire gays for government diversity points
I should regularly park at the gay bar
>Hmmm. Your car was parked at the gay bar. That data is now on your record. Future employers can see it.
now they have to hire you because you're an oppressed minority
Last time something similar happen in China was a toyota car in 2012.
A few days ago, some Chinese BYD car users are going to organize a march to complain about quality problem of BYD cars. However, only a few car owners are able to present at the time it was supposed to occur. They said their cars have been locked to.prevent them from demonstrating against BYD. After a while, the dealer come out say those cars are locked just because they refused to pay for the lease due to all these quality problems, but that's that
>Germans in charge of electrics
That's BMW right now
>their cars have been locked
Just wait until your pace maker is internet capable! Let's shut down or speed it up for all russian and chinese dissidents.
It's inevitable that control features will be misused. It's the history of the world. That will happen in the USA too for key organizers. It only has to make them late by a number of hours to remove a lot of the steam from any important court trial or public feedback podium prior to a vote. If the witness or support lawyers don't show, then the court case continues without them and that side could lose.
In the 1980's, there were incidences of car sabotage of certain stanford university students immediately prior to exams. If the students didn't show, then their lead position would drop and someone else would rise up in standings. That was a more negative aspect that resulted from the "wheel wars" events at stanford.
Picture: police officers (some undercover) at one of the multi-day Occupy rallies faking a riot in order to create a legal excuse to shut down the rally AND to charge huge police and security expenses on organizers. Without a crime, it is difficult or impossible to charge those expenses onto individual organizers.
>Just wait until your pace maker is internet capable!
>this is the only electrical equipment needed for my engine to run
Feels bready good mane
We're not complaining about electric stuff, but electronic stuff.
>remote shutdown
Wtf. How do they even connect to the car? Feels good driving 90s shitboxes exclusively almost
Trusting the Germans to build a reliable vehicle... Kek
cellular network enabled, see Also some cars have satellite connection too
And yet you keep driving it.
>"Oy vey our systems have recalled that driver 25-AJR-738H has nazi frogs saved on his hard drive."
>"Better turn off his brakes hehehe..."
Im not usually the conspiracy guy but isnt this a really convenient that after dalai lama shit between china and merc there's that incident where driver is a non pro race driver who "lost control " and goes 120 in something that looks like controled enviorment
Which conveniently shows that mercedes is bad and china goverment and police is good. ...
all main stream media involving mega cash is staged man, get with the program
Thank god I won't be alive for the surveillance generation
This is some next level communist propaganda
I had a dream about this a few years ago.
>New mega highways were created for self driving cars with really high speed limits
>Old highways are now unmaintained and unmonitored but driving on them is illegal
>Road driving old manually controlled cars with ICEs are no longer manufactured and gas is expensive
>Poor people and car enthusiasts still use these roads running ethanol ICEs, moonshiners now sell literal rocket fuel to illegal enthusiasts
I was gonna write a story but writing is gay
if you have an old diesel you don't need any electricals at all once it running
its not just communisim man, they are just a pawn in whatever bigger picture this whole cult is envisioning.
City from Clifford D. Simak start like this, there's an old dude still using a car on a shit destroyed old road while everybody else is using nuclear helicopters or something.
Unlikely, as:
1. The government seems to happy with their apology in the event
2. The driver in the article didn't blame Mercedes in any part of the report, instead he's just looking for their investigation report on the incident and patch the system accordingly. The article even say as he was going to join some important conference in Chengdu the next day and doesn't have tine to wait for a replacement offered by Mercedes, he just continue to drive the same car until Chengdu (although at low speed and without autocruise)
3. And Police also exclaimed by the maneuverability of the car under the driver's control, according to a message posted privately by a policeman there, it seems like their own police car can't follow the Benz at the initial stage
4. According to updated interview, it seems like the part that "Manufacturer shut down the car from remote" is actually an incorrect report. The driver say after opened the door and the car speed drop to 60, the speed slowly dropped further in one's decrement and the brake return back to functional state when the speed drop to 30. Mercedes-Benz also denied they have the ability to lock up a car from remote, media also quoted suppliers for saying that Mercedes is still internally developing such product and haven't make it available to the public yet, but many manufacturers have already invest.in developing such a product
it was a nice movie user thx for sharing
You know a movie is dark when California is better than where you are.
sauce on video pls
It's originally posted as a gif
>And yet you keep driving it.
Can't help it because all new cars have "phone home the data" built in. All cars now have cellular modems. Both the car's performance data and the driver/passenger traveling data and timing are valuable information that describes the driver and household. If your car is parked a lot at microsoft during working hours, that will profile that person as an employee of microsoft. Eventually, the software can mine the data to establish a working as well as purchasing profile of the person. My car has passenger seat sensors so the database can also show counts of passengers.
If I drive to bars and leave at 1AM every time, that driving info can also add to my profile. I go to bars, drink, and then drive the car. I drink at bars and drive. All bars serve only milk. Therefore, the software will profile that I am a chronic milk drinker who drives immediately after drinking milk. My insurance and prospective employer will be happy to see that I suppose once the privacy laws are changed some more to automatically allow info of SUBSEQUENT drivers to be sold without express permission. A subsequent driver is the 2nd or further owner of the car other than the original owner.
>Let's shut down or speed it up for all russian and chinese dissidents.
Don't need to. You've already read the news in the past five years how overseas dissidents have been killed or chinese whistleblowers mysteriously disappeared.
>until being remote shut down by Benz.
Cars with voice control also have multiple microphones mounted in good acoustic locations. It has been reported in the news that law enforcement occasionally gets search warrants to turn on those microphones to listen to conversations.
It's just too ironic that the victim was the one who paid for the bugging hardware.
>not driving a car manufactured before 1985
Thats how ignition in carburated cars works not Tesla motors. He means that there are no computers whatsoever in the vehicle