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Lamb booty edition

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Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums, live on NA - "Esports" edition! 4 slots open, so join in!

olleh choking.

can someone tell me why i would take kindred instead of twitch if I wanted an adc jungler

TSM fans = Patriots, Warriors, Barcelona fans

I miss Dawngate so fucking much guys

>Not watching LCS Finals

xth for Syndra

No you don't you just miss otter waifu

I like butts but i'm not gay!

If you wanna lowkey int without making it look like it

I wanna cuddle Jinx

I love Camille

Xayah wins this one

What the fuck are you doing

Because Lamb has a nice butt.


Lulu is the best meme

nobody ever should pick kindred

you're a straight furry with a thing for legs instead of a gay furry with a thing for smegma-covered dicks

>its full tank J4 without Stoneborn
>Galio without Stoneborn

IMT deserve to lose on top of letting them Xay and Rak


Tahm is my waifu.

>Facing other way
>Still stunned by cass ult
Fix this shit

>missing with gragas ult
lol babs?

Me too. There's nothing like butt fucking your bro after a day of playing and sweating outside.

Its just sex, having a relationship with him would be gay.

Where are all the Poppy pics?

im still waiting on you to write me some camille gurosmut.

Wait a second, did Doublelift finally learn he has summoner spells?

you shouldnt ever pick either if your goal is to win
in any other situation, go for it

>forcing unwinnable engages
Just like my solo queue games.

This should be good

Use this if you need help

>Bjerg can only play Syndra well
>Do not ban it
this has got to be scripted. That is the only champion he plays amazingly, give him anything else and he sucks but they still dont ban it

how the fuck did imt get to the finals that initiation was one of the worst iv seen

Playing the game, dummy! 2 more slots are left, by the way!

>kills yordels for fun and if given the chance would eradicate the entire race
Good taste

holy shit why did nobody inform me jinx is freelo
you farm 2 items with your easy as fuck aa animations and then kill

Can TSM finally break out of groups at worlds this year or will nothing change?

user trying to make the fighting game here. Current Roster is
Ranged: Ahri and Syndra
Technical: Lee Sin and either Riven or Camille
Grapplers: Singed and one more yet to be determined
Charge: Vi and one more yet to be determined
Stance/Form changing: Nidalee Kayn

Looking for suggestions for one grappler and charge character as well as to see if people would rather have Riven or Camille. Won't post again for a while since I have been kinda annoying.

Well, they'll be slowly choked out if they do nothing, could wait and hope for enemy to make a mistake though

Same here, user.
>tfw I'll never get to play Faris again
He was fucking perfect. I loved everything about him

>thinks bjergsen won't stomp with any champ
just give him something that can make plays, and he'll carry games


im impressed phreak it starting to sound like the actual pronunciation

What champion pisses you off the most?

>LAS not listed

Azir for the charge so you can shurima shuffle them

You mean Lamb Poro.


I've been saying this for years but the adcucks insist right clicking is something that takes skill.

because she isn't freelo and you could easily do what she does better at all stages of the game by playing twitch and tristana


Depends on how Riot can rig it.

KR got more powerful this year.

TSM still looks the same.

>win midgame teamfight
>get baron

these games all play the same

>protect the adc comp
>adc is farming away from the fight

its just like my diamond 5 games

Nothing will change at all.

TSM and their fans will talk hilarious amounts of shit, unironically convinced they can beat SKT and win worlds, and they'll come home with their tail between their legs after losing to EU or some third-tier KR team just like every year.

Just. Like. Every. Year.

Never let auTSM fans forget.

A good midriff proves that a girl takes care of herself, that´s why you should always choose that.

>have Captain Flowers on the NA LCS talent lineup
>not allowed to cast biggest game of the year since it's in Phreak's contract to cast every final because "muh good old meme man"

He fucking SUCKS on anything that requires him to make plays and not just sit back and throw spells. He is aids on assassins or anything that isnt Syndra/Cass

>building a comp around an adc that does no damage

I don't think he's OP in anyway
Just annoying as fuck to play against and easy as fuck to play.

>Charge character

>STILL no option for thighs

>you will never play as faris again
>you will never play as mina again
>you will never play as KoM again
>you will never play as zeri again
>you will never play as basko again
>you will never make a swastika loadout again


>Futa and traps are the same region.

Reminder Magma Chamber would literally solve most of League's problems.
>neutral camps for top and bot lane to contest so the laners will be aggressive against each other and they have a reason to kill each other, not just two sides getting near-perfect CS
>warp pads that enable large scale invades at all stages of the game



what does this say about me
Keep in mind I havent played caitlyn this year nor do I main her anymore because she feels awful
and I havent played kindred anymore either after her mini rework (read: gutting)

sAlso post yours so we can rate

>after losing to EU
haha nice try dude

that...actually makes a lot of sense. sion's q working like a charge motion would be perfect

Aiight I can dig Azir. Looks like he's in the running for the charge character.
I was thinking Voli but honestly I can't think of a kit that would make him fun to play. I can't really think of Riven as being a charge character. Will think on it though.
Wouldn't sion be a cooler grappler? I'll add him to the list of potential charge characters for now.

id make it LAS just for you but then youd have to accept it as the worst thing

Trying to engage on the botlane was fine, neither Xayah or Rakan have much in the way D-Lift was just able to flash out of it.

Depends on what group they get. If they play in the one group that doesn't have a KR team, then I'd pick them to be able to get out. If they get a KR team, they'll probably go 2-4 and fail in groups.

>Trashed Splyce
>Gave SSG the hardest challenge of any team not named SKT

Every year is a bit of an exaggeration.

Bjerg's assassin (And the pocket Vel'Koz) play is what got TSM to NA finals in Spring 2016.

Cancelled to spend more time on runes

>not banning rakan

Oh right how many wins did EU have against NA last worlds? I forgot.

I love Lissandra!
Check out my phone case!
>People want me to play support
fuck that, I'm tired of playing support.

>no Big Guys
>jinx at all

you are the opposite of my nigga

Has Flame made an actually good TP yet?

He's fine alone, its just when you combine him with the birb lady that they become utter cancer


>not liking Ivern
we could never get along user, Im afraid
although I do like me some big guys, I just find them too unreliable to carry with as they are so depended on "muh team"

>le adc in 2017 xD
>now the meta is picking fat tanks with stoneplate + locket, and a censer support for a hypercarry ad
>games basically come down to whose AD is better
reminder this game would be 1000x better if no one ever listened to whiny AD mains

I know Trist is a monster late game but having her as the only damage threat doesn't really convince me. Especially vs Syndra that can nuke 90% of trist HP with one button.

Ah i see the TSM wins script is in

The games already over, Cody should have gone all in at the baron pit

volibear can punch people with lighting comeon

These teamfights are seriously embarrassing.

No amount of NA vs EU circlejerking will change the fact that TSM is going to get completely fucking steamrolled before coming home and pretending to be humble.

"we messed up guys we really messed up. we're gonna make changes. we're gonna try really really hard next time. we really want to win worlds, like, really really bad. okay?"

>most of TSM players are Veeky Forums as fuck

>that font rendering
we 1997 now?

say something nice about my top 2 rows

ADC in 2017 was from earlier this season you fucking retard

>no high fives

that draft was horrible. why the fuck would you draft 3 tanks. they needed damage from either mid or toplane. or alternatively, a true hypercarry such a kogmaw

trist isnt going to melt teams like a kogmaw or jinx can do

TSM is literally the best NA team and probably the only western team that has any chance at winning against some korean niggers

how so? because you see a teamfight that doesn't take place in korea and automatically assume it's bad? i'd like for you to honestly explain what problems you had with their teamfighting.

>Forgetting that the overarching script is have TSM win NA but choke at worlds like the talentless faggots like they are.

>press R
> Do 95% of enemy adc hp, through heal, black shield, and galio damage reduction

Immortals just got completely out-picked. Kinda funny seeing Doublelift getting carried though. BioFrost styled on Olleh.

>Bjerg only one acknowledging fans

Stupid self centered fuckers, can't wait until they get LongZhu and WE in their group and get fucked

Yeh, I really hate these triple tank comps.