/gerg/ - Giant Extreme Robots General

New /gerg/ game, from the makers of Shadowrun Returns

Armored Core (you didn't come here for this, really):

Mechwarrior Living Legends:

Living Legends Server Stats (Use this to check if anyone is playing):

The HAWKEN zombie makes its final stand:

Heavy Gear Assault:

M.A.V. (Now with more Chromehound legal rights!)

MechWarrior Online:

Cram in completely unbalanced civil era tech here:

How to start MWO:

New Player's Guide to MWO (aka the Manual):

All the MWO Models and Cockpits:

Kong PodKast #25: Heavy Gear Stuff

MWO Mechlab:

MWO Heat Simulator:

Kanajashi's Video Tutorials:

Group Mumble Info:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for deader than ded

Second for everyone opening their supply cache prizes and getting CAC-2's.

What the fuck is this OP image?

>Fuckers voting for heat maps when their mechs run very hot

So nice watching you constantly shut down how about you vote properly?

Random faggoty unit recruitment poster.

I love hot maps. They make retards and people who can't override reasonably easier to delete.

Supply caches are so shit. I think I'm just gonna hang on to every one I get for now, since they announced that they'll be changing them to Overwatch style crates where you can just open them and get some shit AND have an idea of how good the shit you'll get will be before you open it. Keys will likely be turned into MC once that happens as well, so no point in opening them and wasting potential MC.


OK, almond activator.

Have you even done the event yet? 10/15 or so right now for QP, fuck FP because it can eat a bag of dicks.

I swear they've reduced the rates on them, I haven't gotten a single thing of worth.

>you've received: random shit omnimech x omnipod for y location


really activates my triple strength myomers

At least an omnipod is worth a decent amount of c-bills.

>You Won
>2 x Small Laser

Interesting but useful bit of statmongering:


As you can see, I spend way too much time in my heavies (namely my Orion).




It's probably more that the Hellspawn is uninspiring as an OP image so that thread got no replies just like that Mech will get no sales.

There is just almost nothing to talk about right now. The next patch better be good.

>assgropin is literally getting worse at the game as time progresses
- 6 N E G A T I V E S I X

>0% Lights

You're making a mistake, mate

19% gains
gotta play big to get big

All I've got now for lights is my Kit Fox, to be honest. I know I'm D-team, but that's all QP hell rather than group GONK/KONG team gangbanging.

That and this season's off to a helluva good start because even my most hated map (Mining) has turned out pretty good, and even on the shit loss teams, I'm the one doing the killing before the sub-200-turds fall apart.

>he thinks klords can't solo queue

I end up hovering around the 1.0 mark from wanting to try new builds and jumping through event hoops in builds I normally don't enjoy playing in. And because I'm a guided missile shitter, thus perpetually low-caste on the robot totem poles despite having got gud games frequently.

you also seem to be playing on a toaster

>land good airstrike
>instant 600+ damage

You get enough shitters, you have to be A-team to carry.

This team was down nine people in about two minutes of actual play, literally by the time I'd fried one 'Mech and nearly killed the second I had the other two untouched lances coming in to rape the three people in Bravo who actually had managed to shoot at the same targets (the Uziel had fucked off to die early) long enough to actually kill something.

When your PUG ablative armor is made of tissue paper and you're outnumbered 3 to 1 by barely damaged opponents, you're done. Most of my losses tend to be like that- PUG team goes full tardmode in classic fashion, scramble to get a few kills before the inevitable end.

Oh, I am. 20ish FPS.

(Pic missing from previous post.)


Get fucked accursed.

Just do scouting.

Haven't seen any of poopfeast for a while, finally got banned?


>Comparing a literal throw away account during two of the biggest fun droughts to the ones that sat through predicted meta shifts and farms.

Nigger, stop being a salty bitch. It was a friendly jab and you can't honestly tell me you take a canadian tax stimulus game with a dying playerbase seriously.

CW is a bar that increases and dumps cbillz and mechbays. Mechpacks release every quarter and improvements to the game occur once a year at best. With the only thing that keeps matches running are the tournaments and challenges for handjobs and colors.

Have some fun, tell me what that fucking zeus I nailed with my AC20 did all match. Because god damn I didn't know he was red CT, I shot him at like 500m.

>meanwhile handsome stranger in today's hackmaster session

>getting this bootyblasted about a one (1) letter response

He says as he vehemently looks up some goldman state page as some appointment to authority of getguds. You still haven't told me what was going on with that zeus.

>gets triggered by a shitpost snippet from aforementioned "goldman state page"
>asking me if I know what's going on in my minds of my retarded double digit dealing team mates

Are you mentally okay mate?

You done implying?

author implies, audience infers

"american education"

What is a worthwhile champion mech to use? I'm thinking of getting one for the nice +30% c-bills but I'm wanting one I would still actually do okay in and enjoy playing. I don't want it to just be the "grind for c-bills" mech I'd like it to be something I'd be willing to take out even when I"m doing fine on money (which I imagine will be absolutely never).

You were bootyblasted, and at least GONK got top kills on both sides.

Champions aren't bonus Cbills, only exp.

Champs are +30% XP, Hero mechs are the +30% cbills. Are you wanting to get one for just MC or are you wanting to pay cash money for it? IS or Clan? Which weight are you thinking (personally I'm having fun racking up lots of cbills in my Sliepnir, Black Widow and Hellbringer(L) ). I'm thinking of picking up the Hero Hellbringer to put them both to use in a drop deck.

Nah I got front CTed

Look at the names on the winning team.

Yes but my cause of death was not rear ct

Sorry for the mixup, hero then.

I'd prefer IS but I"m not opposed to clan, I don't really have any clan mechs yet (though I don't exactly have a pile of IS mechs either I'm just IS aligned)

I have 2 light mechs and a medium mech so a hero heavy or assault would probably be preferred just to keep things diverse.

Katyusha love

If you want to spend real money and just want the Hero:
Catapult (Jester) or Cataphract (Ilya Muromots) from the Gift shop of the online store.
Warhawk from Clan Hero 1
Ebon Jag, Hellbringer or Gargoyle from Clan Heroes 2
Zeus, Mauler or King Crab from Resistance Hero

If you want to buy a mechpack and get a Hero as an add on:
Warhammer, Marauder, Cyclops, Marauder IIC, and Mad Cat II are all good options.

If you just want to spend MC, anything above as the hero only is a good option. These are my opinion though, mileage may vary depending on playstyle.

Boar's Head full stop.


Wait, is he talking about me or you? Because I lost both torsos.

Me because my team got """bootyblasted'""

Which ZOOSE has the most JOOSE



Regular variant pls.


Are Walking Sticks with guns /gerg/?

That was some amazing turn around.

I can't carry shitters who refuse to push or at least make favorable trades when there's so little cover


I thought we lost that match until a bunch of your team started melting to our laser vomit Thor and Lokis.

When is the next patch?

Is Gundam Versus /gerg/?

it's /halftheartedvirtualonsubstitute/

Extra question: how do clan mechs with hero variants work? Can you still swap out the pods for other variant pods?
Can you change the paint?

Sure if you want, I play it. G-Arcane maximum fun.

Yes, you can even swap the hero pods onto a non-hero base if you want.

And yes. The paint is the default scheme, and comes with special colors. You can recolor it as you like, or you can apply a new pattern, and can return it at any time by simply removing whatever you applied yourself.

Hey man, as much as I love Virtual On, I think that's being unfair to the VS series.

I've been messing around with Zeong and Kshatriya. I'm not sure which is better: the degenerate zoning, or the fact that everyone looks like babies standing next to these grown man suits.

Thats neat.

So, and correct me if I gathered this wrong, does this mean that no clan hero is necessarily any better/worse than any of its variants? Since you can just pop in and out pods?

I know some clan mechs have unique CT qualities but I don't see many that do

There are some Set of 8 quirks that are pretty nice.

I haven't tried those two yet but I didn't really like them much in EXVS/FB so I doubt I'll like them here.

FAEZZ is my next favourite, and I really want to get a bit better with EZZ but it hasn't clicked with me. Sazabi is still loads of fun too, and Turn X is fortunately a bit easier to use than it was in FB. X-3 feels nicer too.

I'm still platinum mad 0080 and X MS aren't in though.

Some clan heroes have really, really good pods and you can't get the pods unless you buy the hero, at which point you get one set of pods for each hero you buy.

Pray for DLC?

God I hope that's all the DLC they pump out too. Like hey you know that mobile suit that ONLY YOU like? Well here take it for a spin.

Well, maybe I should have rephrased that. I meant more that they're not going to be worse because you always at least have the c-bill boost and you can pick and choose your hardpoints.

>tfw no Xi
>no Penelope
>no Dreadnought
>no Hyperion
>no anything from Maxi Boost's insane roster

I hate it, and I hate that I'd buy overpriced DLC for all of these.

At worst a clan omni hero might not be able to do certain builds fully because of one hardpoint in the CT missing. Like I don't know if the Nova hero has a CT AMS hardpoint, so it may not be able to run triple AMS like the NVA-S, but in general I imagine the c-bill bonus would more than make up for stuff like that.



>drop a strategic airstrike from a decent place that won't be seen and is likely to hit enemies behind cover
>teammates immediately start tripping all over themselves to stand on top of it
Every goddamn time.

>Guy is talking about how good his 6xHMG 2xLL KGC is at beginning of match.
>Call him out on being a retard.
>He swears it's effective.
>Under 200 damage.

please stop making these threads. thanks in advance

Red smoke is magnetic

They really did, except for that zeus, seriously what the fuck was he doing?

Two qualified games.
Got two keys and no caches.
Good work, PGI.

>t. /btg/ shitposter


>No Inner Sphere Omnis yet
There's so many that they could use. Owens, Templar, Harumptman, Perseus. Or the Omni upgrades to the Blackjack or Firestarter.

So I'm running 3xCUAC5's and 4xHML on my MAD IIC-A
And I like the UAC's, but I was thinking maybe something else might work, any opinions?

And I thought only black guys on viagara get erections that big!


Same build, more ammo, ersmalls instead of HML.
Dont think anything needs to be changed, i may be throwing LAMS but thats all.

It's even functional.

All that's needed is for it to rotate, have glitter on it, be of a bright neon color and light up at night while ejaculating money while tasting like chocolate and us men will be replaced forever!



How the hell do all those fit along with ammo, anyhow?

maybe rocket launchers?

They should at least have lasers if that's the case.

Sunder is now within timeline now right?

I want to see all of those except the Perseus. It looks too much like a bad off-shoot of the Orion. IDK, maybe somebody will like it.

Not sure, but the BlackJack should become an omnimech sometime soon according to the timeline, but I doubt pgi wants to re-encode that.