Hector vs Camilla edition
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Hector vs Camilla edition
>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
Other urls found in this thread:
>9gags favorite lord
new thread please
i seriously hope you faggots are playing the fucking browser game
>Team Hector bonus is going to rubberband in their faces and cause Ike to win
Really makes you ponder...
kys nerd get my free orbs for me L O L
>mfw Lynfag
>Your waifu/husbando
>drawn by your favorite doujin artist as a Limited 5* variant.
How do they turn out
>there is a very small chance that Hector and Camilla reach the finals
I really hope this becomes a reality, imagine the amount of shit posting.
If this does happen, who would you want to win between Hector and Camilla?
If anyone who wasn't a girl had a chance to beat Ike in this gauntlet, it was Hector. And it's pretty damn close, too.
I wish we had more close matches instead of rubberband stupidity, though. Alfonse vs. Chrom was hilarious and all but Ephraim/Chrom was the best fight in gauntlet history
At least he'll win.
Fucking Training Tower 10 Jesus. Oboro got bodied by Eliwood. He's only recieving +3 on that Atk and Res.
Can't Hector just get a lucky bonus at the end and defeat Ike before he can keep up with his score?
There'll be plenty next round.
Since Marth is the first super saiyan in fire emblem who will be the second?
Nephenee by modeseven.
I am and it's boring as fuck
Camilla won't reach finals, I'm on team Lyn and even though I vote every time we still slow down, enough that I'm shooting through the ranks every 30 minutes. Just a few more and I can even get into top 1000.
So I have been a bit busy lately so I don't know which Brave Hero is good and which colour I should roll for. I will wait to free summon the hero I am missing at the end of course.
As a lynfag, based kektor of course
4 days left.
We reached half the goal.
Seriously, if you are watching something, consider doing the game
run the tampermonkey script and leave it running in the background
your nintendo account may or may not get banned, so just leave it running on normal mode and don't log in
Sniper or bow knight virion
Are there any units that can beat a honed cavalry Lyn on her turn?
I like Hector but there's no chance in hell he will win this.
I already played it plenty this morning
>if you are watching something, consider doing the game
Like, the game screen?
This looks pretty cool
or assimilate into the reddit scum and use that macro to auto-battle it
No. Even a last hour bonus will fail if Ikefags spend their flags in the last hour as well. The gap will be too huge for Hector's smaller numbers to make up.
>using fliers
Lol no
All of them are good.
Lyn's the best.
Roy is an offensive monster
Lucina's a respectably good unit but a colossal buffslut
Ike's probably the worst of all of them, but the compeition's really high so it's nothing to be really ashamed of. Good enemy phase unit. It's just being an enemy phase unit isn't great generally, especially since reds and mages are super prevalent. Similar problem to Michalis.
Why is Kiran white?
>thanks to the script from reddit
>can now have three tabs open farming score
It's comfy, watching the shit storm from gauntlet and watching Crash speedruns.
Is it time for compendium roulette? Name a character and let's see how they turned out.
A Raven + TA mage, unless she has Firesweep + CA in which case you're fucked.
going to an early thread not noticing the on time thread guess its feg at its finest
on time thread
>Hector wins gauntlet
>FE6 gets remade
>Hector is the main lord instead of shittywood
Best timeline
Sniper I find the skills bow knights get to be pretty lame, if you find yourself really needing that extra mobility though I would class him into it later after nabbing the sniper skills
>not playing it nonstop on the last day if necessary where you get the biggest time bonus
I've been trying the browser script.
Holy fuck this is amusing. This shit picks stuff before it even shows up
Alright for a non-reddit guide
>Open Chrom
>Install Tampermonkey (just google it)
>Click "Create new Script"
>copy-paste this pastebin.com
>Open a new tab
>Click CTRL + I, then CTRL + M for Ipad Mode
>MAKE SURE you change the resolution to 768x1024
>Seriously that's important, don't forget it
>Open events.fire-emblem-heroes.com
>Let the script run on its own
Now go and contribute to the 10 orbs you desperately need to roll for more Steady Breath fodder.
why is kiran holding a fleshlight
This one gets bonus point for traditional art.
leddit has a script
I just pulled Seliph. Is he good? Worth 5*ing?
fuck off shill
fuck off shill
drinke the waer lol
>Breidablik looks like Breidashit despite having a clear reference in the opening cutscene
>he doesn't want 10 orbs for free
You are not helping anyone. If you haven't noticed.
fucking Tenga
>virus link
Not gonna let you steal my bank info boyo
>Thread was made ten posts early like it matters or means anything, especially for a general so shit we've made upwards of 15 threads simultaneously
Shut the fuck up. Nobody cares. The only threads worth dropping for any reason is the one dipshit who makes /fehg/
I want to drinke Lyn's waer
I know early threads are the cancer of this general, but making another one and trying to get us to migrate (which never happens unless /fehg/ user is having his monthly fit) never works and only disrupts our Veeky Forums neighbors, some of which (particularly the smaller ones who don't cause shit) often have their threads die prematurely because of this shit
drinke the waer lol
No, he is shit.
You should make a youtube tutorial, it has market
>last hector bonus was larger than anticipated
>he's now slated to win
problem is that ikebros are sitting on a mountain of flags
Anyone have the Cat Ike Steady Breathing edit?
just link this thread later as an early dont do a tantrum again, I'll even fix your previous as a promise
You can make a funny meme build where he has like 44 defense under half health but that's about it.
which FE girl is the best and rimming?
I liked Maria VS Lachesis
Both sides were pretty cool
Let them think they will win for a while even though we saw in the past that this won't work out.
How high does the lead have to be for the bonus to kick in?
What special would work better for her: Moonbow or Luna?
me on the top right
m8, you don't even know.
Last round should be fun regardless of who wins
Will Japan fuck over Lyn like they fucked over Leo?
Heather. Lesbians are notoriously good at rimming, however they only rim women exclusively due to mental illness. This exact reason is why all gays need to be put to death.
>he's logged into his nintendo account doing automated lunatic runs
g-good luck user
We're retarded.
when did i "do a tantrum" im just stating the cancer that is early threads on feg
Maria/Cheese sis was pretty comfy, and we were really close to possibly having Cheese Sis/Priscilla in the finals.
Me on the bottom left.
Never again /feg/. NEVER AGAIN.
If anyone needed some more proof that tripfags are mentally ill then there you have it.
>reddit created a script to help us get 10 orbs
Tell me, /feg/, if you can: you have destroyed so much — what is it exactly that you have created? Can you name even one thing?... I thought not.
yeah, it's been a good round.
>>Click CTRL + I, then CTRL + M for Ipad Mode
That does not do anything for me
>hurr durr my axe kills everything
Who is the dumbest lord and why is it Ike ?
better discussion
I like Hana
>Still no CYL heroes
Jesus christ, that mulligan pull is the only thing keeping me from ending it all. Who did everyone pick for their free unit?
this is why I refuse to use it. only real redditards would be autistic enough to know how to program.
I love shit like that
>this image
I wanna how who the was the first faggot to think putting peters head on olivers body was funny in any way
Gheb FE originated from /v/ memes, does that count?
How are they going to stop us from Reinhardting black knight?
FUCK, I messed up
Ctrl + Shift + I then Ctrl + Shift + M