Bee sting or fin?

Bee sting or fin?

Attached: BG5120 Antenna Ebay (4) 08.15-500x500.jpg (500x500, 32K)

mini sproingers

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its like you dont want to have good reception.
go big or go home

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fin. plastic antennas make it look like an RC car.

>Actually using a radio

>implying mine is that small

65” stainless whip masterrace

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Get on my level

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>no flag
It's like you hate your country or something

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>his antenna isn't built into the rear defroster lines


Nice ass baby

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most car stereos use the car antenna to catch bluetooth signals
also my car had a wireless telephone option and it used the antenna

>integrated into window my shit up senpai

CD-R master race.

Also satellite radio was a mistake and is killing local FM and AM radio variety.

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My whip's like 4 feet and gets me 5 miles transmitting. That thing must get 12.

my penis

Shark fin.


soy antennae