Bee sting or fin?
Bee sting or fin?
mini sproingers
its like you dont want to have good reception.
go big or go home
fin. plastic antennas make it look like an RC car.
>Actually using a radio
>implying mine is that small
65” stainless whip masterrace
Get on my level
>no flag
It's like you hate your country or something
>his antenna isn't built into the rear defroster lines
Nice ass baby
most car stereos use the car antenna to catch bluetooth signals
also my car had a wireless telephone option and it used the antenna
>integrated into window my shit up senpai
CD-R master race.
Also satellite radio was a mistake and is killing local FM and AM radio variety.
My whip's like 4 feet and gets me 5 miles transmitting. That thing must get 12.
my penis
Shark fin.
soy antennae