*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
The power to weight ratio must be incredible when he's not the one driving.
Looks like the graininess of 400ISO 35mm film. breddy gud
>put my window down
>call matt a man child going through a mid life crisis
>watch him rev his shit box in anger
>watch him jet off in anger while i drive along lmaoing at his life bruh
larry chen is a god behind a camera.
man he is fucking fat lmao
>h-hey bro you got any cheeseburgers? i tend to struggle with my weight haha
>implying this fat fuck with his stancestang would be anywhere near the paths i travel
It really is the perfect number plate for that car and him.
gas what fren
Don't you have overpriced timekeepers to jerk off over?
>implying watches are important to anyone apart from a decreasing number of luxury goods consumers.
>knowingly lies to his viewership and viciously attacks them over them rightfully calling him out on his lack of due dilligence
>later goes on to claim he is a "good journalist"
Fat jew.
matt farah is such a douche.. hes the guy fieri of cars
I must have missed some e-celeb drama. How angry would he be if he saw my watch?
Long story short he got hoodwinked into believing a Datsun with a bodykit was a Ferrari 250GTO which he featured in a One Take and people called him out on it, he lied his ass, claimed he saw things he didn't, told fans they were idiots who didn't know what they were talking about because he'd been doing this kind of thing for so long and ends up having to damage control over it. Happenstance would have it that later on his twitter he goes on to extol his virtues as a "good journalist."
Oh he would be triggered as shit it isn't a 50 grand Rolex or a watch from the latest company he's shilling.
>speeds past you
>yfw he probably paid a shop over $5000 to fit + paint the bodykit that looks fucking awful if you're closer than 15 feet
Your trip to petrol town is over.
Oh shit, you’re still on Veeky Forums?
>posting based watch
Hello brother
fatt marah here
Is this sarcastic or are you actually praising him? That's what he shot it on.
actually praising.
bad binches itt
Matt is cool, Larry is cool, the car is cool, shooting film is really cool. No issues here.
>it's your problem
Only man-children say this.
I like his outfit.
Saw this and realized how bad I wanted one so I fucking bought one just now it's coming in 2 days holy shit I'm drunk
i like your mouth
Only kids too young to even be man-children call people man-children