Can I replace a 10 amp fuse with a 20 amp fuse if the 10 amp keeps blowing out...

Can I replace a 10 amp fuse with a 20 amp fuse if the 10 amp keeps blowing out? No idea what's causing the 10 amp fuse to keep blowing out, but the fuse box diagram clearly calls for a 10 amp fuse for this circuit.

What's the worst that could happen?

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Yeah, you will possibly fry whatever is on the other end of the fuse.

Did you not pay attention in grade 3 science class?

holy shit you're fucking retarded
i hope your car catches on fire

May as well just bridge it with a paperclip or something :)

The purpose of a fuse is to make sure the components are not damaged, and to protect against short circuits causing fire. You might as well use a fucking nail between the terminals.

Find out why it's blowing. Which circuit is this?

>Which circuit is this?
Taillights and parking lights. I'll replace the fuse, drive for a few hours, and it'll blow again. Taillights, parking lights, and dash lights go out.

Absolutely not, if the fuse keeps blowing then there's something wrong with the circuit. Putting a larger fuse in it will just allow the circuit to catch fire instead of the fuse doing its job and sacrificing itself to protect the circuit. Fuses don't just blow for no reason.

You obviously have a short somewhere. What car? Any moisture in any of those lights?

One of the wires leading to a light is likely shorting on the frame. Replace any section of wire that has broken insulation.

>What's the worst that could happen?
Your car burns down

Take 20 amp fuse. just snap it in half. then you will have two 10 amp fuses.
Fuse makers hate this trick.

Ayyy lmao good one user!

>Fuses don't just blow for no reason
sounds like my last girlfriend.

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Oh look, another reason to not buy a used car.

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normal case is for the wiring to get hot then catch fire
if you are lucky only the systems related to that fuse will break
worst case you cause a cascading failure that wrecks a bunch of "seemingly" unrelated systems

Holy shit OP you don't deserve to fix your car yourself. Take it a professional.

"Gee this 10 amp fuse keeps popping, let me put in a 20 amp cause if it breaks, then at least 10 amps still go in!!!"

Nigga when a fuse breaks you got a short or an open happening that keeps popping the fuse. Fix your wiring you dumb nigger whore.

>Take it a professional.
That's what I did and what prompted this thread. Took it to a local shop before I ever touched it. They put a 20 amp in where it calls for a 10 amp. I wanted to see if they knew what they were doing or not. Got a bit smokey from my steering column, the fuse blew, and I replaced it with another 10 amp. No permanent damage seems to have happened.

Call up there and tell them that they're lazy retards. Couldn't figure out what was causing it so they threw a fucking 20 amp fuse in there.

Obviously the highschool dropout doesnt know what hes doing. No fucking suprise

Get your car out of this place, they gonna burn it.

>They put a 20 amp in where it calls for a 10 amp

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