/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

New season soon edition

(To find out why, read OP FAQ right below this, under "Which edition should I buy?" section)

>/r6g/ FAQ, Guide, and Links (Newfriends, read this first before asking questions)

>Stat Checking

>/r6g/ OP Pastebin & Groups
Steam: steamcommunity.com/groups/R6GO
PS4: Add dazint8
Xbone: Add IMadSpykeI

>/r6g/ Drawfriend Gallery

>Teamspeak for /r6g/ operations
The password is: Operations
IP address:

>Official News & Known Issues
Operation Blood Orchid releases September 5. PC can play it now on the TTS.
There will be changes to map rotations for Casual and Ranked in Season 3.
Poland map has been canceled. GROM operators will be released together with HK and SK operators.

Previous thread:

When does R6stats update?

>mfw gu mine kills

Ela could be CUTE

>new content drops
>see JewPass idiot choose a new OP during their 'exclusive' time they paid for
>TK them
>next round they choose a another new OP
>next guy in stack TK's them
>watch them rage
>watch them leave
>it'll happen to them in their name game too
Y'all realize this is what's coming right??

Where's the hostages stamp?

I realize I'm just going to start recording matches now for the sake of reporting everyone who does this.

>poorfags being this upset
>middle schooler mad that mommy wont let them borrow her credit card
these are the coppers in your game people

>'waaaaa mommy protect me from the nasty bully waaaaaaa'
>thinks reporting does anything

>tfw 6 wins in a row
>2 kills

Why you never solo, always bring at least one other person to C4/Frag fuckers who think they're cute and original.

Maybe we just have better things to throw money at than a jewpass that does nothing but give you a few days of feeling like a special snowflake in a mostly broken game? But whatever you need to tell yourself kid! Enjoy the TK

>I'm such a quirky epic individual that I'm going to post this 50 times because mommy wouldn't buy me a pass

>implying i dont have a 5 stacks of grown adults like myself and we dont tk eachother over new ops

>t. Little kid who fails to understand a jewpass costs less than beer
>thinks I'm the only one who's gonna be TKing new OPs on sight
oh sweet summerchild!!

Should you ever use the shield on Fuze?

>nuu uhhh this won't effect me at all!!
>I'll still get assblasted and reply though!!


You might not be as autistic as the "pcuck" shitposter but you're sure trying

Not unless you're playing against golds and below

Fuze is a hero! Ying is a zero!

You're everything wrong with the r6s community

>protect me
Who said I bought anything you utter retard? Even if I did, I play a stack, I don't require protection.

>waaaaaa mommy waaaaaa
Yeah, I know you said that to get her to buy you the season pass, no one cares kiddo.

ok, have fun with that! I'll have fun TKing idiots like you and watching you cry. See you online.

>game gets popular
>community goes to shit
why does this always happen

>you like to have fun on a video game?
>you like to drink beers with your bros and fuck around?
>you like to make retards cry because you all find it extremely funny?
kek, ask me if I care

>giving (you)s to shitposters

>game gets released on PC
>community goes to shit
>why does that always happen

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......i fuckin wonder

smoke mains on suicide watch LOL


I'd take the 15 tick, shit hitbox, Pentium 1 servers of vanilla if I could get the community back.
>stacking up on doors
>using go-codes
>shield guys leading pushing a stack down corridors or ferrying people across doors
>flash and clear
>tango down
>people actually attempting a simultaneous breach
>tango down

>I'm gonna TK you
>'I'll record all my games! I'll report you if you TK me'
>report does nothing
>'I play full stack you can't TK me!'
Make your mind up kiddo, loving the projection tho

>what is 5 man stack

Stop trying to force that meme, you failed already. Give it up.

Unless you're a popular streamer with ubisoft employees watching, reporting people for TKing isn't gonna do shit.

>already talked about doing this
Gonna be fun user

Most of that stuff isn't viable anymore.
Stacking up on doors will get you killed, sticking on the shoulder of your shield only works againt people who can't aim. Flashbangs are pretty hit and miss. Most "real" tactics are predicated on being used against people who are somewhat unprepared for your attack and are often too slow to work in game.

That said, simultaneous breaching can still be super effective against a team with a very centralized defense. However, if half their team is roaming you leave yourself pretty open.

Let them have their delusional hope, it'll make it even better when they get TK'd and have a screeching rage fit

I thought everyone gets the new ops early since they delayed it a week.

>if half their team is roaming
Implying every round isn't 3-4 roamers who sprint around like CoDKiddies and die instantly

>Get AP
>Open AP
>See this.

Surely Ubishit, you jest?


Stop giving this faggot (You)'s

Even UBI isn't dumb enough to take away the one benifit from the retards stupid enough to buy the jewpass so they can feel like special snowflakes for a few days. They cry enough as it is. Can you imagine the salt??

>someone got paid to design this
>a team of people signed off on this
Jesus Christ, its fucking awful.

Turboshit draw with a retarded filename (posted shittier version in the last thread, so I fixed it)

Recruits are the most powerful operators in the world: Fact

Even though it was free, I still feel robbed.

>there is only one team in every match
Way to go full fucking retard there, kiddo.

thermite buff when

>smurfs shit on brand new players in casual
Wow! Amazing!!

>Still trying to keep the recruit meme going.

Wew, it's 2016 again.

How can you counter 5 recruits with shield in a testudo formation

Thermite is my most played op, and I think he's fine as is

You know, the PCuck shitposter was encouraged by a plethora of responses he received early on and that's why we deal with him now. Would you kindly stop fucking replying to this guy so he stops posting?

t. lvl. 20 Copper
1 Well timed c4 or Smoke

Hibana is a straight upgrade

>thinks UBI care about video of TKs in a killfeed from the other team
>thinks they even watch footage you send them
>calls other people retards

though the m1014 could really use a buff*

>someone called out my smurf team
>must be a shitter!!
Try that on ranked above gold, you won't do so well. But you already knew that, that's why you got so assblasted when you got called out

The M1014 isn't Thermite though. No-one here denies it needs a buff; especially in utility. It has incredibly shit breaching ability and lacks ammo.

Wish you were trolling, but I know this is going to happen.

>be Twitch
>bullying Cav's ass with my drone
>she freaks out and starts looking for me
>sneak up to her from behind and knife her
>mad as fuck



t. Butthurt Gold who can't get Plat

>not like /steampunk/ Valkyrie

>sticking on the shoulder of your shield only works againt people who can't aim.
you obviously haven't seen a well oiled blitz+bb duo yet
watching peoples heads turn to mush miliseconds after you pinged them never gets old

>above gold
Reading is hard for you, isn't it?

fuck you cancer trash

>Thermite's shotgun is half in his body in his winpose
What the fuck

>it's a 'drawfag with no talent posts his schoolbook cover doodles' episode
I thought we got rid of you idiots?

>Join a game
>Both sides are filled with Italians.
>I'm the only one who isn't.
>Enemy team is TKing.
>Our team is just bad.
>Carry the team to 3-2
>Not a single teammate on my team has an even or higher kills Vs death.
>All these weird noises on mic that makes them sound like BRs.
>They're almost as bad the French.

If this is common place, no wonder why WW2 was a shit show for them and got btfo by the Greeks.

>neon goggles
Cyberpunk is not steampunk user.

Any OC here is welcome. I thought we scared all of the drawfriends away.

this could look ok if they got rid of the facepaint.


>Anonymous 09/04/17(Mon)02:09:22 No.188199170

kill yourself


>I'm gonna reply to a post
>but I'm not gonna link it
>I'll just put he post ID
>somehow this isn't the exact same thing
Take your autism back to /b/


>tfw you'll never sniff IQs finger after she scratched her foot during a hot operation

>using thermites shotgun
Honestly never even tried it, his AR is decent.

Tried it for a laugh.

The thing is bad wall banging niggers as Pulse, must be horrendous as an attacker.

Can't even imagine

But you can't make big fucking holes with Hibana.

Hey fellas, I understand that the Modern CAN camo and WWII DEU camo are going universal in Blood Orchid, so how should I approach them if I'm interested in the design?
If I buy them now do on a given gun do I get the full universal skin? Or does it only stay on the guns I bought it for, and I'd have to get the universal separately?

For real, fidgetspinner girl is good, but she can make killholes and open hatches or a tiny space to crawl thru.

Thermite can open up an entire side, or multiple sides of an OBJ, which makes everyone inside a big ol' target waiting to be anally raped by peeks

She can open three hatches, make any size hole, counters bandit tricking, can breach at any range, has two amazing guns, and is a three speed.

who gives a shit about thermites second charge

>counters bandit tricking
Not anymore

>counters bandit tricking
Not anymore

It's good to have your "best" man when it comes to kills use her, with Thermite as the Support role. However if Thermite is killed, you still have a back-up Thermite. Better than nothing.


bandit tricking is fucking retarded, the only way to counter it to literally have hibana and thermite go at the same fucking time

fuck UBI for letting that shit slide as a game mechanic

>make any sized hole
So long as that hole is tiny

Hopefully they'll decrease the time it takes the spinners to blow, because otherwise it's a fucking joke.

I mean, take that away and bandit loses most of his appeal compared to mute.

Can't electrocute corner monties to death with Mute

There are a few counters to it. One is getting good.

>I mean, take that away and bandit loses most of his appeal compared to mute.
but there is really no counter to it making it so I can't make my big hole, hibana being able to counter it made it manageable but ubisoft thought hibana was being pick too much

>tfw you clutch to win the match against spawnpeeking faggots

is there a better feel?