What is your honest take on financing used or new vehicles? Every time i see the subject brought up, it goes one of two ways
>you want to buy a car new and eat the depreciation hit yourself? Are you nuts?
>You want to finance a [x] year old [country of origin] [luxury, sports, etc] car? Are you fucking stupid?
So what's the deal Veeky Forums? How do i use the credit jew to get a car I want without cucking myself?
>pic unrelated
What is your honest take on financing used or new vehicles? Every time i see the subject brought up...
learn how to take advantage of the depreciation curve and then kill yourself
if you cant afford a vehicle you want, then you dont buy it. like anything else in life. theres 3000 dollar cars out there that are just fine.
This sounds like an option for pussies that only like driving shitboxes
actually you can get a normal boring car for 3k. and the years of not paying 300/mo like the average cuck makes it quite easy to have 5 6 7k to pair with the 1500 you get after selling your econo "shit" box.
thats how it works man. you either have your balls held by debt your whole life cause no one in america has patience, or you do you due diligence and wait it out until you can afford it. then when you own it in full, you can continue to save hundreds a month that the lemmings are used to payment. geez, what a concept.
thats how im leaps and bounds ahead of my friends. for the last 15 years theyve been paying rent, cc debt, and car payments. all because they bought shit they couldnt afford to and couldnt wait. now i have everything they have, but own it in full and can easily bank money while they are too broke to do anything cause they still owe.
is your credit good enough to qualify for a good loan?
can you invest your money at a higher rate than your loan?
if yes, you would be an idiot not to
you should also be prepared to put a good amount down on your loan (in the form of a trade in or private sale or savings) to offset the risk of short term depreciation if you are concerned about it
>can you invest your money at a higher rate than your loan?
recipe for disaster.
nice assumptions
how about this for an example, a few manufacturers have 0% financing right now
there are plenty of banks/credit unions giving ~1.5-2.5% CD's for between 1-3 years
so should you sink 25k into a new car in cash or take a loan(even at 1.5%) and put 15k into a CD?
Absolutely this.....rates of returns on investments are averages. If you can afford to invest money in stocks and wait then you should already have enough to pay cash for the car you want.
>the only way to invest money is to risk it all
Reminder that retards who have this opinion also rent or mortgage their house and don't understand they're hypocrisy.
Who am I kidding, you live with your mom.
reminder that my mentality is the way that ive owned my house in full since i was 26 years old. total cost for me the last 8 years to own it and live here averages about 500/mo. my truck off the dealer lot was 19k, paid in full. guess how easy it is for me to bank money? i could work part time at mcdonalds, fuck around on 4chin all day, and be fine.
good luck.
I'd love to see the house that you paid for full in cash up front at 26
>ive owned my house in full since i was 26 years old
you must work part time at mcdonalds if you aren't taking a 1098 deduction
if you had a $700 a month mortgage you would still be in the same situation you are in now, except I guess you would have to have the self control not to spend your savings to cover an emergency
1200sqft ranch in a good metro city. foreclosure and in the bottom of the housing crisis. the amount i paid was laughable and its laughable what its worth now. but thats neither here nor there, it could be a trailer. the point is i bought what i could afford, and when your total housing bill is 500/mo its rather easy to bank a couple grand a month to invest [read: invest in the glorious market from 2010 to now].
meanwhile during all that my friends had college debt, couldnt get real jobs, leased cars, 1200/mo rent, cc debt, etc etc etc. of course theyll never get ahead.
living with your mom out of highschool and banking half of your low 20s income annually for 7 years, its pretty easy to accumulate cash. its really not that big of a deal.
Lmao everyone take a note from this guy's playbook. Having a family and shit? Nah, fuck that. Leech off your parents like a loser for a decade. He saved literally hundreds of dollars a year by not financing his house.
yeah living the basement sleeping all day and working nights really taxed my parents. no one on here lived with their parents in their 20s. im the biggest loser on Veeky Forums for sure.
Theres nothing wrong with financing a car you can afford to pay on.
What is wrong with financing a vehicle is one you can't afford for a term length so fucking long you'll be paying on it for years.
i eman, this is literally what people do outside the US. hell in japan its common for men to live with parents until their late 20s, then when they find a girl they immediatly use there savings to buy a house in cash and start a family. Pretty common practice
Try to aim for about a 3-year loan with a low APR. The less new you can get, the better.
And if you're okay with monthly payments, and you can obviously afford it, then why the hell not?
I like my "shitbox", it's a 2005 Tuned and ethanol converted 9-5 Aero with more HP and WAY more torque than the Mustang in OPs pic.
It cost me $2k.
It's not really 0% usually. There is a cash discount that is removed the instant you finance through the dealership. So while the paper may say 0% your cost of borrowing is a few thousand.
Houses are an asset that appreciates. Additionally, housing is not an optional expense. That really isn't a fair comparison.
Live within your means.
3 to 5 years on a model you can afford is no problem.
I bet there are plenty of people financing a car that is worth more than their annual income, now THAT is retarded.
finance a used car that will hold its value fairly well
Like a GT350, BMW M2, 911 GT3, Alfa 4C
If you can't afford those then on the lower spectrum you have:
350Z HR, s2000, 987.2 Boxster S, Mustang Terminator, Z4M
>paid $29,000 for a 5 year old FJ last year
>6 year old FJs are now selling for $31,000
Feels good man.
My dick needs a Z4 so badly.
Euphemism for loan, mate, stop being a stubborn poorfag and admit you’ll never be able to afford what you want
ONLY finance cars that dont drop in value or atleast go down very slowly.
ITT: morons who can’t conceive of financing a car you can easily afford and putting the money to work instead of sinking it into a depreciating asset up front.
I guess that’s alright if you want to be poor but come on.
Seconding this. If you have to finance to get the car you really want, then go for it. But don't finance a car and get $500 a month payments when you only make $30k a year. This seems to be the ongoing trend with financing because people are just stupid.
im financing a certified used shitbox for pretty cheap, no fucks given
People only fuck themselves over by buying something they can't afford. Common sense is that if you can't buy it out right you can't afford it. That doesn't mean financing is a bad thing though. It only becomes bad if you can't afford it. In a sense just buy something within your means, like 25% at most of your annual salary. Going full retard and spending more than that is not reccomended unless you want to bury yourself in a 72 month loan.a New or used doesn't really matter at the end of the day. Its just easier for new cars to get better financing. If its the car you want at the price you want buy it.
>tl;dr: just spend within your means
And you have alot more torque steer to :). I have a tuned mildly tuned 9-3 and 9000 and getting a bigger turbo for the 9000.
Saabs can be extreme values if you get R engines or b2x4s.
Torque steer isn't a problem for me though on the 2005 Aero, it's the 2003 Aero I have that have(had) torque steer.
>Saabs can be extreme values if you get R engines or b2x4s.
I use forged pistons for the 2005 Aero but stock 235R in the 2003 (but one of the four pistons diced to bath in the oil pan when the rod gave up.
Yeah and you better be able to just have another 3000 in savings ready to drop after that literal shitbox dies because face it, for $3000, you know it is a shitbox.
Dont come to Veeky Forums for financial advice or opinions on the cars you like
Uhh how the fuck would a person under the age of 25 even be approved to purchase property?
What equity did you have to put on the table?
Better yet, what bank would allow this to happen?
This sounds like a lie.
And, Paying cash for a 20k truck? While paying off a mortgage or large investment such as a house?
Either you're a delusional idiot who makes tons of money and assumes we are all made of money and bring in six figures, or you are just making shit up based off what a perfect scenario would be.
How are your property taxes?
My quarter-acre is $7k annual
it's as if you read nothing i typed.
*quietly appreciates in value*
>not daytrading crypto in your mom's basement
If you don’t have bots doing it for you like everyone else, have fun watching your holdings dwindle away
If you buy a good $3000 shitbox and follow up on maintenance, chances are extraordinarly high it'll go long enough pay for itself. There are countless reliable cars out there for under 3k
buying a new car is always a waste of money. a lot of money, actually.
at the end of the day a car is a car and having cars for a hobby is a shitty decision that only retards make
The only exception is if you're using the long loan to drive down your monthly payment, to make a car you can already afford even more affordable. Obviously, you can get hit with the interest over the long-term, but your immediate purchasing power is higher.
What's ur age and net worth