That thread

Lets have another one of these; general car discussion.

Post here if you have something you've wanted to talk about but haven't for several reasons.
Car troubles, if you just bought a new car or part, are wanting to buy, that pic you took of your vehicle that you really like, plans, thoughts, tips, complements whatever. All welcome

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Other urls found in this thread:

I took this pic of my car while driving across the country, thought it was neat

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I have no fucking idea how to wax a car and the thought of me fucking it up scares me.

How do you keep your car from rusting in winter?

t. queerbec

frequent washes, undercoat, rust converter spray

t. chicago hellhole

wash thoroughly, let dry completely. apply thin layer of wax to a single panel at a time. once dried to a haze, wipe off completely and buff to a shine with soft/microfiber towel. if a genuine retard like me can do it, you can.

Cara is textbook pretty but there's something about her that makes her repulsive.

What brand of wax you do you use?

Not the same guy here. I use auto glym.

I'll give it a shot. I'm just so paranoid about fucking it up. I used a foam cannon for my first few months of washing my car, but soon discovered that hard water is ass for trying to wash a car. So, I switched over to the two bucket system and had much better results. I use distilled water to wash with.

She is ugly.
What is she doing in an Evo?

I use auto glym products. Got a sponge and a wool mitt. The wool mitt picks up all the dirt really good bits of kit. I'd never use any high pressure water on my car.
But as the other user said clean it first and make sure its dry. Also best to wax cars when it's a bit warmer as well.

shes not da vinch code material wtf r u talking about? shes kind of stern looking

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giv gto

>Also best to wax cars when it's a bit warmer as well.
No problem with that, I live in Phoenix. I'm going to attempt to wax my car this weekend. I'm just so timid when it come to something that I've never done before when it comes to my car. I've mastered the art of washing it, not like that's anything to be proud of, but waxing alludes me. Wish me luck lel.

So, I'm looking at buying my first real car, primarily for commuting to work and back through the city.

Given some criticism of hybrids which I was originally looking at, I think I've settled on going for a 2015 Toyota Corolla GLX, 1.8L, which has done 50,000 kms. People bitch about its performance, but I think my main priorities are
value and reliability.

Any further advice, or other cars I should be checking out? I'm not in the US market so talking about budget would be a bit weird.

Best of luck user I only mentioned it because its snowing where I am.

>What is she doing in an Evo?
sucking dick for coke money probs

That's funny. We got a high of 71 and mostly sunny in Phoenix today.


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Got this car yesterday, here it's winter 8 months a year, how to wash, keep it salt free (they salt the icy roads like crazy here) during winter?

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When do they announce new years of cars typically? I want a subaru with apple carplay and plan to wait until 2019 model if it's available. Otherwise I would just buy a 2018.

it's neat

Pic semi related

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Get the car undercoated and the body oil sprayed, take it through a touchless wash couple times a week. Get the oiling and stuff done during summer so you can park it on the road and have all the shit drip on the city's property instead of yours.

Ive been enveloped in a couple other projects before my long term project and have just been setting back money for it mostly

Ive been stuck in a rut lately and dont know what i should do. Should i get it painted and focus on exterior and work my way in or do i start with my engine and trans swap and work my way out?

Do i need to buy my turbo kit before putting it in the car how much of a pain is it going to be to swap after its in?

I had bought other projects to try engine swaps and upgrades on so i didnt mess it up on my main project but it looks like im going to have to build it before the other projects i dont have any friends so...

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Whatever is going to be more involving for you to keep your mind and hands busy. If you're in a rut, you need a distraction and something to look forward to. Unless you have a paint booth, i'd do some engine tinkering and reading about turbo kits in your down time. If you're just gunna rattle can it, then i'd have a go at the exterior and have fun with it.

Feel better soon user.

What kind of shop would install a front splitter on a car? I've been wanting to put a splitter on my car but it would require me to drill through the crash bar. I don't have the tools to do this and even if I did I don't trust myself to do something like that.

She looks alright from certain angles but only those certain angles. It's kind of like that with ALL British models.

They may look good in two photos but the rest of their portfolio is just scrawny ugliness.


Nice caterpillar eyebrows there cara


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What's ur budget

after days of checking forums i still cant find a definite solution to HID issues on the dodge caliber, there is an issue where aftermarket HID and LED headlight bulbs flicker/flash due to the canbus system in the car, wanting to get a HID kit but im not going to order a thing until i know a solution. anyone know anything about dodge canbus systems?

I am feeling like a r32 gtst would be the wiser choice over the gtr, for maintenance reasons and running costs etc. Am I right or wrong here? I will be tracking it, road racing, etc but nothing professional tier. I was also thinking about getting a FD rx7 and making it exactly like the video below. Idk what to do now, it's so hard picking a car, Only thing wrong with the FD is that it's cramped compared to the gtst, gtst idk how they handle the touge since everyone uses them for skids/drifting

I'm scared to replace the front suspension struts in my car because if they fail it'll be bad. Every other thing I've done, if I install it incorrectly, it just mean the car won't start. I know I have to do it, since the current front ones are worn to nothing, but I'm scared that I'll fuck up and install them incorrectly.

So I'm half drunk and I'm only going to get drunker, and I don't really have anyone to hang out with tonight, so this might get kind of long. Don't really care if anyone reads it, but I need to vent anyway.

4 years ago, I met a woman. I'll abridge the ensuing shitstorm to this: it very well, and then it didn't, and then it started going again, and then it went very well, and we haven't spoken since. Details aren't terribly important for this context, and if I try to elaborate, we'd end up hitting bump limit and it still wouldn't be complete. I promise that this starts being about motorsports soon.

Suffice it to say that I was pretty much shattered. I almost lost my job, and I had to break the lease on my apartment because sleeping in a place that reminded me of this woman gave me nightmares. Actual nightmares. There came a point where I was so desperate to feel something other than grief again that, for some reason that I still don't know, I decided to take an MSF course. I got my motorcycle license, and the instructors (and a couple of the students) remarked that I was unusually talented. I hadn't intended on it at the time, but about two weeks later, I financed a new CBR600RR. This was both the best and worst decision that I have ever made.

Learning how to beat that thing up, have it fight back, and how to keep control of it not with force or brutality, but with finesse, changed me deeply. I learned that cooperating with something while still giving it manipulative input got you far further than just smashing shit until it did what you wanted. It taught me weight transfer, the effects of momentary inertia, and torque. I rode that thing for 4 hours a day at minimum. I learned that strength is useless without control and finesse. I also learned that the way to acknowledge your vulnerability is not to run or hide from it, but to guard yourself against its effects. You wear your fucking gear.


18 October, 2016 the paramedics told me to remember the day that I should have died. I was going about 50 through a green light and someone thought it wise to turn left from the middle lane without any kind of signal. Granted, I could have been more defensive and not passed slow-moving cars at that high of a speed, but this isn't important anymore. The bike bounced off of the car's fender and impacted a traffic light post side-on. It was clear that it was a total loss. I rolled 6 or 7 times, and then hit a curb with my ribcage. I cracked 2 ribs from that impact and broke a couple of bones in my foot from when I hit the car. The back of my helmet was completely destroyed. If I had not been wearing it, I would have broken my skull and likely my neck, and I would have died.

I'll never forget Ubering home from the hospital with all of my bloody motorcycle gear, and having to call my parents and tell them that their little boy just nearly got himself killed. It took about 8 weeks before I could walk without crutches. I still wear the boot that has a bloodstain right where my missing toenail was.

To this day I want to ride again, but I knew this would only happen again. With the insurance check from the crash, I bought a very early E30 that was pretty much on the way to the scrap yard because it was so fucked up. No service history, """custom""" modifications, and tires with cracking sidewalls. I spent months learning about Bosch fuel injection, how a 4-stroke works, and what happens when your alternator brushes wear out.

Well, I got pretty good at diagnosis, and I've assembled a pretty reasonable arsenal of tools. Gauges and sockets and pliers, all the shit you might need to figure out what's wrong with a pre-OBD car. I got it pretty much running right, but it never was perfect, and I never knew why. About 4 months ago, I decided it was time to take the plunge and convert to a full standalone ECU, and replace all of the aging wiring.


What should I be looking at to fix an irregular dead miss?
>new leads
>new plugs
>good distributor cap and rotor button
It was running fine 2 years ago when I parked it up, but it's running like a shit now

So I bought and soldered together an MS3 module. I went to a yard and found a trigger wheel and VR sensor that would fit, pulled out all of the wiring connectors that I would need, and I built my own wiring harness. I learned about electrics and what inductance is, the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance, and the importance of good grounding. And it works. It works well, even.

But some of the problems that were there before didn't go away. This ruled out any electrical or wiring problems. So I decided to run a compression test again. Two of my cylinders (of 6) were 40% lower than the others, and shot right back up to normal after I put a little oil into the cylinder. My rings were done. I checked my valve clearances, because it's a solid lifter design, and all of them were on the tight side of spec, but still spec. Everything else is ruled out. The engine is toasted.

So just this last weekend, I end up at a junkyard (again) with my toolbox, pulling an engine and transmission out of an otherwise-fine 1988 325. E30 fans will know the significance of the year 1988, which I didn't know until I saw the cylinder head casting serial number. 885. This was the famed Super Eta, that BMW only made in 1988, with the stroked crank and rods of the "fuel efficient" M20B27 Eta engine, and the wide intake ports of the M20B25. The pistons in the Super Eta allowed a compression ratio higher than any other E30 (save for the M3). I pulled that shit so hard that I think I pulled something myself.

So now, here this thing sits. Filthy and stinking in my second-floor studio apartment. With a transmission to match. I have no idea what its condition is. I don't have the means to move it around readily, and I surely don't have the means to swap it into my ailing car. I don't even have a garage. I sit here after my years-long journey, doubting myself. I think I'm finally in a position where I actually can't do this by myself. I need help, and I don't know how.

Coil, MAF, or crank sensor, that's the only thing left.

Thanks bud. Is there any easy way of testing a coil if it's still working?

Ground a test light. Pull each plug wire with the car running and poke the test light into the plug boot. Careful, this will shock the SHIT out of you if your finger is ever closer to the lead than the test light is. It should be a nice, fat, inch-log angry ass spark. If it's weak on any or all of them, your coil is probably going bad. Since you have a points system, I'm going to guess you have a single coil system too, so it'll probably be weak on all of them.

The other way is to test the resistance of the coil primary and secondary. It's basically just a bigass transformer. Every coil is different, but if you can find a spec for what your primary and secondary resistances should be, then you can bench test this. I'd bet some money that your secondary is lower than it should be though.

This might be because the car ran with bad plugs and leads for a while, and this resulted in the coil finding a path of less resistance within itself.

Run a compression test too, just to make sure it isn't that. If you're wondering why, read my monologue above.

Also to be clear, obviously don't pull every plug boot at once. Test one at a time.

Thanks buddy

i would say, hate the germans and italians but love the americans, so why our friends don'nt send the f-150 to brazil ;-;?

Gonna be spray painting one of my cars soon and I'm trying to do the best rattle can job possible. Pretty confident I can. Just waiting for warmer weather to arrive. Can I get some br/o/s to post their rattle can jobs maybe?
Pic unrelated, just my truck but it seems to always be popular on here.

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Do you have much money? I'd rent a trailer to transport you engine and a second hand engine crane/A frame with a chain block. Get a m8 to come with you because engine swaps are a cunt on your own and do the job is a quiet parking lot in the middle of nowhere. Probably a shit idea when you don't even know if the engine will run desu.

Why not just buy a poverty spray gun and a $100 compressor?

Call me autistic but I actually have a good HVLP setup, I just feel like rattle canning.

Ur autistic. After you're done, you should get it blasted and do a roller job.

Thought about a roller job, I just especially like the familiarity of rattle cans. Trust me when I say that just about anything will be better than how the car looks now. And rattle can jobs can even look good. Mostly a matter of decent enough prep with some wet sanding and maybe polishing.

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How many km/miles are needed for a proper engine break-in? I've been keeping the engine under ~4000rpm for the 400km I've driven the car.

The less you spend on the actual paint and proper equipment, the more you spend on sanding, painting, sanding, painting etc. Plus the fact that a car has a fuckload of surface area to work with a rattle can.

It'll be fun. If it sucks or I ever get tired of it (and this car is a constant case of me getting tired of the way it looks) I'll strip the thing down and do something else. Just experimenting because I've never done a whole car.

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Reeeeeeeeeeeee. Working on my shitbox is making me fucking hate cars. I've been chipping away at all its problems for the last month and I just feel like pushing it in the river.

21k NZD

im buying an sw20 turbo tomorrow and im excited

but also I just sold my aw11 and Im sad :(

Tfw on friday night took gf to first car meet ever in her life
>started out when I first suggested the idea "I'm not really into it but idk I guess I'll go as long as it's not super cold."
>"sure I'll go with you tonight"
>get some greasy burgers and fries at five guys, then roll out in a 1990 124 2 door with wide Borbet type A wheels, a stock but meme sticker covered Focus ZX3, and a pretty nice looking 58 Cadillac
>went there, decent turnout
>subaru blew coolant everywhere but got fixed on the spot
>friend got tons of comments on his 58 caddy
>bunch of underage highschool kids to laugh at
>one retard backed his mustang into a handicap parking pole with someone laying on the hood and was a dick about it.
>broke front suspension, mirror, fucked up body work, embarrassed himself in front of like 50 guys and 20 girls.
>she's got a bit of fiestiness to her so she keeps talking how she wanted the mustang guy to start shit about it
>guy was obviously fucked up on something, drunk for sure but possibly on drugs, and there was a rumor the car was his dad's
>plenty of dogs at the meet
>guys doing stupid shit like going 50 in a parking lot
>we duck out before the cops start showing up and get some pics of our cars at the gas station
>drive girl around afterwards, take the long way around the bypass loop home, talk about shit
>"did you have fun, gf?"
>"ye actually I did that was a lot of fun, I need to get the sundance running now just to fuck with people" (she has a shitbox Sundance that doesnt run but she wants to turn into a meme mobile)
>next day
>"hey you know the more I think about it the more fun I had last night, that was actually a lot of fun, nothing like I expected"
>told her yeah thats pretty much normal fare, people doing dumb shit and talking shit for a couple hours lol

And thats the story of how I got my girl hooked on car meets.

isn't she reviewbrahs sister?

>textbook pretty
What's that?

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>99.9% of humanity are brainwashed
>good thing captain virgin here can tell you the truth

Fuck off, moron.


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>Backed into a pole
>Broke front suspension, mirror

Here ya go son. This one is on the house. Handle her with care.

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