What's so great about the Mona Lisa?

what's so great about the Mona Lisa?

The very fact you're making a thread about it should tell you how great it is

there's a whole board devoted to pictures of cartoon ponies, i don't think that's a very convincing line of argument desu

Can't fap to it. into the trash it goes

Got a chance to see it at the Louvre with relatively few dumb American tourists swarming it and all I can say is that, in person, it's genuinely mystifying

It's a nice looking portrait idk
look at it as a view into time
also that's not the real mona lisa

have a look at other renaissance portraits, then look again at the mona lisa

shit, you're right

you v the girl he told you not to worry about

Cheeky smile

The left would make a better wife but the right would be a good fuck

Some guy tried to steal it by just taking it into the shitter and hiding in a stall until it was after closing time.

What did he do with it while he was in there?

Dunno, I am pretty sure he gave it back when he realized that there was no way to unload it.

Do you think he did the ol' National Treaure trick and switched it with a gift shop copy and the real one is just covered in jizz now?

Nah if he did make off with the real one it has fallen apart, shit needs constant maintenance since it is attached to a board or something and the wood is rotting.

could this be considered the first rule 34?

why doesn't the bitch have eyebrows?

More like El Mono Liso amirite

Shaved eywbrows were in fashion at the time.

I have a hard time believing shaving your eyebrows was ever in fashion

and after googling it there seems to be consensus that the paint for the brows and lashes faded or were retouched at one point

shaving your eyebrows and going ayy lmao for fashion, yeah right

you're right, but shaved eyebrows was at one point fashionable in japan, along with blackened teeth

what is up with japan and nightmare fuel fashion trends?

>tfw she only looks like OP because of the varnish discoloration over time