/elyg/ - Elysium WoW General

/elyg/ - Elysium WoW General

Sniffhow the slut edition

>Server Homepage

>Realmlist/make an account/etc:


Alliance guild:


Currrently raiding MC/Ony/BWL. 2nd raid group just started up , alts and meme specs possible. 320 members and ~120 60s. Raids start at 6:30 GMT. Mostly weekends.

Horde guild:


Dindus of Nuffin reformed into WWD. Raiding UBRS and pugging MC currently. 120 members and ~25 60s. Raids start at 10-11pm GMT, mostly weekends.

/who "guild name", and whisper a higher level character for invite.

>WoW database

>Addons pack (some out of date like KLH Threat Meter)

>Leveling Guide (specs unreliable for some classes use at own risk, play what you want or ask in the thread for more info):

>Grinding/aoe farm guide:

Disconnecting? Read this:
>pastebin.com/Se5UvWRD-- If you are getting constant disconnects. Put this information in your config.wtf file inside your WTF folder. Please change "Insert Account name Here" to your account name. Also use THIS copy and paste for your realmlist.wtf file inside of your wow folderpastebin.com/JZg7Qgw6

>New to Elysium? Go here pleb:

>Raid/char/item drop info:

>WoD models (Drop the MPQ in your data folder, and don't post screenshots and get banned retard):

Last thread:

Other urls found in this thread:



Nobody had quintessence lol we had to stop right before Domo

also server crashed for like 15-20 min right in the middle of the run

Postan from last thread

Nice raiders you got there.

>MoH raid 2 did it in literally half that time
>With 4 (four) absolute meme specs

any warrior tips?


dont fight druids LMAO

So who is your favourite Dindu tranny?

For me its myself

the tip of my cock buddy

>start warlock
>i'm doing 20ish dmg
>pet is doing 4 dmg per spell

i thought this was supposed to be the best class

druids aren't that hard to beat, mages though...

>this butthurt

Query: How hard is it to egt the aq armor class sets? I realy want the AQ set on my shaman but i have never done AQ. Do guild leaders usually let shamans roll for the AQ items for the class set or do shamans get lower priorities?

heh... fucking losers am i right?

mohs reply to being exposed for damage cotroll is no you
trannies truly beret of original ideas.

what level are you?
what spec are you?
what race are you?

aahah tranies are so mad on discord right now

>february 18
really makes me hmmmmmmm

>2nd MoH raid
>2nd WWD raid

rly does

>WWD raid

>MoH transexuals

since its a pug i don't even think you can call this "our" raid

holy fuck these logs, Loeiz got carried again
what a fucking shit healer

cant seem a loeiz on realmplayers friend

he's right there
Zugzuggler, buddy

It was second or the first raiding experience for the most dindus in that raid is what i meant.

started a while back. but i only have an orc shammy at lvl 16. i never played a shaman back in the day, are they good in vanilla? going for resto..... also, anybody want to play with me? lol

why didn't you say that in the first place

>expecting the imp to do big dmg with lvl 1 fireball
unironically fucking kill yourself you subhuman brainlet

in pvp shamys are based, that fuckin chain lightning/heal

also if you're resto they are really good healers as well with a billion different situational buffs, they are the closest to a true support class in the game

end game pvp is fun as elemental/resto hybrid getting +hit chance for melee and nature's swiftness for an instant cast too

if you're looking for people to play for horde side dindus have levellers, have to ask in gchat/discord or see if anyone in thread is up for it tho :


What's you played?
Shaman are okay in vanilla if you like totems if you don't like totems maybe swap, big windfury crits are fun but they're far and inbetween.
don't level resto man, people aren't spamming dungeons enough to justify it.
>also, anybody want to play with me? lol

Who is the MVP of the raid?
How about the bottom shitter?

>8 niggers carried by le make le horde great again alts

thanks ill have to check that discord out. i have played wow since vanilla days so i'm pretty familiar with it. just really wanting to level this shaman while finding some good people to play with. as much as i loved this game, i don't think i could level 1-60 again alone.

our 2 hunters were in top 10/top 3 respectively in dps

mcbeef was on his ebinly named hunter peruanatori or whatever it is, fuckin finn that he is

casters gotta step it up tho

also just invite literally anyone who is doing a quest alongside you, if they're cool then add them

thats how i did it it makes levelling so so so much more fun if you do it with others, thats what this game is about :)

A friend of mine is playing for the first time and I was gonna make a new character to level with him, what class would be a good leveling partner for an orc hunter?

who is kelevran that name looks familiar

if everyones shitgeared then hunters are competitive

healer so you make sure nobody dies, ever

you could make a druid so you don't get bored just healing/dotting and can go in and do damage as well, probably perfect class to compliment a hunter actually

Our warlocks werent doing good damage because they had a full time job banishing shit other warlocks refused to i noticed.


But it wasn't a WWD raid, it was a pug. You have yet still to raid as WWD

>warlocks who refuse to banish
>caring about dps when its a fucking pug
>or in general when a loose mob can wipe the raid, at the very least costing you durability damage

i don't understand these people although maybe they are just braindead

Are you trying to tell me meters arent everything user?


how do you get good dps while slowly caressing your boiclit

>Steaming hot erp session (came twice)
>Night elf afterwards tells me my dick was cute and she'd like to tease it again
Not sure what to think of it really, how should I respond? She was quite a good talker too

How do you use Prat? I do /prat and then type whatever I want to fix but it doesn't work. Fixing the file itself just gives me errors.

Post chat log

nevermind, got it to work.

What class should I go?

Rogue, warrior, or warlock?

Warrior or Warlock.

pm'd you the fix


wait wtf is up with elysium timeline? it says bwl should have come out last month? wat?

Warlock or Rogue. Do not go Warrior. You will hate yourself even with Improved Revenge.


>wwd has accomplished more in 2 weeks than Salty Dogs did in 2 years

how is this possible? if their name wasn't so fucking stupid i'd join wwd, but holy fuck the salty dogs clique was incompetent, feels good to be right all these years later.

Rogue is cancer to play.

i cant do it bros. i cant level 1-60 again at 1x rate i have don it like 4 times in my lifetime and that is 3 too many desu.

just pay a chink to do it like everyone else does, its not even that expensive

you can literally pay some chinaman to level you a 1-60 character

then ill get banned tho

> its not even that expensive


odds are low

If I wanted to gamble while paying huge amounts of money just to play a videogame I'd just play hearthstone.


>play warlock
>keep fucking dying no matter how small i pull
>play warrior
>literally never die

what the fuck is this shit

look up what expressions mean before you use them

how do you die as warlock? You cant therefore you are trolling.

hah almost got me.

Finally got my RL friend to play. He's going dorf rogue.
Do I reroll to join him so we have fun? Or at least an alt, I guess. What would pair best with a dwarf rogue?
Thank you.

It actually depends on who you buy from. A minimal amount of research will give you some insight as to which gold selling/account selling org is "allowed" and which two (at least the bigger ones) are not.
It's sort of an open secret but don't be a huge cunt about it.
Good luck.

PS - you can haggle a bit but not a ton, mostly regarding professions but at that point it's kind of not worth it in my opinion. Up to you, I'm not your dad.

t. someone who knows.

>What would pair best with a dwarf rogue?
paladin. can heal in pve and cast that movement speed immunity for pvp.

*braps your thread*

Hey hey people. I'm trying to sell my shitty account and every website that buys these asks you to include a price when emailing.
How much do you think I could get for an account with a 53 warrior (w/ 300 alchemy and 300 herbalism), a 44 druid, and like 200 gold in it? Not expecting much obviously but not planning to use it anyways.
Appreciate any help, thanks.

I honestly can't decide what class to play.

Maybe I should try healing since I've never done it in all my years of playing WoW.

Play priest

if you do healing ill do warrior and group with you if you are interested. I play a lot and would be willing to play as much as you are.

I'm a guy who started playing wow during lich king. Never tried vanilla or tbc.

Why should one pick vanilla over tbc?

So i know that in pvp your weapon skill and defense skill is assumed to be at max. What about +weapon skill though? does it help in pvp at all? Like would a human rogue do slightly better with swords in pvp than a night elf?

would a warrior with shitloads of defense who gets attacked benefit from his extra defense skill?


The fuck you think this is? Cocaine in a rich neighborhood?

dindus killed raggy?

gj bros

TBC will be an easier pill for your casual-ass to swallow. Both are amazing. Both have their pros and cons. I enjoyed raiding a fuckload more in TBC, but enjoyed the world a fuckload more in Vanilla. Also shoutout to TBC heroics pre-nerf. They were so goddamn fun.

can never go wrong with a paladin partner

That was my first thought, my main is a paladin already. In the 40s - I could maybe help him with boosting a bit but not sure that would be much fun for him.
Thanks tho, no big deal really.


what do numbers have to do with grinding

no problem. if he wants to have fun then let him choose whatever. hunter might be another good choice

>3 full prot tanks beat out a lock

So you think I should go for TBC? I was attracted by Elysium because of his high pop mostly.

Also what's the best tank in vanilla?

how many people on that parse are in wwd?

Sluagh tanked Rag.


The problem is that 99.99% of TBC pservers are garbage. That being the case, the populations then suffer because of the trash quality.

Elysium has the population and that's truly what matters overall. The best pserver (of any xpac) atm is Elysium. They've figured a lot of their shit out, but there are still bugs that exist. They also nerfed farming method that involves dungeons... which is fucking retarded. I hate them for nerfing everything.

Daily reminder that is the #1 community without any cliques!

>They also nerfed farming method that involves dungeons... which is fucking retarded.
Can you elaborate?

tell me straight, what spec is danniel

There's only one accepted tank: warrior.

I personally prefer paladin tanks but they don't have a taunt. Bears i don't like at all. They take every hit directly to the face and try to fix it by having more HP

>make warrior
>no experience tanking
>go into RFC
>hunter aggressively pulling like an ADHD child
>one of our rogues keeps focusing off targets
>can't keep track of who I sundered
>crash and burn harder than Icarus
>never touch Warrior again

I mostly blame myself. I can't into Tank.

a really popular way to get gold is to solo certain parts of mid/high lvl instances at 60 and vendor/disenchant the boes, or gather herbs etc.

they have been making changes to make this less effective/harder/impossible to try and dissuade players from doing this.