[Daily Bike Thread - /dbt/]

You will never shred this hard edition

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Attached: black widow.jpg (600x808, 872K)

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Thx bb

>tfw home in a few weeks
>taking a gixxer 750 off a family friend soon
>said $5k at first now only wants $2500 up front and the rest over venmo over a period of time
>r3kt R3 collecting dust back home
>not sure what to do with it
>friend wants to learn how to ride
>might clean it up and give it to her for $5 and free starbucks from her work for a week

I just want to ride.

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Yamaha Yamaha

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>another rekt r3
oh man this meme never dies

>said $5k at first now only wants $2500 up front and the rest over venmo over a period of time

Why? That sounds like he's a drug addict or something. Why would you buy a drug addict's bike?

Any tyre suggestions for my '08 Daytona 675 track bike?

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>another one

I asked and they just said they wanted it gone to make room for another Harley.

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What they really need to bring back is the nighthawk cb750. I liked the vintage look and feel of it, of course give it modern brakes and suspension but keep the older design.

Plus, that old carbed engine sounded like pure sex. If they could replicate it I'd look at one.

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Yamaha is shit Honda is the best.

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Should I buy a puch maxi lads?

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Save for a Grom. Nothing below 125ccs is even worth riding.

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I already have a 125cc. Just like the idea of a pedal start moped

>*bursts into flames*

You will be extremely disappointed with it.

It's a small engine.

I bet those sneakers are comfy when riding on your couch.

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For you.


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I have an idea how to get Harley’s popular again. Pre aged Harley from the factory like How Gibson does it now with all the “patina”

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>It's a feature!
el oh el!

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Who is this supposed to appeal to other than their dying Boomer demographic?

We are all dying, just a matter of time. But they can make a bunch of money off of them and then try to make faster better bikes with that money.

when you type lol like that it makes me want to gouge out my fucking eyes

I don't understand people who fall for the ducatimeme.

Even if I was rich enough to afford a $40k bike I would rather spend it on 3 non-ducati(or KTM) bikes that aren't unreliable pieces of shit.

What do you guys think about airbag leather jacket?

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Good idea. Very effective in protecting your neck

Probably is extra cringy on discord, all the more reason to join.

I would honestly just spend the same amount of money on the R version so it's race legal. Never cared for their tricolor scheme.

Hey don't bring KTM into this

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Good idea but the production version will probably end up looking fucking stupid

Worth it for the protection though, as soon as airbag jackets come down to non meme prices I'm getting one

I am as fast or faster in a same year r6 as a r1 in the same conditions at a go kart track. What does this mean?

2017 models by the way

You're willing to push it harder.

I honestly am willing to push them both as hard as I can though.

You'd probably be faster on a sumo

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>For the price of this I can buy a new BMW F800 GS, Yamaha R1S, and a Suzuki DR650S while still having a few grand left over for accessories.

Really activates my almonds before they catch on fire because they were grown in Italy.

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The R6 is lighter and is better handling at the speeds you are going on the gokart track.

I've seen R3's shred R6's in the twisties because those guys have their R3 as a second bike and don't care about riding it dangerously.

K thanks. I thought they handled about the same with just more power in the r1 but this was a real eye opener for me.

Why is it so hard for italians to into electronics? A bunch of radioactive island dwellers who watch little girl cartoons manage to do it without fucking up.

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>implying you could push an r1s hard enough to warrant an r1 or r1m.
>implying you could push a ninja 400 hard enough to warrant an r6


Do you think this would be good for trails in the pnw? Im looking for a fun bike


Nah what you're looking for is a KTM 1290 super adventure r


I kind of wish I was a new rider because then I'd have bought this from him.

>12k mile ktm
>3500 dollars

2fast4me but i was also looking at a 350sxg
Neat i think il shoot the dude a message.

That's 4k miles before it blows up, that's plenty of miles for a beginner to learn on it.

Is it true that 600cc baikus are kill?

>dkw rt 125
>4,75–6,5 hp
>top speed 75-90km/h
>any 50cc scooter
>top speed 50km/h

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Pretty much

Horses were stronger back then

How many years do you think before they stop being produced completely? I've always wanted a 600cc but I could never really justify plopping down the cash.

Given that Honda has already stopped. I'm guessing some more will disappear after Euro 5

Buying a new 600 is dumb in any case. The liters have better components not just in the engine

>Euro 5
Welp, guess I could just go full liter peter eventually. Kinda hoping the Daytona can survive though.

What do you mean ? There is a 2018 CBR600RR

Pretty sure that's the same model as previous years. And not on sale in Europe

They're not developing it anymore. It's just the same model.

You bongs get some bikes we don't get in USA, like whatever the fuck this is.

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NC 700 s and you do get it in the states
This ain't the 90's

It's an NC750S and no we don't get it.

We have the CBR650F and then there is the NC700X but not that thing.

We get the CTX700

Pretty close to the same thing

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They're kind of fun. I rode one exclusively for 7-8 years. They're kind of reliable if you don't tinker with them too much. It's pretty hard to resist squeezing more speed out of them. Especially with all of the good online parts stores these days. You got one you're looking at? Post links or prices/info and I'll tell you what a good price is. Where do you live?

Yeah but that's s a cruiser style with a gigantic dildo for the exhaust pipe.

I guess the CB650F would make the NC750S redundant

Cruiser fags love dildos in their bikes

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Kids who want to pretend to be boomers.

I heard the smaller monsters were actually pretty good. Easy to wrench on and cheap ($5k) on the used market because it's a "girls bike".

>spokane isn't too far from me
>see this
>also a bunch of $5000 ducati 848s

Fucking Spokane man

I really see the motorcycle market diverging between europe and everywhere else.

Between their ridiculous licensing scheme and emissions standards, the only bikes left on european roads by 2025 will be 125 scooters and electric bicycles..

But the engine is honestly more than you need, even on tracks (actual racers are very adamant about starting smaller unless you like highsides), and the insurance rates are beefed up to match.

Literbike dominance is actually the death of the common sportbike because the bike itself is an arugment against owning the bike itself.

manufacturers need to suck it up and make middleweights that put out less power, probably V twins and triples, with the comifer ergonomics and practical subframes of older sportbikes while keeping the light weight, mass centralization, and brilliant handling of recent engineering. And no, I do not mean naked, because Japan views a lack of fairings as an excuse to cheap out (lmao fz09 suspension).

torque and gears

Gearing and weight. Plus some scooters have pretty poor cooling design.

>tfw 29km/L
feels good

Honestly, I've wanted one for a while just to fuck around on. You should do it!
And then after you do, post pics in the /scoot/ thread!


Because 50cc scooters actually only have 4 and a bit horsepower, not 7.

What would be a non meme price?

Hi Veeky Forums, I'm thinking on buying a brand new 2017 Honda cbr 300r from a dealership for only 3 grand. It's going to be my first bike. Is this a good deal?

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> Honda
someone should pay you to take this trash

Your first bike should NEVER be new

>Buying a fake sportbike

Why do you hate yourself

looks like shit

>brand bully
but you're correct

you're a giant homo

also this

>sportbike for a first bike
you gonna get yourself killed son

CBR300's are the worst 300's.

Slow as the old Kwak 250, vibes out the wazoo when you get on the freeway.

Ninja or R3 or bust.

Gsx250 a best

I dunno... 3k is pretty cheap for a new bike like that in my neck of the woods...

Why would you want a shitty gay fake sportbike, lose thousands of dollars on it because it's brand new, and a Honda on top of that?

t.dumbass bitchass nigger

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Should i be wary of 1500-2000 dollar bikes?

Im saving up for one right now, but i wanted a bike on the cheap side that can save my daily drive (2007 scion tc @ 145,000 miles) a 10 minute trip to college each day. The things on its last legs and anything i can do to hold off on using it is good on me.

Found this and figured i could probably lowball him to 1500 (or less since it's been up for a while). Like i said, really just need something to get down to class each day. What do you think, Veeky Forums?

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not him but I'd say only a bit more than a non-airbag jacket, maybe 100-150€ more
that would be a non meme price
but desu dainese, alpinestar etc are such horrible jew brands, they will never make that shit affordable for normal people

Get something with fuel injection OR was made in the last 10 years as your first bike, you dont want to fuck with 40 year old bikes my man.


>my face the exact moment I read your post

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>want to get a motorbike
>have money for a cheap motorbike
>parents won’t let me
>not financially independent
>can’t go against them

kill me

just get older, move out, find a job and buy a motorcycle
literally this easy

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Are there any good trails for off-road within about two hours of NYC? Moving there for work

Got my first bike recently. Any tips for riding in high wind? Scared me when I was riding in it a while ago.