Secret Cluuuuubbb XD

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Why do they extend their arms down instead of just raising their fingers or hand off the handlebar?

Cause that’s the other secret club wave

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Bus drivers wave their hands to each other.
Train drivers wave their hands to each other.
Cyclists do the same.
Why wouldn't bikers?

You're just fucking jealous they enjoy something you can't afford.

OP is baiting, but you have to be a special kind of retarded to get mad at somone offering a friemdly gesture to someone with similar interests.

i have never seen cyclist greeting each other

Drivers of classic/rare/enthusiast cars often greet each other


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>see another 500 Abarth driver
>we both pull off to pull each other off

It's just a wave you spastic retard

>i have never seen cyclist greeting each other
In the city it would be silly to greet each other.

But when I do light touring in the summer and in some bumfuck nowhere on my loaded bike encounter another cyclist with equally loaded bike we do.

Less air resistance

>grrrrrrrr I have no friends or people who like me, that means nobody else should either

Snowmobilers do this too, except we count the number of people behind us to let the oncoming party know.

Upwards hand counts down from 5 for the number of people behind not counting yourself. Last guy does a downwards fist.

>waves to a grom
>not to a burgman


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So do endurofags.

Attached: wave.jpg (720x580, 62K)

Jealous you're not part of it, huh?

It's okay. We'll give you the special one-fingered cager salute.

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I do sometimes

>tfw waving at police

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>pull each other off
What are you, gay?

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>Liking girls
What a faggot.
I bet you kiss and cuddle them too you poof.

Looks shooped....

I don’t like girls
I wish my bf would cuddle me more :c

I always wave to people who drive the esame shitbox as mine.

burger autism at it's finest

I nod when I walk past officers. Never had a negative interaction with a cop ever

I always park near other miatas when I see them.

Motorcycles are a fun hobby!

U jelly nigga?!?!?!

Yea, u jelly

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>implying chopper dads would wave back to a sportbike kid

I do

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>appropriating the Jeep Wave


I want a bike but I'm too autistic to do the stupid wave thing and don't want to seem rude by ignoring other riders.

>too autistic to wave
even while wearing a helmet?

I've got a special wave to all the harley fags.

Enjoy your slow boat size bikes, can't-lean-faggots.

Attached: harley wave arm.jpg (940x938, 115K)

Le edgy

except for the assfucking they administer to you every day

Please see

I am jelly of your laws desu

continue submitting

>tfw they never wave back

Its eaiser to see and do. And if you have fairings you won't be able to see it anyways.

That's a groovy looking chopper

t. harley hating sportbike kid

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> rent miata off turo for a couple days
> wink pop-ups at every miata I see going the other direction

>cant tell if retard or signalling for help

If you can say good morning/day/afternoon to someone in the street then you can wave.

Bikers are more you than them.

Thanks. It's nice to have options

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They usually do for me, but its a small town. I taught my kid to wave at the police and now he does it every time he sees a cop. He also likes to go up and shake their hands.

When I was his age, I pulled the fire alarm at school, my mom told me they were going to take me to jail(cruel joke) so when the cop showed up I punched him in the dick.

I'm talking about the motorcycle wave, they never wave back because they're too cool for school

shoulda guessed since all the police units are harlies

>too retarded to litterally just lift your left hand for a split second

nobodys going to throw a tantrum cos u didnt wave to them but cmon dude

>acknowledging other drivers

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Ah yeah there's no bike cops where I'm from

i just nod

>tfw accidentally nodded a moped
At least it was an Aprilia

I only wave back when I’m in a good mood

Ohhh edgy

>waving to people you don't know

This is the dumb part.

WHAT is that

Looks like a Burgman kinda, but chopped up a bit.

Maxi scooter of some sort.

lmao 2bh senpai

While driving my 86 some guy in a brz gave me a little honk

I though jeeps flashed their lights or something retarded

Don’t that follow each other to nearest trail and blow each other?