/scg/edg/ Star Citizen/Elite: Dangerous General 202X

give me more money you lobotomized subhumans edition.
ED info:

Open Beta for 2.4 is up soon, you should be able to access it through launcher if you're a PC player.

Announcement vid /w contribution from our lord braben: youtube.com/watch?v=PX49v8zYutI

>Frontier Official YT

Star Citizen Information:

It is the standing Recommendation of /scg/ that if your game package contains an Aurora MR, Aurora ES or Mustang Alpha you would be well served to upgrade it to an Aurora LN. It's only like ten bucks and provides a significant increase in firepower and survivability without any real downsides.
Be aware, this is the gateway drug to wasting your life savings on spaceship jpegs, keep your discipline and don't upgrade further unless you specifically want to buy Ben more eyeballs(and cheese), finance Sandi's dreams of being a C grade actor, fuel Chris's cocaine habit and send Erin and Brian into crippling inescapable depression.


>Star Citizen Official YT

>Other games:

Above is a pastebin of games you can play while waiting for SC and E:D to become playable.

Other urls found in this thread:


Posting in a dead general


posting for the ded general

i got worried when i came on earlier and saw no generals up

get used to it for the next ~5 weeks

>Open Beta for 2.4 is up soon

Open beta has been up. It's over tomorrow.

Free fly when?



have my fellow cuckizens bought Chris's latest ship jpeg? only $400 for that 600i! if not, have some flair for your org, chris thinks your special and loves only you, but remember he needs money so give him and his wife's son more, do your part cuck, i mean citizen!.

I'd be nice if you could link in your own music or even videos to a screen within the cockpit to watch.

That'd be pretty neat.

yea theres gonna be next to nothing to talk about till citcon. Just the delay/meme cycle, shitposting and speculation.

I'm playing through Kotor 1 and 2 again to pass the time, and dream of what sc might eventually become.

it would be nice if the game didn't have long boring sections that required you to watch a video instead of playing the game

How would it be fixed then?

It's suppose to simulate long distance space travel.

just give us a fucking moon roberts

shut the fuck up dad

not a scam

do not ded

how big is moon compared to planet?

I'll bet they're basically the same size. doesn't make much sense to scale up the procedural desert further, and it's not like you'll be able to tell the difference on foot or driving/flying around.

realistically pic related

You should change that to "Ship sale ended here" FAGGOT

Wow, steaming rocks are amazing content. Thanks FD.


>in a vacuum

B-but muh gayme devs
Y-you wouldn't understand..!

Also "promotional event ended here" as well.

Threadly reminder no 3.0 for 2017

It'll be (((interesting))) to see what the overall reaction will be when Croberts & Co. fails to deliver:
- 3.0 Advocado
- any kind of demo/footage of SQ42
But will definitely NOT fail to (((deliver))):
- Jpeg spess shep sales
- Autismo Spectrum update
- 3rd party garbage product (FaceFuck-cam, bullshit flair items and maybe a 'revisioned' HOTAS with RSI/Hexagon shit all over it)

It is (((frumple)))

I hope you choke to death on them hexagons! >=[

>Implying the whales can refrain from sending CIG their income


It's "realistic" like the rest of elite
Someone should make a Star Citizen release bingo sheet (release date unknown)

I swear those faggots are more obsessed than the cultists. It's one thing to obsess over a thing you want, another entirely to obsess over a thing you hate that doesn't actually exist for five actual consecutive years.

I haven't played Elite Dangerous since around launch, and I apparently own Horizons season pass for some reason. Should I give it another go?

I never really got far in Elite because I didn't know what the hell I was supposed to be doing or how to do it. Combat was fun, but didn't really have any structure to when you'd face hostiles and get rewards.

Is there a quest line or something to follow now?

wait for 2.4

Why do you suggest to wait for 2.4? Other than aliens what is 2.4 adding?

No story for the individual, forge your own path

If you need your hand held then you need a different game

"I didn't know what I was supposed to be doing" doesn't mean the same as "I need my hand held".

In any case, why wait for 2.4?

Best armour for ships in general combat?

Reactive, mirrored or military grade?

If you're looking for direction, shooting the bad aliens might give it to you.

I think that mostly depends on what's shooting at you. Mirrored is best against lasers, reactive against missiles, and military grade against projectiles.

Depends on what you're mostly facing.

This D***k Stupid Goon FUD doesn't even make any sense. Finding bugs is a GOOD thing, you'd realize that if you understood anything about how game development works. So why would they delay a good thing until after a ship sale hmmm?. By your Goon ""logic"" they should have showed us all these bugs before it to boost sales!!!

Yeah most gamers don't give a shit about SC. Even if it comes out the game is going to be niche anyway.

When was the last time you saw anyone write about the game?

>Rework in 3.0

What if you don't know what you're facing. You're just popping in and out of combat.

>Finding bugs is a bad thing

You asked if there was a questline or something to follow as if it was your main point. You said you didn't know what the hell to do.

They don't tell you because that's holding your hand. Do what you want, if you cant make it fun then you need a different game.

Wait for 2.4 because there's going to be more "stuff" overall so if you come back there will be more for you. Or just jump in now instead of spending two or three hours on this website and see if you feel it or not instead of asking us to hold your hand instead.

Reinforced or military are your safest bets if you demand having armour, I wouldn't even bother with specific armour unless I knew for sure what I was going up against, and even then I'm usually outta there if my sheilds are down anyway.

after this long a dev cycle for a single patch, having that many bugs suddenly get found, not only makes the original coding look like a piece of shit, but also makes your testing process look really bad for not catching them before hand.

Also, remember, this isn't even bug testing for release. This is the bug testing stage just to get it to the point it can be sent to another stage of bug testing.

I wish 90% of the ships in Elite didn't look like a fucking quadrilateral. They all look the same except for slight differences in size and proportions.

>Or just jump in now instead of spending two or three hours on this website and see if you feel it or not instead of asking us to hold your hand instead.
I'm just asking the community members who are more active than I have been how the game has changed in my absence, and if people recommend coming back to the game. I don't know how this could be considered hand-holding.

It's much faster and efficient asking people who are currently playing the game how it is instead of waiting half a day to download it and spend a few hours fucking around in the game to form a personal opinion. I'd rather not spend that time and instead come here and ask a rather simple question. You seem to be upset by my question somehow.

Unless they completely revamp the stations, they're all going to have to look similar just to fit inside the docks.

But you're right, some needs more variety.

+30 bugs from 300+ man hours of public testing?
Seems reasonable

Everything looks like a quadrilateral if you squint hard enough.


It's mostly just Faulcon DeLacy that builds the polygons.
Core Dynamics maybe at some angles but mostly they're just hulking bricks with thrusters on.

Reactive + modded reinforcements > everything else

Basically you want to start with the highest overall resistance and then stack resist to the cap.
Lightweight/reinforced/military are all -60 combined resists
Mirrored is -75 combined resists which makes it actually worse than the above
Reactive is +5 combined resists

Heavy duty mod reactive, throw on thermal resist reinforcement to make up for the thermal penalty on reactive, then stack heavy duty. Medium combat ships and up you should end up around 60% reduction vs everything with ridiculousl integrity if rngeesus smiles upon you.

We need more spess waifus =

Even just reactive by itself is effective against NPCs because they have no concept of non-standard resistance and will always prefer their kinetics and missiles if your shields are down. On the flip side mirrored vs NPC is a bad idea for the same reason.


I just got Elite Dangerous on PS4, anything important to know?

Is it normal to spend the majority of your time trying to get to the actual landing area? gor example I got to a moon and had to circle it for like 20 minutes before I found the actual crater I was supposed to land in.


Gravity will slow you down, keep that in mind and stay away from the planet till you have a decent approach vector. The white/grey rings you see are the gravity wells, as you approach they get bigger and start to cause drag on your ship.

You can also use the drag to slow you down if you overshoot, but you'll figure it out soon. You'll get the hang of it soon.

>still no shitstang rework

this though, they had a bunch of new blood qa people through that paid for the privilege, while also doing long term server stress testing beyond what they can manage in the office. of course they found a bunch of new bugs

>expecting CIG to rework a ship people already gave them money in good faith for.
Don't be ridiculous. Maybe two years from now, when they finally sell a new consolidated outlands ship that costs 300+ dollars, then maybe they'll do a quick cut and paste rework on it.


Ironically, the one thing CIG can do is make ships. The Mustang is actually on the schedule and the ship pipeline appears to operate independent of the other pipelines since ships are the only thing that has ever been early. It probably is being worked on.

>Before the end of the year
[Insert DOUBT.jpeg]

>shittizens still want ship reworks while the actual game is in shambles

usually polish comes at the end

You obviously underestimate how broken all the mustangs are.

-weight balance so bad it needs magic invisible thrusters added to it just to keep it going in a straight line.
-lands on a flimsy part of the ship's body instead of an actual landing gear, causing it to not only have all sorts of issues when damaged, but will even snap apart if you're a little too hard on the landing.
-there is no concept art of how it's cockpit ui panels are actually suppose to work or look, I don't think CIG even knows yet.
-ship entrance/exit process is extremely buggy.
-huge amount of interior space is wasted on an airlock/docking collar design that has long since been deprecated as they'd added magic bullshit air shields and basically ditched small ship docking all together
-shields have had issues since day one. Often fails to cover the ship properly.
-Alpha's cargo hold not actually functional with the impending cargo system.
-Delta's rockets pods are a clusterfuck of juryrigged code that just doesn't work.
-canard turret can't be swapped out for a hardpoint due to design

So is every ship going to be able to land in star citizen? Or will it have space-only ships ?

What are these curious messages, is it the Thargoid, or the Reavers? Or something else?

What even are the structures that these beacons are attached to?

big cap ships won't be able to land on planets if it releases

Star Citizen's idea of the future is the 1940's idea of space flight coupled with everything being made of hexagons and shining blue light

go play frontier or pioneer dad

I'd rather we all be flying ship grey boxes in order to work out how to make the flight model fun, how to get ship mechanics working properly, how to integrate markets, manufacturing, exploration, trade and security seamlessly without breaking the flow of gameplay. Of course we'd still be squashing bugs, but art assets and set dressings can come after the fact.

No sense in trying to polish a turd

I don't mind them building assets at the same time, artists gotta have something to do. but they definitely haven't really been using AC to iterate on the balance which you'd think would be easy to do.

they have all the playtesters they could ever want playing it every day and they just squander it. they could use the opportunity to build something sublimely balanced and fun but they haven't really changed shit for months at a time.

Those wrecks are probably from unseen ships that bridge the gap between a Fed Corvette and a Fed Battlecruiser, or a Type-9 and a Megafreighter.

Would love something like a Frigate or Destroyer. Or just a regular bulk freighter or tanker. Seems to be the cutoff for ships the moment they go past station docking bay size is just to be super massive multi-kilometer things.

lack of a delta patcher has really fucked their possibilities up and now we're going to get a janky space Day Z

I think the problem is that there's no reason to build in between. Once a ship can't go through the standard mailslot you're just better off building them as large as possible and give it a fleet of smaller ship to act as courier.

Maybe add some large ship docking clamps in the back of stations. Or some kind of "trucker's rest-stop" docking platform floating 1km away from the station with complementary shuttle service.

I doubt that that "entirety of 2017" schedule is accurate in any way. According to it the Cutlass variants, Freelancer variants, Terrapin and Hull C were already completed (or nearly done) at points in time where we knew for sure that they either weren't done yet (Terrapin, Hull), just started on it (Cutlass) or haven't started yet at all (Freelancer).

>cultists and whales still think 3.0 soon





Kind of new here, tried both SC and ED, are there any space sims that are actually worth playing?

elite 1984

That has been published? Shouldn't this be on Veeky Forums?



Everything up to the Javelin with exception
Ship like the Orion (concept) don't seem to be built to land, and the Endeavor only have the detachable front of the ship landing.
Most Hull ship shouldn't be able to land with cargo

greybox don't mean what you think it mean.
And you can't balance markets manufacturing and other stuff with half of the features. It would be like trying to build chess without knight and rook.

What do you guys use for power distribution key bindings? I find the arrow keys to be kind of inconvenient but I can't think of any good alternatives immediately.

1 2 3, reset on 4

derp, yeah that'd be perfect actually considering I use the shift+wasd for the cockpit UI already.

>4 years in development
>Failed to meet every bench mark
>Could have made a decent single player space ship sim by now instead of this open world, open space, ship in ship mmo
>3.0 delayed by two years
>Chris and crew speak with half truths, what ifs, outright lies, deflection and deception

Why do people STILL give them money? Is it because they know it will fail and fall apart without fresh dosh injections or because they think that it will deliver on the promises? I can't be this second matter, I mean, there is an endless amount of news articles, youtube videos, testers and former devs all admitting this is a monumental failure.


IF the bulk of the game is ever released, it will be a complete and buggy mess that will need "bug fixing" its entire existence. Just let it go.


derek smart/goon boogeyman accusations in 3... 2....