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>mfw im a lynshitter that went with camilla only for the multiplier and she ended up winning
What the flying fuck.
Kill yourself.
so what's a good horse emblem team featuring brave roy?
Bow Lyn.
This is a no bully thread.
There is no need to be upset Lyncuck.
DC Titania, Reinhardt, and Camus
>tfw when you never see roy's special art because of galeforce
My Hector is fast! Very fast Hector!
I thought we might lose to Tharja. I have no idea how this happened but it's too late to stop
Fags like this wouldn't survive a day with sport fans
I think this is the only FE community that isn't crying about Camilla winning.
Are we contrarians or people with good taste?
I cant wait to see you Ikefags rage when also lose to purple tits. You will regret your shittalking of Roy.
why are we all still here? to suffer?
we keep reaching the bump limit in just an hour and migrate to the early threads we hate anyway.
it's the former
Does anyone else wake up in pain knowing that headless horseman Eldigan will never be a thing and the Halloween banner is just gonna be more Fatestrash
We're just laughing at other people crying about Camilka winning
Quick, I need more THICC MOMMY BUILDS right now.
>inb4 brave axe
Get out with that weak shit.
As an Ikefag I'll just right on keep laughing my ass off.
Tonight has been amazing.
Kill yourself underaged.
evens i support the literal faggot
odds i support the mentally ill
Am I the only one who doesn't care who wins? The only reason I'm supporting ike is because I have ike. If I had camilla and no ike then I'd support her.
Neogaf also seems to find it entertaining.
Most people here are upset. Ignore the underaged mommy faggots that are just very vocal and spam.
Send over that Soren boi
>literal faggot
>when he has tail that looks like THIS
>not +spd
>No Windsweep
Too slow faggot
emerald axe + distant counter for flying titania
Fire Emblem Fates for the Nintendo 3DS
/feg/ is a bunch of faggots, but we're not pussies. As much as people might hate to think about it, we are a family here.
People here know how to take the piss and we know it's all in jest.
I will apologize to azura fags, you guys may have not lasted long but you were actually chill. I've seen the light as to you the real "a shit" was. Azura isn't a shit.
kys dumb fatescuck
Does this voting gauntlet prove something needs to change? Cam getting 7.5x multiplier all day and then end up winning for feathers on feathers is pretty bogus. The fact that there's no way for people of a team to form a plan together makes this whole thing fucked up.
Just enjoying the salt from people finding sources of salt mines.
I hope everyone chills out in the end though.
You and 1-2 others don't represent /feg/. Now trip back on.
brave axe+
ardent sacrifice
warding blow 3
windsweep 3
axe experience 3
>his post isn't the top post on reddit right now
>Liverpool choked the league more than 3 years ago
>/sp/ still can't stop shitting on scousers for it
>also Mommyfag
I don't like Ike >:^)
Not an argument sweetie.
Drink Bleach 3.
Almost everytime I think about the potential. Halloween banner. But I guess it's a blessing in disguise so I don't have to +10 another Eldigan.
As someone who hasn't played any FE games before this, I just heard it was a quality phone game, I took the typical route of all phone game voting type contests. Tits wins, the people that care about lore and stuff are outweighed by people who don't know anything and are going by fan service.
This is the only correct answer. Support who you like or support who you have and may the best one win.
But I hate all you fags. The other heroes general is much better
if you were a true hectorfag you'd side against Camilla
>Camilla wins
>Elise wins
>F. Corrin wins
You think you idiots would know who's going to win
>good taste
o i m laffin
And now I get at least seven replies calling me a Lynfag from insecure mommyfags when I've never even played FE7 and was on Team Ike the whole time
A family of disfunctional, autistic, and retarded shit-flinging monkeys is still a family.
Anyone else appreciate the Japanese reactions to Camilla winning?
Lyn was actually the more popular character though
top kek
DC Azura a good idea or should she keep +3 Speed? Mine is +HP/-Def if that helps. Also considered putting in a Ridersbane on her if I ever get it.
40 speed is fast!!!!
Alright, I'm joining Team Ike as he beat my guy, Hector, and its in good sportsmanship that I root for the team who beat mine.
What would fellow Ike-Friends want on their side:
+Spd Quadelia
+Spd-HP CYL Ike (with QR 3)
+Atk-Res TA Ninian
+3 Nino (Fury Desperation)
+Spd-Def Hector
Camus (Fury Vantage Hone Atk)
+Atk-HP Bride Caeda (Desperation+Hone Spd)
My ID is: 2524475096
t. falseflag lyncuck
It's okay, /feg/.
They're fixed now.
enjoy second place
Anyone want my +1 ninian with fury and swordbreaker to beat ike? Let me know and ill post my feh id
>green beats blue
no... WAYYY
>own all these pallas that i didn't fodder for moonbow yet
>all -atk or -spd so can't even finish my flier team
I'm actually getting really upset at this point.
>Not being a general Axebro
Swordfags should just die desu
Same here, although I never cared for gauntlets to begin with. I just wish they had another reward to make them worth it. Feathers are anti-climatic IMO
I stopped caring about Gauntlets after finishing in Palla's army at Rank 2. None will mean anything to me anymore.
Lloyd looks sugoi
>+Spd Quadelia
>+3 Nino (Fury Desperation)
Either one of these is fine.
A family is only a family when they are willing to rally together to support each other when needed.
Will never not be funny.
reddit spy here with redditor salt.
sorry, im too addicted to reading salt to not look
Wew lad.
Actually you're right about that, perhaps lorefags will win this one in the end, but safest bet for me seems fan service/tits. Its what makes the games more money a lot of times.
Goad Fliers is pretty good man
Eliwood has seen some shit.
Please go back there.
Who's supporting big sister here?
Eliwood looks like a gutter tier heroin addict
please give me a warding blow banner tonight IS
Wew Lloyd, you mean.
>I heard that Hector will be absorbed by Ike's dick
I'd be down if it was 3 Fatestrash if we got headless horseman Eldigan.
My ideal Haloween banner is
Eldigan: Headless Horseman
Sexy Witch or Vampire __Camilla__
Trick-or-Treater Magical Girl: either Nino, Amelia or Delthea
Vampire Hunter Hector as an armored bow user.
Then post what you WISH they would do
>Multipliers have fixed caps now. High (7.3 or whatever) in the first rounds, 4 in the second, 2 in the third. Multipliers cannot activate in the final hours of a round
As for a wish, even though they'd never do it I think it'd be cool if people who sided with the winner in a voting gauntlet get a free 4/5*
of that hero
I'm not a fan of mommyposting, but
Slaying Axe+
Fury 3
Windsweep 3
Atk Ploy 3
Speed +1 Seal
Bam. Green Tana: Noodle Arms edition.
Make sure she at least gets a Fortify Defense buff if not a Fortify Fliers buff.
Build her like how you'd build Titania.
>all those lyns
Thank you for saying that, I wish others would see it from that perspective as well.
>Hoshidan supporting filthy incestuous Nohrian scum
You're a fucking genious user.
desu they're not wrong. I've been saying the gauntlet has been poorly designed for a while.
I'd prefer it if Lyn won, but that's not going to stop me from shitposting and enjoying the fallout. I'll go into an autistic rage over something that matters