Will ETH ever rise above 50 again?
Will ETH ever rise above 50 again?
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It's going to the moon
>btc hardfork
>btc etf failure incoming on the 30th
Nigger, this shit will be at least 1k+ by the end of the year.
1.the vote on reducing the Block Reward is happening as we speak at carbonvote with 98% favoring an decrease of the reward. Due to this, the amount of ETH available per year will shrink and the price will go up due to reduced supply.
2. alphabay, the largest darknet marketplace is allowing payment with ETH on May 1st.
3. Bitcoin will be split into two other coins any time now, shrinking the trust into Bitcoin and bitcoin-related currencies.
4.Aragon and Augur were released, two highly awaited DAPPS
5. Etherium is backed by fucking Intel, microsoft, Santander, ING and more
now is probably the last time to get in.
>5. Etherium is backed by fucking Intel, microsoft, Santander, ING and more
And don't you forget it goyim!
To get to $100 Ethereum market capitalization would need to be at least 8.5Bi, so 85 Billion market cap would be hard for Ethereum since ALL the coins together has about 20-22 Billion now. But $150 is very likely.
85 Billion to $1k ETH.
>autism the post
easily achievable imo, people just focus on bitcoin and fail to zoom out and see the utility beyond "lelel decentralized digtal gold that makes u rich" that ether has to offer
If im in europe, what site should i use to transfer money so i can then buy me some ETH ? Thanks i nadvance
Please donate a small amount to a poor user that missed the ride to the moon
I think it's pretty hilarious that the only line of attack buttcoiners can muster is that Ethereum has industry backing and that's somehow a bad thing for it's potential growth. "It's part of the corrupt system MAAAAANNNN." Meanwhile if Bitcoin got that kind of attention it would be smug city.
The writing's on the wall boys. Bitcoin had it's reign. The level of Ether butthurt is directly proportional to it's threat. No one's getting uppity about Milo/PIVX/Monero or whatever the latest scam coin is, and for good reason.
I don't think anyone's saying the support it has from elite globalist corporations is bad for growth, lol. I'm not holding bitcoin.
It depends on whether someone (or people) decides to pump and dump it again.
BitPanda or AnycoinDirect will work
You don't make money investing your conscience.
no shit
I joined this board a year ago, got memed into putting 15k euros in various shitcoins.
Thanks a lot guys.
And yes ETH will go to 300 USD one day.
I mean, how else will the Chinese resell their cheap electricity to dumb westerners?
How autistic would it be to go around wearing ETH shirts?
ETH is dead
Extremely autistic and edgy
Não clica, anão, é vírÔs!
but why is everyone so sure it's going to fail?
>he thinks he has cash
>in reality it's a federal reserve note
Stay blue pilled
thanks !
this post made me buy more ethereum with 2.5 bitcoins
Germany here. I use gdax.com. Paid 3€ fees for 25 ethereum worth 1000€
you guys think there will be another dip to 20 - 30 $ anytime soon ?
>doesn't understand why dollars have value
Yes, and then to $10, $5 and $.50
thanks. Im from sweden. But im new to investing and your site was pretty damn confusing to me.
well looking at the chart it looks like a fucking bull trap right now
fellow germans, whats the best place to buy bitcoins via creditcard fast?
Bruk localbitcoins.
bitpanda or anycoindirect but I think there are limits without id (300-400 eur)
what do you want to buy bitcoins for?
>btc etf failure incoming on the 30th
BTC won't fail any time soon, stop spreading bullshit. It'll be around 1500$ and everyone will be crying that they didn't buy it when it was below 1k. The whole hardfork doesn't matter darknet is still going to use it heavily. It may drop a little and then it'll skyrocket. ETH will rise definitely rise too but not above 300$. Lisk is looking interesting too.
i like your post. basically because i own 5 bitcoins and 90 ethereums
Hur byter jag bitcoins jag köpt från den sidan till ETH ?
tack på förhand
whens the spoon coming?
transfer them to an exchange (kraken/poloniex) and convert.
Cool, thanks bro !
Seconding this question.
So where should I buy eth from?
Is kraken a good exchange?
Until 2k withdraw use Poloniex (i use it and it is bretty gud), now over that value i don't know, i still didn't withdrew anything close to that amount (it requires ID over 2k)
Screenshot this, do whatever you like with it.
ETH will pass $500 when Proof of Stake gets implemented. Whales are young to try to dump the price and buy off those that get weak hands.
>sees btc at 30-40% gain
>sees ethereum at 800% gain
>stays with BTC
Your decision makes no sense using your own criteria.
ITS goddamit is it so complicated? its not it's jesus fuck REEEEEE
The market needs money to come in. Mostly, it's just a mass of bots rigging the price and trading each other. As soon as someone buys into meme coins, their money is gobbled up by bots. The ponzi scheme continues.
Friendly reminder to sage and ignore eth threads
That includes all cryptos not named bitcoin they are all pump and dump scams
>>btc hardfork
not happening, bitcoin unlimited is bug infested trash, even if it happens due miners being kamikaze enough, market will go BTC quickly
>>btc etf failure incoming on the 30th
it quickly survived winklevii's, literally nobody cares
If these guys in pic are behind it and not behind bitcoin then it's obvious they want to overshadow bitcoin's market with it to the point where people will vote with their wallets rather than their muh user currency b.s. which public ethereum provides it's really the hybrid coin for banks and the public basically a new form of cash. So yeah 50 might just be the beginning and they're not even getting started on the full potential tech wise. Look how different the iphone 1 and the iphone 7 is and you'll see what the future has in store for ethereum. Once it catches on they'll run with it because it's the only bitcoin alternative (((they))) can actually endorse.
the dollar cycle is almost over, time to dump dollar for BTC
ETH is dead
get on the ETC train fuckers if you wan't real gainz
I think it'll do what BTC did before mooning and be dipping slowly for a while before shooting up past the $100 mark, but this time it'll be because of some new fuckup with buttcoins that will cause people to jump ship to the next best thing (which rn is either DASH or ETH, but I've only touched ETH so that's all I can speak for). The last BTC fuckup was that house bill that didn't go through, which raised ETH's price to be twice as much as before.
Bitcoin is digital gold where the real value will go. ETH can never have high value if it becomes the system's controlling machine.
Its also inflationary and it's a matter of time a new DAO tier disaster happens.
Good short term gains? yes. Long term moon tier gains? no way Tim.
Don't store your coins on an exchange, user. Don't want to get Mt. Goxed.
It expands the blockchain tech found in Bitcoin with more features that aid in transaction reliability. So it's basically a logical successor to BTC.
Dont forget about these (((guys))). They are all aboard the ethereum train as well.
want to say deloitte is the only one who has publicly admitted working with ethereum
the other 3 were part of a meeting with consensys which is still good
don't know if people get how big assurance is, big 4 has $125 billion in revenue
i think i may cash out all my dudeweedlmao stocks and dump it all in eth. im sick of these canadian faggots
>Notice ethereum has been fluctuating by .30 cents for the last couple hours or so
If I've got 100 coins and it goes up .30 cents, I've just made 30$. Do it all day every day and whats stopping me from making decent money?
Because that time that it drops by much more than .30 while you are holding it could destroy all of your gains and more in one blow. But you could try it
You can totally trust the big four, fellow gentile. It's not like they were involved in any scams