Be into cars

>be into cars
>get made fun of for driving an ecobox
>"haha user is such a fag, drives a shitbox"
>mfw they're all broke ricers in their 20s
>tfw saving tons of money on gas and being financially responsible
>tfw will be able to afford cool cars and be financially stable while these guys will park their riced out cars at the local mcdonalds for their 9-5

feels good guys. anyone else an ecobox fag?

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ecboxes are the comfiest because of no worries. if you get a manual and its a decent car its still fun too.

>will be able to afford cool cars and be financially stable
Will you, though?

For what you are paying a month for that Civic LX you could have just got a used Evo or WRX idiot.

This is why you're poor.

i remember thinking like this until i was about 25.

when i look back i realize all the money i wasted on cars it feels bad.

Ecoboxes are the best. Just drive a drive little 4 cylinder hatchback, who needs anything else?

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stupid people hate smart decisions that make them look stupid

Except you completely missed the point. What matters is the journey, not the destination.

the journey to living in an apartment in a ghetto for the rest of your life?

Just buy a Civic Si or a Golf GTI.
They're great to drive, but still nice enough that you wouldn't feel awkward giving your mother-in-law a ride.

I can enjoy my car because I don't have to pay for running costs or mods.

It isn't stupid to drive an ecobox for daily driving.

t. Accord with 4cyl

Weekend: C63 Coupe

0 taste in cars, Chong.

but exoboxes are boring. I understand the financial superiority, but they're just so boring

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2008 honda civic 4 door CNG fueled. Cheapest car ever to run. Also carpool stickers

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what a way to go out.

driver survived to compete a few years later, co-driver died instantly

I found the designated soy thread

wat lol

ive daily driven the same malaise era shitbox since highschool for the past three years, its everything i want in a car

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>not being able to afford a cool car and be financially responsible
sucks to suck

wow thanks for sharing.

>South Australia

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>no ac/ps
>everything i want

please send help

i pity you user. one day you'll realize that your poor broke friends had a blast in their rusty civics, running around, loving their cars, having fun, meanwhile you've spent this precious moment between childhood and adulthood on saving money on gas and being financially responsible

that being said, your friends are faggots, bashing someone else's car is bad. i used to drive complete and utter shitbox, 75hp, 1200kg, overcooked spaghetti suspension, and yet no one ever said a word when i took it to the local track couple times


I said that once, then got a gf and married, leaving me with an econobox as the practical choice forever
Get that fun shit while you're young and single

sounds like you are just a normie dude. no offense.

shes my one

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get separate fun car, miata can't be this expensive and yet maintaining it and taking for a ride/on a track once in a month will be fun as hell as long as you have slightest interest in cars. plus wrenching it in free time sounds like most stereotypical married man stuff, so no one will even complain. the only real problem with this idea might be lack of space to keep your fun car

its a nice boat fren i'm glad you are happy

I know this feel, but nobody tell me that because my friends aren't fags.

My 3rd car is also a Corvette so... :)

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thanks man, i like her alot

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My DD is pretty powerful and fun to drive, but still cheaper overall than your "ecobox" (even including the cost of maintenance), because it's 20 years old. I don't understand people who buy relatively new ecoboxes to "save money", you lose much more money on deprecation than you save on gas.

>missing out on driving the vehicles you like in your youth to save money

OP is the equivalent of a boomer that wanted a Challenger or 442 when he was young but instead drove a Pinto and then felt like he missed out so he bought a new corvette in his retirement only to be disappointed by it and too old to enjoy it.

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Better late then never

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Nice! That's a fuckload of a car, perfect for a first car. If you can drive that beast, then you can drive any car!

>being into cars
>choosing to drive an FF econobox instead of a MR or FR or FF fun car that gets same MPG
pick one

My daily til it dies and I actually like Honda's CVT.
I kinda stopped caring about racecars after getting a motorcycle.

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I bought a used 2004 S4 in 2006. I spent around 39k and i was 20 at the time. It is actually crazy how different people treat you when you are driving something that is expensive.
Granted 40k isnt that much now for a car but still it was a great time. Looking back i probably should have just bought a house seeing as how the housing crisis just happened and markets were at an all time low. I make around 160k a year and im still renting. Bay area sucks.

Yeah no I just can't see that. Fiesta, focus and Mazda 3 ARE fun to drive, practical and eco. I find these cool as well. Not to mention that I just have fun in other ways too. Yknow these are all possible at the same time, right?

Terrible advice. You're encouraging young people to make poor financial decisions instead of finding wives who encourage their automotive hobbies.

Your shit doesnt make any sense