How the FUCK did history cuck us out of getting a commie France?
They INVENTED socialism, communism, and anarchism
How the FUCK did history cuck us out of getting a commie France?
They INVENTED socialism, communism, and anarchism
Its seems like they know whats good for them
>Jewish german in the UK and british socialites
Communism predates Marx
>none of these systems are to be found in Israel
Really makes you think
Early Israel was very socialist
The Kubbitz are basically communist communities
Kubittz are basically worker cooperatives and are 10% of the Israeli economy.
>France decides to shit on the rest of the world by creating the shittiest, most destructive political ideologies of all time
>doesn't suffer any of the repercussions besides that one time a bunch of autistic communists burnt down half of Paris
The French are cancer
Soon. The protests in France look more and more like revolution each day that goes by.
The class war isn't over yet.
Diogenes wasn't the Ubermensch, Lenin was.
A good drug dealer never use their shits.
French """intellectuals""" don't have the balls to try out their ideas, regardless of the side of the ideological spectrum they are pissing about.
Fuck off.
t. eternally butthurt brit
And nationalistic...a national socialism.
>french subhumans didnt go and die by the millions in gulags
yes thats actually sad
Because the rulers of France (and most industrialized counties of the time) were scared shitless by communism, and preferred giving concessions to socialists, rather than let them grow into Revolutionary Communists. The tzars of Russia were either too out of touch to understand the risk, or too weak-willed to tell the aristocracy and the few rich Russians off whenever a reform was needed, so as soon as investors built factories there, it was only a matter of time before the Soviets were to come up as a fighting force.
That's what they said in 68
And if they keep having to say it at some point they're probably going to be right.
I feel like I've heard that somewhere before...
Communism is stateless, how can it have gulags?
If you want a reply just ask next time
The French like themselves too much to do something like that.
>Dieu le Roi
God I love the Poles
Nah it's just your imagination, Goy.
What would your reaction be if tomorrow there were reports of armed resistance and attempts at overthrowing the current French government by socialists?
The current French government is "socialist" tho
In what way?
Sorry, world.
Leftism was a mistake and is just a mental illness.
First of all
1/yea, fuck it
2/we're not a cancer, fuck off
You serious, idiot?
What protests? Some leftards shitting on ther leftards' decisions?
Fuck off, commie subhumans.
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French never try their idea first, they let other do the crash test then they use it.
Say that to all those edgy commies.
>socialism, communism, and anarchism
There's no reason for any of those when France had this guy.
>being a nation-state with socalist economy is the same thing as Nazism
I still can't get over the fact that the Reps, Anarchists and Socialists lost the Spanish Civil War. Read up on the anarcho-communes, absolutely mindblowing stuff.
If it wasn't for Stalin's "intervention" and "aid" for the communists they would have won. I'm certain of it.