Is there anything more iconic?

Is there anything more iconic?

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altezza/IS300 sparking the autistic clear rear light meme

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amerifats know wuz gud

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That's the worst


The question was "is it iconic," not "is it good."

bro nobody give a fuck about the impala lmao

I'm just saying, hated seeing those amber lights behind me

oh hey its uh, that one car from vice city all the haitians drive

skyline tail lights are absolutely god tier

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I will never forgive Toyota for that.

testarossa side duct things.

what is that?

tezzas are so fuckn ugly LMAO
only dumb fat islander chicks drive these

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late 50's Chevy Impala. 1958/1959

Is this the front of an SEC?

do a skid uleh

>its funny because sexism!
No. Go back to r9k you virgin.

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fuck off moron. You're telling me you wouldn't have a crossdressing trap hold your drinks?

Crown Vic police interceptor

They can only be fixed by not getting that ugly spoiler and getting proper rear lights.


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or just getting red tail light tint... Altezza lights came like that stock on Toyota Altezza's and Lexus IS300's

*blocks your path

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That's what I'm saying, I never was a fan of those rear lights, it's weird how much influence they had.

This would have been my guess.

and everyone has tried to copy them

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The halo?

i dont even like bmw much but this if fucking rad

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yes. BMW started it, and ive seen tons of other brands try and imitate it(a lot of wranglers), but they all just look like copies.

Absolutely. Everyone recognizes a wrx spoiler.

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Porsche taillights are pretty iconic

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historical even

The Voodoo.

do bricks count as iconic?

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>its another bogan episode
will be keying your shitheap if i ever see it on the road :)

or the subi scoop

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the what?
What the fuck is chevy lmao, never heard of it.
Skyline is the real shit tho

A fucking trabby is more iconic and world famous than your edgy boomermobile nobody has seen outside gta



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Lambo doors are really iconic, especially among normalfags and ricers.

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good thread

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Yeah RX7 tail lights are breddy gud too

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yes they're awesome

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Cop lights.

Came to /thread with this but somehow the thread still exists

Is there any wheel more iconic than Fuchs?

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euro here. why iconic?
is that a crown vic?

Escort wheels. Shame that they're now a weeb staple thanks to Jap appropriation and tofuboy.

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I'm not sure if you could really call a Corvette c6 iconic, but alright.

Nice beetles

Sexism is for everyone.

Every American who likes to drive knows the feel of your heart sinking when you look in the rear view mirror and see these headlights.


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get those aftermarket pieces of shit the fuck outta here user.. 2018 and people still cant google pssshhh

This, sequential taillights make me hard. I’m glad Ford made them standard

It looks so happy

Everyone recognizes the Beetle silhouette and all of its descendants instantly.

>he thinks that minilites and watanabes are the same thing

I think you mean Tatras.

Okay mate.

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did you just assume the gender of the fictional person to whom this advert was referring? you fucking pig.

wah! what are we gonna do on the twisties, user? vroom =3

nice cobalt

Yes, the superchargrd impala SS really is iconic

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I don't even know what I'm looking at lol

except skylines do no turn themselves off over a faulty ignition switch killing their drivers, unlike the cobalt

banned in england :(
i saw an suv of some sort that had a similar thing though

although i think mk4s are ugly i love their lights

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Altezza lights only look good on an Altezza.

What’s so special about a 6-cylinder impala?

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haters gonna hate, im not that ja dee eeen autist but yeah, they are.
fuck yeah briCCbois are beautiful
also torche BUGGBOI headlights and whole shape is spiritual for whatever the fuck reason
>inb4 kraut meme magic

unironically the japanese blatantly copied that shit but here's the problem - their cars are better proportioned and drive better

Why do they keep getting worse?

Can I have some of whatever you’re high on?

Not the car itself but the shape all cars should have mandatory long hood

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Lindsey Lohan ruined this tho

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this gets close

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oh wow we posted it at the same time

"brofist" fellow rotard

More reliable maybe. Before about 1985, Japanese cars were notorious for being slow, characterless and dull compared to the cars they were aping. They were like Korean cars are today.

its just love of cars and autism mixed together


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mustanks pretty iconic tail lights

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