>"All the gentlemen and officials esteemed it. All men in the realm followed this fashion to the extent that husbands and wives were estranged. Resentful unmarried women became jealous"
Were the ancient chinese really that gay?
>"All the gentlemen and officials esteemed it. All men in the realm followed this fashion to the extent that husbands and wives were estranged. Resentful unmarried women became jealous"
Were the ancient chinese really that gay?
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Faggotry is actually super common the world over. Especially outside the west, look up "top porn searches by country" and you'll see what I'm talking about.
It is especially common in countries with rampant pedophilia. No surprise there, and in the ancient world it was common for people to sexualize children.
>Resentful unmarried women became jealous"
>reading article about super big underground gay scene in Saudi Arabia because being with a woman that's not related to you is literally illegal
>close tab
>see this thread
None of that faggoty bullshit is true, though. Faggot.
Ritualized bisexuality, however, sometimes becomes a thing when there are zero dating opportunities (like Ancient Greece). At least the Greeks frowned upon anal sex as disgusting and unsanitary, relations between two guys the same age was a no-no, and if you'd suggested faggot marriage they'd have thrown you off the nearest cliff.
I recall a doujin about a trap who cucks a Chinese Official, and the Chinese Official responds in turn by fucking the trap gay. He then made the trap his concubine.
It was easily the best doujin ever.
Everyone from the Zulu to the Spartans to the Persians to the Samurai wanted someone to throw dat boypussy
The next step in evolution
Historically the Chinese viewed homosexual relationship in two ways.
1) A Sexual Fetish
2) An extreme upgrade of a same-sex friendship.
That said, there is really no such thing as "gay" or "straight" in premodern China given that those things are not only modern definitions, but modern western definitions. As far as Chinks are concerned, there's only two genders: male and female.
So guys with the inclination to fuck other guys in China still considered themselves manly men. Or you have cases where a guy whose been blazing through female prostitutes would one day try a boy out of curiosity.
In addition, even homosexual "couples" of the day viewed the relationship as a friendly one as opposed to a man & woman style marriage or betrothal. These men would still marry women, father children, out of filial piety & honoring tradition, but would still keep in touch with one another.
Homosexuality only gets criticized in premodern Chinkdom in the sense that having a sexual fetish outside vanilla sex is crticized my moralizing society.
Legalists back in the Warring States did call for homosexuality as punishable for death. Largely because, again, it was seen as sexual degeneracy. Orgies and sleeping with more than one woman at the same time were also punishable by death according to the legalists.
Bros before ho's.
>given that those things are not only modern definitions, but modern western definitions
I hate this meme.
But it is.
Did majority China and it's history spend time under judeo-christian morality that was harsh in it's opinion towards homosexuality, thereby influencing its notions of gender? Didn't think so.
>I am offended by the notion of a different culture having a different interpretation of a given notion.
Nah, I bet that guy is more like
>I am triggered by modern homosexuality that I paint incidences of homosexuality in a similar light despite the fact that nobody who was a man in Old China, even the homosexual ones, would ever associate with people who crossdress/consider themselves some speshul gender/act like women.
Is nobody going to say it?
almost everyone was that gay outside of abrahamic religion. they were also pretty gay inside of abrahamic religion too, just hiding out of fear of capital punishment.
With the exception of Semites pretty much all peoples have a documented history of male on male sexuality.
>With the exception of Semites
Arabs are hardcore closet homos.
>things don't exist until they're defined
>Be Chinese.
>There are two genders: male & female.
I think the Chinks defined it pretty well.
It was mostly pederasty. Every society, except Western Christianity, has endorsed it. That's why homosxuals hate Christianity so much but are ok with Islam, for example.
Wasnt the case in China. Pederasty involves Older Man & Protege relations. Chinese men who were into it just boned each other.
I will. Phil Ossiferz, you're a closet faggot.