/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

Previous: 0 quartz edition

>[Mega Pastebin]

>[News, Events & Campaigns]
Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones

>Half AP Cost Campaign
Enter the Treasure Vault
Period: August 31, 2017 (Thu) 7:00 ~ September 07, 2017 (Thu) 3:59 UTC
Duel with the Three Knights-Four Cavalries and Monster Hunting
Period: September 07, 2017 (Thu) 4:00 ~ September 14, 2017 (Thu) 3:59 UTC

>"1 Million Download Campaign"
Period: September 07, 2017 (Thu) 4:00 ~ September 21, 2017 (Thu) 3:59 UTC
Facebook Campaign for 10k likes & 2k shares (Completed)
- 18 Saint Quartz
- 4 Summon Tickets
- 3 Golden Fruits
- 10 Mana Prisms a day for the duration of the Campaign (up to 130)
Da Vinci-chan's purchasable items weren't added to the shop for the duration of the Campaign.
>"1 Million Download Pickup Summon"
Period: August 31, 2017 (Sat) 7:00 ~ September 14, 2017 (Thu) 3:59 UTC
5*s Sakata Kintoki - Limited, Altria Pendragon, Altera, Jeanne d'Arc, Vlad III and Zhuge Liang (El Melloi II)
4*s Altria Pendragon [Alter] and Saint Martha
3*s Robin Hood and Boudica
Check the scheduled Rate ups for the 5*s: webview.fate-go.us/2017/0831_1million_cp/

Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread

>[Miscellaneous stuff]
Master Mission: Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments
Rate ups in JP FGO: img.fireden.net/vg/image/1499/27/1499273270406.jpg
Friendlist: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo
Add yourself to the list: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform


Liz is shit.


Why are people afraid of Gawain?

Just rolled Alter, should I grail her or Herc?

He can spam NPs and kill your team very easily, but don't worry, if you have Euryale or Orion he becomes a cakewalk


fuck you

He is a Eurayale and Orion check, if you don't have either Orion or NP5 Eurayale the game just tells you to fuck off and stops you from progressing until you get them.

Please post Tamamo Cat

My wife Liz is the cutest!

People should be afraid of Mordred doing the exact same thing.

Alternatively, just have Jannu and do a 50 turn battle.

da Vinci's thighs are a gift to the world

Guess I'll be fine then. Just need to get a good book to read throughout the fight.

ETA of the North Korea bombing Japan singularity?


lets spam some images

you know, this hydrogen bomb really worrying

Why does she like carrots?

only in your head

yea right, its not like shes called ninjin cat

That's MY wife

Her voice is a curse

>hydrogen bomb

lol wut can a bomb full of air gonna do?




Wait, is this...?


>implying based red suns won't shoot'em down with their wacky machines

these sure are some chinkletters

he eats people during their bedtime hours

Why is she so evil?

Because the throne is fucking retarded.

Buster Gorilla

Is Arash's 3rd skill locked behind a later event?

>randomly pick and level up mata hari for quartz and bond
>has the cutest expressions and let's (you) do lewd things to her if you level up her bond
>1 star

Why are the best boys and girls only 1 or 2 star?

>best way to get AP is to keep yourself occupied and not think about the game

What do you guys do while waiting on AP?
I've been playing through Extra as a catalyst for Tamamo in Halloween.

Design a HGW for a tabletop game.
Koschei the Deathless and Baba Yaga have teamed up.

Still need to come up with a Lancer and Archer.

Practicing fighting games

Watch Zeta Gundam or play Dangan AE

>Design a HGW for a tabletop game.

You too?

What system?

How many quartz and tickets are you going to waste/already wasted?
I used up all my 5 tickets and 6 quartz but only got an Arthuria. Is there any chance they give the 1 mio. likes reward before this event ends or did they plan for shit again?
I don't care about any of the next rate ups.

Because they're the type who want to be friends with everyone for free! They're so kind unlike those SSR jerks

Half an hour late for Saber yesterday and she got alter'd. No more quartz left. I'm dying.

You know what you have to do.


Can you use multiple google accounts on one fgo account?

but that's not melty blood

Burn everything?

>Is a Fox
>Identifies as a Cat
>Sometimes barks like a Dog
>favourite food is Rabbit food

She is the wildcard, baby!

>user spooks Tamamo Cat with a cucumber

Chaldea was then destroyed. The end.

didn't have any luck on saturday. Is there in the future Saber only banner?

Should I LB my Dark Grail or is it better to have multiples like Kaleido?

Amusingly, it's Fate.


Newbie here, give friend codes please

Talk to the priest at the church uphill. He has the answers you need.

ToH somehow inturprets

>I grew up in the wild raised by fucking bears. I believe in survival of the fittest and human life isnt sacred


>Im evil because I dont care if humans die

Either way, Evil Cat is the most beautiful F/A girl. Semi is a close second.

>the servants that care about you the most are ignored for ones that don't just because they are stronger

Now I know how Mashu feels

why lol?

she's a literal whore user

There aren't any Saber only rate ups.

Mashu who? Was there a servant like that?

>got my Alter
>enough Quartz still saved up to roll for The Pirate Sluts when Okeanos hits

Life is good.

IIRC she's the generic servant they give you until you roll actual ones after the tutorial

Liz posters should never be allowed to make generals

>rolling for Shinji's rape victim #134

are there cuts of carnival phantasm out there that only include the fate parts?

Agreed man.

Liz is the heart of fgoalter or something like that

Fluffy Servant


Aren't there SSR servants that are tsundere towards (You)?

He could never do anything of the sort. He was just a little boy, if anything it's Drake who would have taken advantage of him.

Is Kintoki actually worth rolling? I played for a while and realize that sometimes 5* doesn't mean anything.

So we hate her because she reminds us of ourselves: retarded?

short term he's pretty good, long time he gets to be a lot more average when enemies get multiple health bars.

user, I said Pirate SLUTS. Notice the plural.

I want me some Anne and Mary. Especially Mary.

I guess Drake would be nice as well.

How far away are we from Nightingale?

I want my Nightingale.

He can BUSTER. And that's it really

nothing is worth rolling for if you're poor

If this was Fate world, would N. Korea get Counter Guardian hard?

Why did they have to pair the only loli rider with a tit cow.

He can explode bosses for a while until they get multiple health bars. Good for now but only decent later on.

gameplay, he aight, good in the early story but he's no herc.

character wise, he's GOLDEN and mama loves him

If you want to have an easier time in an already easy game for the next like 9 months, yeah.

Stop making me like Medb.

To be fair, Anne is really fucking hot for a titty monster.

Mary is perfect for me though. Aggressive small girls with oversized swords are top tier.



>only 200 quartz now
Should I continue? Free player here. I already have two 5* and most of the 4* but I am still missing Alter, and Kintoki, Jeanne and Vlad.

Herc is better both now and in the long term

Still rather good though

I hate how there's always new Liz thread at this hour of the day. You know it's just that one same retard who just wants to show off his waifu, I fucking hate it.
Please be faster next time guys before he does this.

yeah go for it my ftp brother

I would just keep saving for now, user. Unless you REALLY want Kintoki or Jannu right now.

>100k QP
Surely this is enough.

I'm ready for the 1/2 AP to switch to the green dailies now. Farming doors is boring.

>thread wars
nice try discordfaggot, Fuck off