Am I the only one who thinks that EV will NEVER be the futur of cars?

Am I the only one who thinks that EV will NEVER be the futur of cars?
Just consider this : my country (France), full with nuclear powerplant, already has some struggle for providing enough electricity during winter.
Therefore, if everyone had a EV, it would quickly lead to a giant shortage of electricity.

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they will make ev's the future, whether it's a good idea or not.

Environmentalists will introduce EV's at all costs

But you can't. Theres not enough energy for that. Even a city based on EV would be difficult to sustain : Imagine when every one is reloading their cars at the same time.

Actually, environmentalists aren't pushing EV's that hard, it's the government using the environment as a justification. The government knows that electric vehicles are much easier to control.

All other explanations are false.

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Just think about buying more fuel from Russia while the lights remain on.
That's the UKs fucking plan.

they'll just restrict individual transport in various way and force people to use public transport

>Actually, environmentalists aren't pushing EV's that hard
said nobody ever
find me an environmental activism or organization that doesn't vastly prefer EVs over any kind of anything that uses gas or diesel

>much easier to control
>you can buy a solar panel array and live entirely off grid with your car when previously you had to go to a gas station and pay gas tax

I'm french too and I totally agree with you OP. Even if less than 10% of the population switched to EV it would be the death of us. Electricity price (which is already high enough) would go through the roof and they couldn't build NPP fast enough to absorb the power drain, we'd have blackouts left and right.
Mind you, seeing what sort of BS this whore of Hidalgo is doing in Paris I wouldn't be surprised if one day we'd end up with the communist choice of either self driving EV or bus.
I'm staying the fuck away from Paris, Bordeaux and the like cause that's the great future we're heading to.

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Of course they like it, but the government took this movement and ran away with it. Actually, they governments probably let it grow for their benefit.

Did you miss the news on all the remote controlling, eavesdropping, location tracking, and all other concerns? If you make your own electric car, maybe. But all major manufacturers are bowing down to demands for autonomous driving and built-in spying for "our safety"

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except in all those cases the companies getting spied on were fucking PISSED and basically told the feds to go fuck themselves?

Google has a company policy boiling down to "fuck you, get a warrant" now

also, in what way are EVs unique in getting "spied on" compared to modern gas cars?

Well I'm glad some people are saying no. American car companies (e.g. via OnStar) gladly gave audio recordings of the drivers and put them to jail. Also, the major manufacturers are all going to be forced to implement autonomous driving in the future for safety reasons. It's just a matter of when.

Of course government spying is widespread in modern gas cars, but once the entire operation of the car is electric and controlled by the ECU/CPU, there will no longer be any limits on what information you can give.

>but once the entire operation of the car is electric and controlled by the ECU/CPU
except that's literally how gas cars work now too?
i mean you can use an aftermarket ECU but you can do that with EVs too, in fact a lot of the EV conversion builds have to use an aftermarket ecu

>once the entire operation of the car is electric and controlled by the ECU/CPU
So 15 years ago?

Its implied that in the future, when all cars steering, braking and powertrain is automated and computer controller, the cops will just wirelessly connect to the car (all cars will have an IP address for wirelessreading of fault codes and vehicle management etc) and make it drive to the police station, side of the road, off a cliff etc.

that sounds like a hell of a fucking court case waiting to happen
also relatively easy to defeat

Actually if everyone switched to electric cars power plants would be far more efficient as they can run closer to capacity overnight, when demand was typically low

Do you seriously think everyone is going to charge their car right as they make dinner and have a hot shower? Or when they go to sleep like when they charge their phones?

to be fair, they'll plug in when they get home, but the charging system can prioritize when to actually suck juice

How much power can a domestic power supply deliver?
3 kW? 7kW? Is the government going to build fast charging (120kW) infrastructure. I think people might not accpet multiple hour recharge time when its 3 minutes at most with a petrol car.

>and this has to do with the fuel source and not an autonomous control scheme because _____

It's much harder to make an "off the grid" electric vehicle than with a petrol vehicle

There is no going back. At least that's what I believe.

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Except demand is high in winter even at night.

"off the grid" as in freedom from outside control. Obviously it's harder to make your own gasoline than electricity.

>Did you miss the news on all the remote controlling, eavesdropping, location tracking, and all other concerns? If you make your own electric car, maybe. But all major manufacturers are bowing down to demands for autonomous driving and built-in spying for "our safety

None of those things are unique to evs

You still pay half for electricity, compared to Germany.

EV's will become the future when energy prices skyrocket. All EVs have city mpge around or above 100, and they are fairly reliable. Modern gasoline cars are barely able to give you 30mpg highway or 20mpg city, and all these fuel saving gimmicks are come at a cost of reduced reliability.

Since there's no bullshit emissions stuff you have to build for, homologating and getting your own self-built EV registered is basically piece-o-cake.

Bullshit. Building an EV from basic parts is easier than an ICE car, unless you're thinking of crate engines - then it's equal.

Motor control using a PLC is fucking piece of cake.

Doesn't matter, they'll get pushed through. Plastic bags got used to save trees, now they're being phased out because muh environment. iirc, some Danish environmental group figured out that plastic is actually better than cotton bags. But it doesn't matter, it's all about whatever you can get the dumb masses to think

Reusing the bag is superior to whatever else. Cotton bags are supposed to be reused.

Not in first world countries with stable weather and building codes that mandate insulation

>my country (France), full with nuclear powerplant
No. Stop believing bullshit.

>stable weather
That's like 2% of the earth's surface

>seeing what sort of BS this whore of Hidalgo is doing in Paris
She's doing God's work you retard. Putting the commuting scum out of the roads, and making them stick their goddamn diesel crossovers up their asses.

Hemp is going to be the next hype once people will get bored of electric cars.

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Yes she's absolutely right. People who chose to live 80km from their workplace so they can have their own big house and rely on car commuting should get fucked sideways with an axe. When the roads will be cleansed from their filth we may be able to enjoy them again.

??? 58 reactor. It's the second nuclear power behind the US.

>people that make their own choices should get fucked because I disagree with their decisions

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Nice dope fiend propaganda. That's the car made of soy.