Can we all agree that cholos are the shittiest and rudest drivers on the road?
Can we all agree that cholos are the shittiest and rudest drivers on the road?
Other urls found in this thread:
>more racist garbage
It's true though. Cholos are assholes and often terrible drivers.
It's actually rich kids whose parents buy them an infiniti or M2
Probably better at modifying cars than you ese
Try BMW.
Probably, but at least I can actually fucking drive.
I said M2 so neither of us are wrong
>defending spics
That's clearly a white kid in OP
>implying that this somehow invalidates the fact that what OP said is true
Nice ad-hominem maricon.
reported for /pol/ shitposting
Cholos cruise along at 30 on the interstate
I really don't give a fuck
They aren't a hazard unlike retarded fat ass white boys that frequent this board and roll their mothers shitboxes on backroads
Prove me wrong I dare you
They also read end you and high tail it out of there so that they don't have to get deported.
At least they don't plow into crowds of innocents
p. sure the cutlass is lhd
You have to go back
That's what Slavs do.
So it's a rhd converted vehicle in australia or UK then
Its known to never dip the drivers side
Veeky Forums, and Veeky Forums, were created before /pol/
Go back to YOUR containment board
>implying /pol/ is the only source of contempt for beaners
/lgbt/ too I guess
OP here. I didn't say Hispanics in general are shitty and rude drivers. I mean semi-literate cholo dickheads who drive lowriders or pick-up trucks. I was nearly sideswiped by this cholo in a pick-up yesterday and he had the nerve to give ME the finger. 2 years ago I was rear ended by a cholo in a lowrider and he drove off leaving me to pay for the hit and run since the cops never caught him and since my insurance sucks. So yeah. Nothing against Hispanics, but FUCK CHOLOS.
Wrong. Southern black women are the rudest
she looks like a gypsy from southern europe which is not a compliment
>being a nigger
>that face
I've seen less masculine trannys
>Can we all agree that cholos are the shittiest and rudest drivers on the road?
>>more racist garbage
>Confusing racism with reality
That inner-city Marxist public education of yours has paid off in Spades.
american black people are far and away the worst/rudest drivers on the road. i dont know how anyone could think otherwise.
Cholos are worse.
uh oh, phonsie! you caused a massive trigger!
lowrider guys are honestly the chillest people out of every car sect in my experience. They're always doing some charity thing and bring their whole family along.
If you're talking young beans in Civics, SN95s, and Z/Gs then I agree.
Its 2018 u cuck
they actually keep their cars clean , they put effort into them unlike ricers
Niggers and fresh off the boat asians are worse.
>He prefers porch monkeys who haven't worked a day in their life over people paying for his social security.
Yes we forgot your Yuropoors would rather cuck themselves and have Mohamed fuck their wife for them.
Soccer mums in 4wds that don't go off road are the worst drivers on the road.
Look at dem titties you low test fag.
What's the reality of owning a lowrider with hydraulics? How fucked do they get and how quickly as they bounce around? How do they afford those systems anyway?
no they're not. just because they stare at you at a light doesn't make them the rudest drivers, they're used to prison mentality where people always watch what other people are doing
They're not as bad as she niggers.
Mid 30ies to mid 40ies white women are...
>Because they are clueless and inattentive motorists
You ever see white men in their compensator pickups? Those are the worst by far.
but look at all that lumpy ass. its not "low-test" to find women who dont care for themselves unattractive
Having tits when you're fat isn't anything to flaunt.
Naw, niggers in their used fucking BMWs chimping on their horns, ignoring traffic signals, tail gaiting, talking on their phones, drifting out of their lanes, and slamming into shit are the worst by far.
The systems aren't that expensive, 1500 or thereabouts, usually only junkers are bounced/jumped to any degree since it fucks the frame so bad.
Really hydros are only put on show cars or old skool builds these days, the ride is VERY stiff and you basically can't go over 30. Airbags are the thing for street cars
You're not supposed to go 30mph on the interstate. That causes traffic, moron.
>Report submitted! This window will close in three seconds...
reported for announcing a report
Reported for announcing of a report for an announcing of a report
Why the fuck is announcing sages and reports again that rules anyway?
*agaisnt the rules
since your autistic ass will bother to correct me on that
They don't stare at you. They cut you off and give you the finger.
White men in BMWs are worse.