>No lowrider and tattoo covered, snap back wearing Filipino GF. Why live?
No lowrider and tattoo covered, snap back wearing Filipino GF. Why live?
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Im a crossposter from Veeky Forums
I have about 30 issues of a Japanese fashion magazine that follows that style
stop ruining our cars you fucking brown fuck
Post scans?
I'm 100 percent white.
Also most impalas would have just rusted away if it was't for low riding.
I only have one issue uploaded. Kinda Took a sabbatical from scanning
*Mini November 2015: drive.google.com
*Woffin' January 2015: drive.google.com
*Woofin' September 2016: drive.google.com
*Woofin' October 2016: drive.google.com
Woofin is kiiiinda close but I don't like it. Only put up the issues cuz it's unique
>I'm 100 percent white.
/pol/ storm incoming
Lowriders are the only thing interesting about these old shitboxes.
>snap back wearing Filipino GF
Why Filipino?????
they put out
>thanks for slapping on bondo and jamming chrome on with woodscrews
you would think that because you're fucking gay
>tattoo covered, snap back wearing filipno GF
sounds like the shitty extra tanned American-raised kind. Gross
Ok this one is pretty funny
Cool, white trash derby that destroys cars. Now that is homo. I guess you have to like cars to like lowriders.
Why is /pol/ all over Veeky Forums tonight? Has it just been this bad since the election?
/pol/ infested Veeky Forums before the election and it's just gotten worse as time goes on. It started to get bad in 2016 with that winter ball shit though.
Why is Veeky Forums so pozzed with sensitive faggots? Has it just been this bad since the election?
you don't want a snap back wearing tattooed filipino gf
t. KHV filipino
>hating niggers makes you /pol/
You can disuss cars on reddit instead
not all races are contact races you beaner mutt fuck
atleast they're fun to drive unlike your nigger rigged hydraulic nightmare
Looks like mongoloid tier shitjobs. Oh well, not everyone has taste or appreciation for quality. Some people also know how to have fun without looking like you fuck your sister while drunk but eh.
just when I thought there was nothing fun to do in a parking lot looking at conefags now I see this fucking brown-nigger pretending it's fun to toggle on and off a hydraulic cylinder for 5 minutes infront of a crowd of walmartians
Hyuk, hey Bubba!
I'm not op and I don't care about white. White people are usually annoying entitled faggots. I damn sure don't want no goddamn Filipino either.
>tacky paint, interior and rims
>hydraulic cylinders
defend this you fucking beans
it looks like fucking shit.
Defend wanting to look like a poorfag with no taste? No wonder your race is being bred to extinction. No culture, can't attract a mate lol.
All brown everything.
ԅ། – – །ᕗ
Kys. Lowriders is a Mexican thing I'm sick of all these other fag races trying to copy specially those guys in Japan that even try to dress like cholos
I'd rather be the dirtiest fucking hick mutt than drive something that looks like a t-ball participation trophy on wheels
K, then stop complaining about "ruining" cars since you're much more for ruining them than keeping them nice.
that's the thing is everything you post is garbage
Well where's the girl OP
Have you been to San Jose, user
Yeah, beautifully restored and well maintained cars are garbage. But the car Bubba pulled out from behind the house to wreck before scrapping is gold.
yeah but it's not restored
it's molested up, rides fucky and isn't fun to drive
it's a ruined car
just because the body panels are straight and have some nigger-foose paint on them doesn't mean it's restored and maintained
K, if that's what you want to believe. Keep killing cars while they keep them on the road.
This desu.
I'm currently working on a FD shell but building it up with non oem parts and probably not a rotary engine. You would believe the salt i get from purist for doing this to a dented all shell that probably should have been dumped
>implying the average spic can be trained to not smear his snot on the dash
you have terrible taste op and you need to end your life
Same to you, I'm still not op tho.
Theres only one spic making these threads and its def you.
At least spics have little tolerance for shit like pic related
I prefer Slav gf.