Why do people spend nearly $100k for a car over 20 years old the R34 when they can use that money to buy a new R35?
Why do people spend nearly $100k for a car over 20 years old the R34 when they can use that money to buy a new R35?
Why do people spend nearly $100k for a car over 20 years old the R34 when they can use that money to buy a new R35?
Nobody cares about the r35 anymore LMAO. It's huge, automatic and the interior is plastic
Why do people spend nearly $20k for a car over 100 years old the R35 when they can use that money to buy a new R34?
It's French. R34 is Japanese.
Why do people spend nearly $35k for a car over 34 years old the R100 when they can use that money to buy a new R20?
People are dumb
Why do people spend nearly $100k for a car over 10 years old the R35
Why do people spend nearly $1k for a car over 2000 years old the R32 when they can use that money to buy a new R35?
Why do $100k spend nearly 20 years old for a R34 the car when they can use that money to buy a new people
Who's selling an R34 for $100k? The ones I've seen are being sold for $50k-70k.
why spend anything more than $3000 on any sports car when a $3000 used POS 600cc/1000cc motorbike will blow them out the water anyway?
Because one is an example of Japanese design and engineering, and the other is designed by French and californians
wtf i love french cars now
>inb4 muhh renault tarbo madmans chariot
>inb4 muhh veee seex clio
>inb4 comfy af barges
>inb4 megane
Cause Renault doesn't care about the skyline and their only goal is to push out as many crossovers and sedans as possible
Why did the R35 cost around 70k new in 2009 and now it costs 100k new in 2018 despite very little improvements or advancements?
And no, inflation did not rise that fast in the last 10 years
Why does the R34 when R35 for 20 when you can the money?
Why people spend the nearly spend $100 when they spend a R34 one hundred thousand the money for a new R35?
Just bought an 02 M-Spec R34 for 93 thousand shipped to Canada. I could have had a nice R35 for the same price but those are a dime a dozen. I prefer the looks of the older Skylines and the sound of an RB26 is God Tier. As well as that, the R34s are going up in price all the time whereas the R35s are dropping in value continually.
It was a loss leader to garner hype
>dis $70,000 nii-san beats lambo!!!!
Thanks lads, I got a hearty kek from that.
Why do people spend $100k on a car when they can use that money to buy 20 shitboxes?
>$100k for an R34 GT-R
Where is your source on this.
OP sounds like an underage faggot who makes up numbers tbqh
oh god you again. Stop lying.
why do people spend money at all?
>auto only
Why would you spend anything on this?